Complete the following clauses by using phrases from columns — КиберПедия 

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Complete the following clauses by using phrases from columns

2017-10-16 725
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John Franklin, who was my contemporary at Oxford1, invited me to stay with his people at Markhampton for the Markshire Hunt Ball.2 He and his sister were getting up3 a small party for it, he said.

"I've never met your sister," I remarked. "What is she like?"

"She is a beauty," said John, seriously and simply. I thought at the time that it was an odd, old-fashioned phrase, but it turned out to be strictly and literally true. Deborah Franklin was beautiful in the grand, classic manner. She didn't look in the least like a film star or a model. She had never been a deb, 4 which was just as well, for she would have made the other debs look more than ordinarily silly. I suppose her vital statistics5 were in order, but looking at her you forgot about them. It was the sheer beauty of her face that took your breath away.

With looks6 like that, it would be asking too much to expect anything startling in the way of brains, and I found Deborah, though amiable, a trifle dull. She was of course well aware of her extraordinary good looks, and was perfect­ly prepared to discuss them, without conceit, just as a man seven feet high might talk about the advantages and incon­veniences of being tall.

Most of our party were old friends of the Franklins, who took Deborah for granted7 as a local phenomenon, but among them was a newcomer — a young man with a beard named Aubrey Melcombe, who had lately taken charge of the local museum. As soon as he set eyes on Deborah he said;

"We have never met before, but your face, of course, is perfectly familiar."

Deborah had evidently heard that one before. "I never give sittings to photographers," she said; "but people will snap me in the street. It's such a nuisance."

"Photographs!" said Aubrey. "I mean your portrait —
the one that was painted four hundred years ago. Has nobody
ever told you that you are the living image of the Warbeck

"I've never heard of the Warbeck Titian," said Deborah, which was rather letting the side down,9 for Warbeck Hall is near Markhampton and its pictures are famous, though of course only visitors go to see them.

"Truly," said Aubrey, 'T dwell among the Philistines.10 But you shall judge for yourself. Lord Warbeck is lending
the Titian to an exhibition in aid of the Cathedral Fund11
which we are organizing in the spring. I'll send you a ticket
for the opening."

Then he went off to dance with Rosamund Clegg, his
assistant at the museum. She had a face which didn’t dis­tract you for one moment from her vital statistics, and was
said to be his fiancée.

I did not care much for Aubrey, or for his young woman, but I had to admit that they knew their job when I came to the opening of the exhibition a few months later. They had gathered in treasures of every sort from all over the county and arranged them admirably. The jewel of the show was, of course, the great Titian. It had a wall to itself at the end of the room and I was looking at it when Deborah came in. The likeness was fantastic. Lord Warbeck had never had his paintings cleaned, so that Titian's flesh tints13 were gold­en and carmine, in vivid contrast to Deborah's pink and white. But that apart, the face behind the glass might have been her mirror image. By a happy chance she had chosen to wear a very plain black dress which matched up well to the portrait's somber garb.14 She stood there still and silent, staring at her centuries-old likeness. I wondered what she

A pressman's camera flashed and clicked. First one visi­tor and then another noticed the resemblance and presently %.the rest of the gallery was deserted. Everyone was crowding round the Titian to stare from the painted face to the real one and back again. The only clear space was round Deborah herself. People were maneuvering and jostling each other to get a good view of her profile, without losing sight of the Titian, which fortunately was in profile also. It must have been horribly embarrassing for" Deborah, one would have thought, but she never seemed to notice them. She went on peering into the picture, utterly absorbed, for what seemed a very long time. Then she turned round and walked) quickly out of the building. As she passed me I saw that she I was crying — a surprising display of emotion in one so calm. About ten minutes later Aubrey discovered-that a pair of Degas15 statuettes was missing from a stand opposite the Titian. They were small objects and very valuable. The police were sent for and there was a considerable fuss, but nothing was found. I left as soon as I could and went to the Franklins'. Deborah was in.

"Have you got the 'statuettes' I asked.
She took them out of her handbag.
"How did you guess?"

"It seemed to me that your reception In front of the Ti­tian was a put up show,"16 I explained. "It distracted atten­tion from everything else in the room while the theft took place."

"Yes," said Deborah, reflectively, "Aubrey arranged it very cleverly, didn't he? He thought of everything. He even helped me choose this dress to go with17 the one in the pic­ture, you know."

"And the press photographer? Had he been laid on too? 18

"Oh yes. Aubrey arranged for someone to be there to photograph me. He thought it would help to collect a crowd.

Not that 1 usually need 19 that sort of thing to make people

stop and look at me, of course."

Her coolness was astonishing. If her tone betrayed a hint
of bitterness at the failure of the scheme, there was not a
trace of remorse. The serene beauty of her face was as unruffled as ever. Even with the damning evidence of the statuettes in front of me I found it hard to believe that I was talk­ing to athief.

"It was a very cleverly concocted scheme altogether," I said. "You and Aubrey must have put a lot of work into it. I had no idea that you were such friends."

I had spoken somewhat harshly, and for once I seemed to have made some impression on her maddening calm. There was a flush on her cheeks as she replied:

"Oh yes, I've been seeing a good deal of him20 lately. Ever since the Hunt Ball, in fact."

After that there didn't seem to be much more to say. The picture was fairly complete in my mind, though why such a magnificent creature as Deborah should have fallen for21 a young pip-squeak22like Aubrey was something that puz­zled, and will continue to puzzle me.

"There's one thing I don't quite understand," I said fi­nally, "People were surrounding you andstaring at you’ up to the moment you left the gallery. How did-Aubrey manage to pass the statuettes to you without anyone seeing?"

This time there was no doubt that I hadroused her out
of her quiescence.23 She rounded on me in afury of surprise and indignation.

"Pass the statuettes to me?" she repeated. ''Good God! Are you suggesting that I helped Aubrey to steal them?"

She looked like an angry goddess, and was about as charming..

"But — but --" I stammered. "But if you didn't who did?"'

"Rosamund, of course. Aubrey gave them to her while all the shindy was going on in front of the Titian. She simply but them in her bag and walked out. I'd only just got them back from her when you came in."

"Rosamund!" It was my turn to be surprised. "Then the 'whole thing was a put-up job between them?"

"Yes. She made no bones24about it. They wanted to get married and hadn't any money, and she knew a dealer who would give a price for things like these with no questions asked and — and there you are."25

"Then how did you come into it?26»I asked. Deborah's face underwent a subtle change. For a moment I could see what she would look like when she was an old wom­an— still like a classical goddess, but a goddess aware of the follies of mankind and a little weary of them.

"Aubrey said that if I posed in front of the Titian it would
be wonderful publicity for the exhibition — and, of course,
I amfor it.27”She laughed mirthlessly. “I've only just remembered. When Aubrey wanted to make fun of me he used,
to say I'd make a wonderful cover girl.28 That’s just what I was — a cover girl for him and Rosamund." She stood up and picked up the statuettes.

These will have to go back to the gallery, I suppose," she said, "Can it be done without too much fuss? It's
silly of me, I know, but I'd rather they didn't prosecute

I made sympathetic noises. "It was Rosamund's idea in the first place," she went on. «I’m sure of that. Aubrey hasn't the wits to think of anything to clever."

"It was clever enough," I said. "But you saw through it at once. How was that?" Deborah smiled rather wryly.

"I'm not clever," she said. "But that old dark picture with the glass on it made a perfect mirror. Aubrey told me to stand in front of it, so I did. But I'm not interested in art, you know. I was looking at myself. And of course I couldn't help seeing what was happening just behind me..."


1. was my contemporary at Oxford – we were at college together

2. Markshire Hunt Ball – a ball given by the local Hunt (Hunt – an association of huntsmen, specifically those who hunt foxes with a pack of hounds)

3. to get up – to organize

4. deb – short for debutante – a young girl who makes a debut, especially in society

5. vital statistics – the phrase is used figuratively, meaning the main points, i. e. her figure, legs, complexion, etc., data concerning births, deaths, marriages.

6. Looks – appearance, beauty, i. g. He was proud of his wife’s looks. She is beginning to lose her looks.

7. took Deborah for granted – regarded her beauty as something natural, not to be surprised at

8. the Warbeck Titian – a picture by Titian, the great Venetian painter (1477 – 1576), belonging to Warbeck Hall

9. letting the side down – here: showing disparagement for a collection of pictures in one’s own neighborhood supposed to be famous; to let down – to humiliate, to lower; comp. to let one down gently – to avoid hurting one’s feelings, pride, etc.

10. I dwell among the Philistines – I live among uncultured people

11. in aid of the Cathedral Fund – to help collect money either for the building or for the repairing of the cathedral, the chief church of the district

12. I did not care much for – I didn’t like much

13. flesh tints – shades of colors used to paint flesh

14. Somber garb – dark clothes (Russ. темное одеяние).

15. Degas – a famous French impressionist painter (1834 – 1917).

16. a put-up show – a performance given to make a false impression, to deceive people (comp. a put-up job – a swindle)

17. to go with – to match, e. g. Your gloves and bag go well with the overcoat.

18. Had he been laid on too? (colloq.) – Had he been also brought with a special purpose?

19. Not that I usually need… - I can’t say that I need… (Russ. не то чтобы…)

20. I’ve been seeing a good deal of him – I’ve often met him (comp. to see much, little of somebody, e. g. They are close friends and see much of each other).

21. to fall for (colloq.) – to fall in love with, e. g. He was a handsome fellow and she fell for him at once.

22. pip-squeak – a nonentity, a contemptible person.

23. roused her out of her quiescence – stirred her up into activity

24. To make no bones – to make no attempt to conceal, deny e. g. She made no bones of her intention to break off the engagement.

25. And there you are – Russ. вот и все, и дело сделано, и цель достигнута.

26. How did you come into it? – What was the part you were to play?

27. I fell for it – I allowed myself to be deceived (fell into the trap), e. g. She was promised a rise if she cooperated, and she fell for it.

28. Cover girl – a pretty girl, a beauty who appears on magazine covers; a person used to cover up one’s tracks, to hide one’s actions (Russ. – для отвода глаз).

29. I’d rather they didn’t prosecute Aubrey – I’d prefer they didn’t take an action against Aubrey (I wouldn’t like them to…); to prosecute – to start legal proceedings (against), specifically said of a criminal suit; prosecution – the act of prosecuting; the person who prosecutes with his legal advisers for the prosecution.


I. Practice the pronunciation of the following words and phrases:

Ordinarily, amiable, phenomenon, nuisance, Philistines, Titian, Cathedral, admirably, Deborah, somber, maneuver, statuette, photographer, remorse, serene, quiescence, subtle, weary, mirthlessly, sympathetic, wryly.

II. Drills:

a) Read and repeat, b) Use the structures in sentences of your own.

1. What is she like? She is a beauty.
What is he like? — He is a genius.
What is she like? — She' is a scheming woman.
What is he like? — He is a scoundrel.

2. She was well aware of her good looks.
He was well aware of the danger.

They were well aware of the risk they were taking. He was well aware of the possible consequences.

3. She was perfectly prepared to discuss her good looks.
He was perfectly prepared to admit his mistake.

She was perfectly prepared to acknowledge his superiority.

They were perfectly prepared to enter into negotiations.

4. Most of the party was old friends.

Most of the neighbors never visited the picture gallery. Most of the visitors crowded round the-Titian.


a) Read the model dialogue.

A.: What about inviting Mary to stay with my people in August?

B.: I'd rather you didn't. A.: Why not? В.: She is so dull,

b) Fill in the gap in the dialogue frame with words and
phrases from column (1).

A.: What about inviting X.-to stay with my people in summer?

В: I'd rather you didn't.

A.: Why not?

В.: He (she)...

(1) is so: touchy, moody, conceited, spiteful, and silly

(2) is always talking about: himself, herself, her children

(3) is such a: bore, nuisance

(4) is very poor company, hasn’t the wits to be good company, will make herself (himself) a nuisance

Enter Aubrey Melcombe.

newcomer, beard, to take charge (of), to set eyes (on), perfectly familiar,- evidently, to give sittings to, to snap, such, nuisance, portrait, the living image (of), never heard of, to dwell among, to judge for oneself, to lend (to), ticket, for the opening, assistant, to distract (from)..., fiancée

Aubrey knows his job.

not to care much for, to admit, the opening (of), to gather in, to arrange admirably, the jewel of the show, to have a wall to itself, likeness, fantastic, mirror image, by a happy chance, plain, to match up well (to), to wonder, camera, to flash, to click, to crowd around, to stare (from.:. to), to get a good view (of), without losing sight, (of), terribly, embarrassed, to peer into the picture, utterly absorbed, to walk out, display of emotion, to discover, to be missing (from), a stand opposite, valuable, to be sent for, considerable fuss

4. John's friend gets a t the truth.

To be in, to guess', a put-up show, to distract attention (from), theft, reflectively, to arrange cleverly, to choose to go with, photographer, not that I need, coolness, astonishing hint of bitterness, trace of remorse, concocted scheme harshly' to see much of, fairly complete; to fall for, to puzzle, to rouse one (out of), to suggest, angry goddess, it was my turn to' make no bones (about), dealer, to undergo a subtle change follies, weary of, wonderful publicity, mirthlessly cover girl, without much fuss, silly (of), to prosecute, hasn't the wits, to see through smth., wryly, perfect mirror, couldn't help

X. Translate the following word combinations into Russian-
use them, in sentences of your own.

Fair — a fair face fair hair, a fair judge, fair play, a fair price, a fair trial, a fair mark, a fair decision, a fair codv a fair share (of), a fair chance (of), fair complexion, fair weath­er (wind), fair words, the fair sex.

Miss, missing— a statuette was missing, to miss the train, the missing link, the gun missed fire, to miss л friend to miss the target, to miss one's,to miss the first act, a list of the missing, to miss the point

bitterness bitter-a hint of bitterness, a sense of bitter,
ness, the bitter truth-, bitter fate, bitter tears, a bitter enemy
bitter cold, bitter disappointment, a bitter struggle, a bitter
quarrel, bitter words a bitter cup, a bitter pill to swallow
a bitter experience, to the bitter end

XI. Translate the following sentences according to the models:'
Model 1: to have one's paintings cleaned

1. Вам следовало бы вчера натереть пол

2. Когда вы собираетесь ремонтировать квартиру?

3. Забор, должно быть, только что покрасили. Осторожнее!

4. Мне бы хотелось переделать пальто; Оно старомодное.


John Franklin, who was my contemporary at Oxford1, invited me to stay with his people at Markhampton for the Markshire Hunt Ball.2 He and his sister were getting up3 a small party for it, he said.

"I've never met your sister," I remarked. "What is she like?"

"She is a beauty," said John, seriously and simply. I thought at the time that it was an odd, old-fashioned phrase, but it turned out to be strictly and literally true. Deborah Franklin was beautiful in the grand, classic manner. She didn't look in the least like a film star or a model. She had never been a deb, 4 which was just as well, for she would have made the other debs look more than ordinarily silly. I suppose her vital statistics5 were in order, but looking at her you forgot about them. It was the sheer beauty of her face that took your breath away.

With looks6 like that, it would be asking too much to expect anything startling in the way of brains, and I found Deborah, though amiable, a trifle dull. She was of course well aware of her extraordinary good looks, and was perfect­ly prepared to discuss them, without conceit, just as a man seven feet high might talk about the advantages and incon­veniences of being tall.

Most of our party were old friends of the Franklins, who took Deborah for granted7 as a local phenomenon, but among them was a newcomer — a young man with a beard named Aubrey Melcombe, who had lately taken charge of the local museum. As soon as he set eyes on Deborah he said;

"We have never met before, but your face, of course, is perfectly familiar."

Deborah had evidently heard that one before. "I never give sittings to photographers," she said; "but people will snap me in the street. It's such a nuisance."

"Photographs!" said Aubrey. "I mean your portrait —
the one that was painted four hundred years ago. Has nobody
ever told you that you are the living image of the Warbeck

"I've never heard of the Warbeck Titian," said Deborah, which was rather letting the side down,9 for Warbeck Hall is near Markhampton and its pictures are famous, though of course only visitors go to see them.

"Truly," said Aubrey, 'T dwell among the Philistines.10 But you shall judge for yourself. Lord Warbeck is lending
the Titian to an exhibition in aid of the Cathedral Fund11
which we are organizing in the spring. I'll send you a ticket
for the opening."

Then he went off to dance with Rosamund Clegg, his
assistant at the museum. She had a face which didn’t dis­tract you for one moment from her vital statistics, and was
said to be his fiancée.

I did not care much for Aubrey, or for his young woman, but I had to admit that they knew their job when I came to the opening of the exhibition a few months later. They had gathered in treasures of every sort from all over the county and arranged them admirably. The jewel of the show was, of course, the great Titian. It had a wall to itself at the end of the room and I was looking at it when Deborah came in. The likeness was fantastic. Lord Warbeck had never had his paintings cleaned, so that Titian's flesh tints13 were gold­en and carmine, in vivid contrast to Deborah's pink and white. But that apart, the face behind the glass might have been her mirror image. By a happy chance she had chosen to wear a very plain black dress which matched up well to the portrait's somber garb.14 She stood there still and silent, staring at her centuries-old likeness. I wondered what she

A pressman's camera flashed and clicked. First one visi­tor and then another noticed the resemblance and presently %.the rest of the gallery was deserted. Everyone was crowding round the Titian to stare from the painted face to the real one and back again. The only clear space was round Deborah herself. People were maneuvering and jostling each other to get a good view of her profile, without losing sight of the Titian, which fortunately was in profile also. It must have been horribly embarrassing for" Deborah, one would have thought, but she never seemed to notice them. She went on peering into the picture, utterly absorbed, for what seemed a very long time. Then she turned round and walked) quickly out of the building. As she passed me I saw that she I was crying — a surprising display of emotion in one so calm. About ten minutes later Aubrey discovered-that a pair of Degas15 statuettes was missing from a stand opposite the Titian. They were small objects and very valuable. The police were sent for and there was a considerable fuss, but nothing was found. I left as soon as I could and went to the Franklins'. Deborah was in.

"Have you got the 'statuettes' I asked.
She took them out of her handbag.
"How did you guess?"

"It seemed to me that your reception In front of the Ti­tian was a put up show,"16 I explained. "It distracted atten­tion from everything else in the room while the theft took place."

"Yes," said Deborah, reflectively, "Aubrey arranged it very cleverly, didn't he? He thought of everything. He even helped me choose this dress to go with17 the one in the pic­ture, you know."

"And the press photographer? Had he been laid on too? 18

"Oh yes. Aubrey arranged for someone to be there to photograph me. He thought it would help to collect a crowd.

Not that 1 usually need 19 that sort of thing to make people

stop and look at me, of course."

Her coolness was astonishing. If her tone betrayed a hint
of bitterness at the failure of the scheme, there was not a
trace of remorse. The serene beauty of her face was as unruffled as ever. Even with the damning evidence of the statuettes in front of me I found it hard to believe that I was talk­ing to athief.

"It was a very cleverly concocted scheme altogether," I said. "You and Aubrey must have put a lot of work into it. I had no idea that you were such friends."

I had spoken somewhat harshly, and for once I seemed to have made some impression on her maddening calm. There was a flush on her cheeks as she replied:

"Oh yes, I've been seeing a good deal of him20 lately. Ever since the Hunt Ball, in fact."

After that there didn't seem to be much more to say. The picture was fairly complete in my mind, though why such a magnificent creature as Deborah should have fallen for21 a young pip-squeak22like Aubrey was something that puz­zled, and will continue to puzzle me.

"There's one thing I don't quite understand," I said fi­nally, "People were surrounding you andstaring at you’ up to the moment you left the gallery. How did-Aubrey manage to pass the statuettes to you without anyone seeing?"

This time there was no doubt that I hadroused her out
of her quiescence.23 She rounded on me in afury of surprise and indignation.

"Pass the statuettes to me?" she repeated. ''Good God! Are you suggesting that I helped Aubrey to steal them?"

She looked like an angry goddess, and was about as charming..

"But — but --" I stammered. "But if you didn't who did?"'

"Rosamund, of course. Aubrey gave them to her while all the shindy was going on in front of the Titian. She simply but them in her bag and walked out. I'd only just got them back from her when you came in."

"Rosamund!" It was my turn to be surprised. "Then the 'whole thing was a put-up job between them?"

"Yes. She made no bones24about it. They wanted to get married and hadn't any money, and she knew a dealer who would give a price for things like these with no questions asked and — and there you are."25

"Then how did you come into it?26»I asked. Deborah's face underwent a subtle change. For a moment I could see what she would look like when she was an old wom­an— still like a classical goddess, but a goddess aware of the follies of mankind and a little weary of them.

"Aubrey said that if I posed in front of the Titian it would
be wonderful publicity for the exhibition — and, of course,
I amfor it.27”She laughed mirthlessly. “I've only just remembered. When Aubrey wanted to make fun of me he used,
to say I'd make a wonderful cover girl.28 That’s just what I was — a cover girl for him and Rosamund." She stood up and picked up the statuettes.

These will have to go back to the gallery, I suppose," she said, "Can it be done without too much fuss? It's
silly of me, I know, but I'd rather they didn't prosecute

I made sympathetic noises. "It was Rosamund's idea in the first place," she went on. «I’m sure of that. Aubrey hasn't the wits to think of anything to clever."

"It was clever enough," I said. "But you saw through it at once. How was that?" Deborah smiled rather wryly.

"I'm not clever," she said. "But that old dark picture with the glass on it made a perfect mirror. Aubrey told me to stand in front of it, so I did. But I'm not interested in art, you know. I was looking at myself. And of course I couldn't help seeing what was happening just behind me..."


1. was my contemporary at Oxford – we were at college together

2. Markshire Hunt Ball – a ball given by the local Hunt (Hunt – an association of huntsmen, specifically those who hunt foxes with a pack of hounds)

3. to get up – to organize

4. deb – short for debutante – a young girl who makes a debut, especially in society

5. vital statistics – the phrase is used figuratively, meaning the main points, i. e. her figure, legs, complexion, etc., data concerning births, deaths, marriages.

6. Looks – appearance, beauty, i. g. He was proud of his wife’s looks. She is beginning to lose her looks.

7. took Deborah for granted – regarded her beauty as something natural, not to be surprised at

8. the Warbeck Titian – a picture by Titian, the great Venetian painter (1477 – 1576), belonging to Warbeck Hall

9. letting the side down – here: showing disparagement for a collection of pictures in one’s own neighborhood supposed to be famous; to let down – to humiliate, to lower; comp. to let one down gently – to avoid hurting one’s feelings, pride, etc.

10. I dwell among the Philistines – I live among uncultured people

11. in aid of the Cathedral Fund – to help collect money either for the building or for the repairing of the cathedral, the chief church of the district

12. I did not care much for – I didn’t like much

13. flesh tints – shades of colors used to paint flesh

14. Somber garb – dark clothes (Russ. темное одеяние).

15. Degas – a famous French impressionist painter (1834 – 1917).

16. a put-up show – a performance given to make a false impression, to deceive people (comp. a put-up job – a swindle)

17. to go with – to match, e. g. Your gloves and bag go well with the overcoat.

18. Had he been laid on too? (colloq.) – Had he been also brought with a special purpose?

19. Not that I usually need… - I can’t say that I need… (Russ. не то чтобы…)

20. I’ve been seeing a good deal of him – I’ve often met him (comp. to see much, little of somebody, e. g. They are close friends and see much of each other).

21. to fall for (colloq.) – to fall in love with, e. g. He was a handsome fellow and she fell for him at once.

22. pip-squeak – a nonentity, a contemptible person.

23. roused her out of her quiescence – stirred her up into activity

24. To make no bones – to make no attempt to conceal, deny e. g. She made no bones of her intention to break off the engagement.

25. And there you are – Russ. вот и все, и дело сделано, и цель достигнута.

26. How did you come into it? – What was the part you were to play?

27. I fell for it – I allowed myself to be deceived (fell into the trap), e. g. She was promised a rise if she cooperated, and she fell for it.

28. Cover girl – a pretty girl, a beauty who appears on magazine covers; a person used to cover up one’s tracks, to hide one’s actions (Russ. – для отвода глаз).

29. I’d rather they didn’t prosecute Aubrey – I’d prefer they didn’t take an action against Aubrey (I wouldn’t like them to…); to prosecute – to start legal proceedings (against), specifically said of a criminal suit; prosecution – the act of prosecuting; the person who prosecutes with his legal advisers for the prosecution.


I. Practice the pronunciation of the following words and phrases:

Ordinarily, amiable, phenomenon, nuisance, Philistines, Titian, Cathedral, admirably, Deborah, somber, maneuver, statuette, photographer, remorse, serene, quiescence, subtle, weary, mirthlessly, sympathetic, wryly.

II. Drills:

a) Read and repeat, b) Use the structures in sentences of your own.

1. What is she like? She is a beauty.
What is he like? — He is a genius.
What is she like? — She' is a scheming woman.
What is he like? — He is a scoundrel.

2. She was well aware of her good looks.
He was well aware of the danger.

They were well aware of the risk they were taking. He was well aware of the possible consequences.

3. She was perfectly prepared to discuss her good looks.
He was perfectly prepared to admit his mistake.

She was perfectly prepared to acknowledge his superiority.

They were perfectly prepared to enter into negotiations.

4. Most of the party was old friends.

Most of the neighbors never visited the picture gallery. Most of the visitors crowded round the-Titian.


a) Read the model dialogue.

A.: What about inviting Mary to stay with my people in August?

B.: I'd rather you didn't. A.: Why not? В.: She is so dull,

b) Fill in the gap in the dialogue frame with words and
phrases from column (1).

A.: What about inviting X.-to stay with my people in summer?

В: I'd rather you didn't.

A.: Why not?

В.: He (she)...

(1) is so: touchy, moody, conceited, spiteful, and silly

(2) is always talking about: himself, herself, her children

(3) is such a: bore, nuisance

(4) is very poor company, hasn’t the wits to be good company, will make herself (himself) a nuisance

Complete the following clauses by using phrases from columns

It’s a good thing he didn’t… (1) for he (she) would have… (2)

(1) buy: the coat, the suit, the car

(2) spent more money than he can afford; made a nuisance of herself been disappointed; been unable to find another one, a better one;

(3) go: hunting, hiking

(4) been caught in the storm

(5) quit his job: regretted it

(6) employ this typist: met his former wife there; spoiled all the fun

(7) dismiss his: secretary, cook (maid)

(8) invite Ann (Dick)

(9) go to the exhibition

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