Comment on the following statements. Use the expressions in the table below. Work in pairs. — КиберПедия 

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Comment on the following statements. Use the expressions in the table below. Work in pairs.

2017-10-07 532
Comment on the following statements. Use the expressions in the table below. Work in pairs. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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1. “Every advantage has its tax.”- Ralph Waldo Emerson,

2. “I like to pay taxes. With them, I buy civilization.”― Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.

3. “Taxation is, in fact, the most difficult function of government…”- Thomas Jefferson

4. “Taxation without representation is tyranny.”- James Oti s

5. “As to Taxes, they are evidently inseparable from Government. It is impossible without them to pay the debts of the nation, to protect it from foreign danger, or to secure individuals from lawless violence and rapine.”- Alexander Hamilton.

1. Topical Vocabulary

a) Study the vocabulary list. Use the words and phrases in the sentences of your own.

1. bring forth – порождать, вызывать

2. cost-effective (adj) – экономически эффективный

cost-effective manner – экономически эффективным образом

3. cost of capital – стоимость капитала

4. crowd out (v) – вытеснять, замещать

crowding out – крупные государственные займы, ограничивающие развитие частного капитала

5. economic equilibrium – экономическое равновесие

6. excludable (adj) – подлежащий исключению

excludable goods/services – товары потребляемые за плату и недоступные тем, кто не может за них заплатить.

exempt from federal taxes – освобождать от федеральных налогов

7. excess (n) – избыток, превышение

syn. surpluse

8. expansion (n) – рост, подъем, расширение

expansionary fiscal policy – стимулирующая налоговая политика

9. free-rider (n) – безбилетник, фрирайдер

free-rider problem – проблема безбилетника/фрирайдера, когда потребитель не оплачивает товары или услуги и пользуется ими.

10. GDP (Gross Domestic Product) - валовой внутренний продукт

11. implication – значение

syn. meaning, sense, significance,

12. impose (v) – облагать (налогом), накладывать (штраф)

imposition (n) – обложение, налог

13. incur (v) – подвергать(ся)

incur a debt – влезать в долги

14. levy [levɪ] (v) – взимать, облагать (налогом)

levy a tax on – облагать кого-либо или что-либо налогом

syn. impose

levy (n) – сбор, взнос

15. losses (n) – потери, убытки, издержки

syn. costs, expenses, spending

deadweight loss – безвозвратные потери, чистые издержки

16. likewise (adv)– также, аналогично

17. multiplier effect – эффект мультипликации, приумножения

18. net (adj)–чистый, конечный, без вычетов, нетто

net benefit – чистая прибыль

19. proceeds (n) – доходы, выручка

proceeds of the tax – доходы от налога

20. offset (v) – компенсировать, сводить баланс

offsetting - компенсация

21. occurrence [ə´kʌrəns] (n) – случай, инцидент, происшествие

22. propensity [prə´pensɪtɪ] (n) – склонность, пристрастие

23. receipts [rɪ´siːts] (n) – выручка, денежные поступления

syn. proceeds, earnings

24. remediate(v) – исправлять, восстанавливать

25. rival (v) - конкурировать

rival (n) – конкурент,

rival goods/services – товары и услуги, которыми может пользоваться в данный момент времени только один потребитель.

26. saddle (v) – обременять, перекладывать ношу на чужие плечи

syn. charge, burden, load

27. shift (n) – изменение, сдвиг

to shift the equilibrium – сдвигать равновесие

28. subsidy (n) – дотация, субсидия

29. surplus (n) – избыток, излишек

syn. excess

30. tax rate – налоговая ставка

average tax rate – средняя налоговая ставка

marginal tax rate – предельная налоговая ставка

total taxes – общая сумма налогов

total taxable income – общий налогооблагаемый доход

progressive taxes – прогрессивное налогообложение, подоходный налог

regressive taxes – регрессивное налогообложение (уменьшение ставки налога по мере роста дохода)

proportional taxes – пропорциональное налогообложение (плоская шкала)

tax burden – налоговое бремя

tax cut – сокращение налогов

31. withhold (v) – удерживать, утаивать

syn. keep, hold

withholding tax – удерживаемый налог

b) Fill in the gaps using the words, word combinations from the Topical Vocabulary and their derivatives.

1. A ______ is the percentage at which an individual or corporation is taxed.

2. The composite total of all taxes that is owed by a taxpayer for the year is ______

3. A _________ is a tax that takes a larger percentage from high-income earners than it does from low-income individuals.

4. A __________ is a tax that takes a larger percentage of income from low-income earners than from high-income earners.

5. A __________ is an income tax system where the same percentage of tax is levied from all taxpayers, regardless of their income.

6. A __________ is a reduction in taxes.

7. The proposed series of measures would increase the overall ___________ for companies.

8. He's well-known for his natural __________ for confidence.

9. We produce enough vegetables for our community, and any ______ is sold to local shops.

10. Very high taxes have recently been _______ on cigarettes.


c) Fill in the table. Use 5-7 words to compose stories of your own.


d) Fill in the gaps using the words and word combinations from the Topical Vocabulary.

1. The government will ____ a fine on the company.

2. A _______ occurs when an initial injection into the economy causes a bigger final increase in national income.

3. If you don't pay your credit card bills on time, you'll likely ____________.

4. A tax can create a _________for society, if the total benefits collected by the government are less than the total cost to society.

5. All the _________ should be devoted to health care.

6. ___________ is a condition or state in which economic forces are balanced.

7. The ________ is a market failure that occurs when people take advantage of being able to use a common resource, or collective good, without paying for it…

8. ______is the monetary value of all the finished goods and services produced within a country's borders in a specific time period.

9. A ________ is a type of good that may only be possessed or consumed by a single user.

10. Maddie ______ a new line of clothes.


2. a) Match idioms and their meanings. high off the hog shark 3.a kickback 4.itching (itchy) palm 5.keep your head above water 6.license to print money 7. live from hand to mouth a.refers to money paid illegally for favourable treatment b.An officially authorized activity which enables people to make a lot of money without much effort. be greedy for money, d.have a lot of money and a very comfortable lifestyle. e.don't have any money to save because whatever you earn is spent on food and other essentials f.try to survive by staying out of debt, for example a small business g. a person who lends money at extremely high interest rates to people who are unable to obtain a loan from the bank.

b) Fill in the gaps using the idioms above:

1. The property developers were accused of giving _____ to the local authorities.

2. Most families in that area _______.

3. The young immigrant was beaten because he was late paying back money to _____.

4. Business has been slow, but we've managed to _______.

5. The contract to supply computers to schools was _______.

6. Now he's wealthy and _____.

7. He's said to have _____ - he does nothing without payment!

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