Match the parts of the following sentences according to the text. — КиберПедия 

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Match the parts of the following sentences according to the text.

2017-10-07 370
Match the parts of the following sentences according to the text. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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1.It covers all the three branches of 2.Public administration is 3.On the nature of public administration 4.The word administration itself is 5.The Integral view is 6.Negro said 7.The Business Unit Heads and their teams 8.Only the executive aspect of government functioning 9.Woodrow Wilson public administration is 10. Marx defines administration a) there have been two popular views. b) can be the public administrators. c) government machinery, the executive, the legislative and the judicial. d) as the systematic ordering of affairs and the calculated use of resources. e) a detailed and systematic application of law. f) carried out in public interest. g) highly contextual. h) comprises public administration. i) that public administration is different from private administration in numerous ways. j) all encompassing and consists of sum total of all managerial, clerical, technical and manual activities and employees form all levels.

Read the text and translate the words or word-combinations in the blanks from Russian into English. Retell the text.

When people think about government they think of (выборные должностные лица). However, little is known of those who make governing possible. Much of the policy-making activities of public administration (осуществляется) in large specialised governmental agencies. Some of them are mostly involved with (выработка политики), for example, the Parliament or Congress. However, (чтобыосуществитьсвоирешения), public administration must also have numerous profit and (некоммерческие организации), banks, hospitals, district and city governments. In general, public administration is a complex political process involving (авторитетное применение законной политики). Whether close to the centres of power or at the street level in local agencies, public administrators are (политиками).

Public administration is not as showy as other kinds of politics. Much of its work is quiet, (некрупная по масштабу), and specialized. Part of the administrative process (даже хранится в секрете). The anonymity of much public administration (вызывает опасения)that government policies are made by people who are (не подотчетны) to citizens. Many fear that these so-called (безликие бюрократы) subvert the intensions of elected officials. Others see administrators as mere cogs in the machinery of government.

But whether in the negative or positive sense, public administration is policy making. They are the translators and tailors of government. If (избранные должностные лица) are visible to the public, public administrators are the anonymous specialists. But without their knowledge, (старания), and creativity, government would be ineffective and inefficient.


11. a) Read about the Role and Importanceof Public Administration. Fill in the prepositions where necessary. Would you add anything to the list?

In today’s modern state and in developing countries functions and role of Public Administration is very important. The role and importance of Public Administration are as follows.

1. It is the basis of government.

2. It is the instrument of change in the society.

3. It plays vital role in the life of the people.

4. It is an instrument for executing laws, policies, programmes of the state.

5. It is a stabilizing force in the society as it provides continuity.

6. It is instrument of national integration in the developing countries which are facing class wars.

It is the basis of Government

It is possible _ a state to exist without a legislature or judiciary; but not even the most backward state can do _ administrative machinery....The modern welfare state is expected _ provide more and more services and amenities _ the people. Public Administration is the machinery used _ the state to place itself in a position to make plans and programmes that can be carried _.

It is the instrument of change in the society

- Public Administration is regarded _ an instrument of change and is expected to accelerate the process of development… The burden _ carrying out these social changes in a planned and orderly way rests upon the Public Administration of the country...

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