Kazan State University of Architecture and Engineering — КиберПедия 

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Kazan State University of Architecture and Engineering

2017-09-30 778
Kazan State University of Architecture and Engineering 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Text 1.

Kazan State University of Architecture and Engineering is one of the best and prestigious higher schools in Russia.

Our University was established in 1930. It’s even difficult to imagine how many young people have got a start in life and how much they have done and created for the economic prosperity of the Republic of Tatarstan.

The University is widely known as a large scientific center and a forge of highly qualified specialists for construction industry. A high quality education is provided by the teaching staff - members of Academy of Sciences, doctors and candidates of sciences, professors and assistant professors.

There are many student clubs and scientific societies at our University. Students take part in the scientific and engineering work; develop their creative abilities in the laboratories. Every year many students report about the results of their research work at the University Scientific Conference. The best works are published.

The University is a real University campus on the site of more than 35 sq.km. There are 5 large academic buildings next to each other linked by underground crossing and covered bridge, the sport complex, including a gym-hall building with a sport ground and a tennis court. There are also some purpose-built workshops and well-equipped laboratories, canteen and café building on the site of the University campus.

The complex of 3 students’ residences for more than 1000 students, situated not far from the academic buildings, contains the students’ health center provided with up-to-date medical equipment.

So our University has at its disposal educational and laboratory base, a library with 4 reading halls, 3 residences, 3 gym-halls, a sport ground, a tennis court, a sport camp on the Mesha river, a canteen, a café and students’ health center.

So our University is located in Zelyenaya St. close to the city center, within easy reach to the city libraries, art galleries, the Big Concert Hall, theatres, cinemas and the Sports Centre. In addition to the canteen and café there are pubs, bars to eat and to have a good rest close to the University in Vishnevskiy Street.


Read the phonetic drills.

[ɑ:] architecture, start, large, far, art, are, bar, Tatarstan

[ʌ] construction, underground, covered, republic, pub

[æ] Kazan, campus, establish, academy, academic, candidate, cafe, camp

[ɔ:] forge, sport, court

[ɔ] crossing, laboratory, economic, doctor, complex, concert

[i:] people, equipment, reading, easy, eat

[aɪ] higher, life, widely, scientific, sciences, site, provided, library


2. Answer the questions using the table:

1 How large is the territory of the University campus?

2 What structures does the University campus consist of?


University campus Academic buildings Students’ residences Reading Halls Gym-halls Students Health centre Refectory and café building
24.000 sq. m.            

3. Answer the following questions:

1. What are you? What higher school do you study at?

2. When was our University established?

3. What is it nowadays?

4. Why can we call our University a real University campus?

5. What does our University have at its disposal?

6. Where is the University located?

7. What led you to the decision to enter our University?

8. Whom is a highly qualified education provided by?

9. Where do students report about the results of their research work?


Look at the word map. Make sentences using these words.

Tell your group mates about University Campus.

Itincludes ● thereare ● has ● contains ● consists of


Circle the odd word.

1 University Higher School Institute Sport Centre
2 Academician Doctor of Science Student Candidate of Science
3 Gym-hall Sport complex Lab Tennis court
4 Canteen Café Food shop Refectory
5 Laboratory Health Centre Workshop Scientific Centre

6. Translate the sentences:

1. Хороший студент – это высококвалифицированный специалист в будущем.

2. Любой университет состоит из нескольких учебных зданий.

3. Кроме специализированных мастерских у нас есть хорошо оборудованные лаборатории.

4. Наш ВУЗ широко известен как кузница высококвалифицированных специалистов для строительной промышленности.

5. Инженер-строитель – это мирная профессия.


Read and retell the joke.

At a certain university examination the teacher handed out the question papers to all the students and then looked on her watch. It was exactly 9 o’clock. The students began to read over the questions; they had two hours in which they were to write full answers to all of them. At 10 o’clock the teacher noticed that one of the students was not writing anything but was still reading the question paper.

“Is any question troubling you?” she asked the student. «Not at all,” he answered, “not at all. It is the answers that are troubling me”.


Fill in appropriate words.


1. It connects buildings.

2. When you have something and can do everything with it.

3. “Furniture” in labs.

4. The condition of being successful.

5. Structure where people live, work, study.

6. Area in another word.

7. ___________________

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