B Fill in the blanks in the sentences below with a suitable phrase from the box in the right form. You will not need to use all the phrases. — КиберПедия 

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B Fill in the blanks in the sentences below with a suitable phrase from the box in the right form. You will not need to use all the phrases.

2017-09-30 533
B Fill in the blanks in the sentences below with a suitable phrase from the box in the right form. You will not need to use all the phrases. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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    1. The thief __________ twenty years of imprisonment by a very reactionary judge.
    2. The jury ___________ of “guilty” after many hours of deliberation.
    3. He was ___________ two hundred pounds ___________ causing a breach of peace.
    4. The police were getting out of the car to ___________ the man __________ trespassing on private land when he pulled out a gun.
    5. The fact that the man had blood on his shoes showed that he __________ the crime.
    6. The judge ___________ the man ____________ driving for one year.
    7. The TV presenter threatened to __________ her employers ___________ breach of promise after they refused to renew he contract.
    8. The police arrested the man and took him to the police station where he was formally __________ conspiracy to murder.
    9. A suspect is being ________ by the police for further investigation.
    10. An accused can ________, which is the admission that he committed the crime and can be sentenced without a trial.

Ex. 47 A Fill in the blanks in the chart with the following words:

fined found life lose probation plead reduced sentence win

B Describe different variants of a criminal case development basing on the chart above.

In the Court Room

Ex. 48 A Look at the picture of a trial in process. Match the words with the numbers:

  The accused/ the defendant   Bailiff
  Witness   Witness box/ stand
  Jury   The dock
  Judge   The judge’s bench
  Lawyerfor the prosecution (prosecutor/ prosecuting lawyer/ prosecuting counsel)   The jury box
  Lawyer for the defence/ defence counsel   The public gallery
  Newspaper reporters   Court stenographer
  Court clerk    

B Match the explanations with the words from the table.

1 The person who is on trial in a criminal court of law. They are charged with committing (accused of) a crime.

2 A legal representative who officially accuses someone of committing a crime in a court and tries to prove that the person is guilty of committing the crime.

3 A group of twelve ordinary people, called jurors. In criminal trials they consider the evidence, decide what the facts are, and decide whether the accused person is guilty or not.

4 A person who states that they know about a particular person, or about matters related to a legal case. This is called giving evidence/ testimony.

5 A person who represents the interests of the defendant in a court.

6 The person in charge of a criminal trial who decides the answers to legal questions in the trial or tells the jury what the law is. If a person is found guilty, he/she decides what punishment should be given.

Ex. 49 Using the notes below write a coherent text describing the procedure of a trial. Remember to structure your writing and to use appropriate linking devices.

The Procedure of a Trial

1. The trial starts with the reading of a formal document called the indictment setting out the accusation made against the defendant.

2. The accused is asked to plead. He can plead guilty or not guilty.

3. The prosecuting counsel makes a speech saying why the accused is guilty.

4. The defence counsel makes a speech saying why the accused is innocent, or at least why the prosecution cannot prove the accused’s guilt.

5. The prosecution counsel put his or her witness(es) in the witness stand and gets them to tell the court what they know. The prosecution also presents all the evidence (direct, circumstantial, material, documentary).

6. The defending counsel tries to find fault with what the witness(es) has said.

7. The procedure is reversed: now the defending counsel puts a witness in the stand. The prosecuting counsel can cross-examine defence witnesses.

8. The prosecuting counsel makes a speech saying why the jury should find the accused guilty.

9. The defending counsel makes a closing speech to the jury saying why they should acquit the accused.

10. The jury make their decision. If the jury cannot reach a unanimous verdict, the judge may permit it to bring in a majority verdict provided that there are not more than two dissenters.

11. The judge passes sentence or sets the accused free.

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