Ex. 6 Read the story and write out all as .. as structures in the text. Make a scheme and retell the story. — КиберПедия 

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Ex. 6 Read the story and write out all as .. as structures in the text. Make a scheme and retell the story.

2017-09-30 670
Ex. 6 Read the story and write out all as .. as structures in the text. Make a scheme and retell the story. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Mr. Smith lives on a farm. He is a farmer. He has got a son. His son’s name is Jack. He is ten. Mr. Smith has a lot of work to do. So he gets up at five o’clock in the morning every day. His son usually helps him. He takes their horse for a walk. Their horse’s name is Red because he is red.

One day the farmer says to his son:

- Jack, look at the clock! It’s 6 o’clock. Get up! It’s time to take Red for a walk.

- OK, - says Jack. He doesn’t want to get up but he gets up, washes hands and face, has breakfast and off he goes with Red. But very soon Jack runs back and says:

- A hare is over there. It’s as big as our horse!

- A hare as big as our horse? - Says the farmer. – It can’t be.

- Well, not as big as our horse perhaps but I think it’s as big as a dog.

- A hare as big as a dog? It can’t be, - says the farmer.

- Well, perhaps it’s not as big as a dog. I think it’s as big as a cat.

- A hare as big as a cat? It can’t be.

- Well, perhaps it’s not as big as a cat. I think it’s as big as a mouse.

- A hare as big as a mouse? It can’t be.

- Well, perhaps it’s not as big as a mouse. I think it’s as big as a fly.

- A hare as big as a fly? It can’t be. Well, my son, I think you were sleeping all the time.







Ex.3 Write sentences putting the word in brackets in the correct place.

(1) They sent an invitation. (us)

(2) Sheila gave a present. (Mike)

(3) I made a sandwich. (her)



Ex. 4 Read the following chart, translate the phrases

  Adjective NOUN
  Opinion, quality Size Age Shape Color Origin Material  
A/An valuable large antique - - French handmade cupboard
This/ That fashionable - - tiny grey Italian cotton dress
Some stylish - - - black - leather boots


Ex.5 Put the adjectives in the box under the correct headings

Wonderful large American wooden blue plastic elderly Italian beautiful square leather German small brown young white ugly huge oval new circular long ancient cotton


Horrible short old round grey English glass



Geographical Names

  No article Definite article
Континенты. Страны, города, деревни Africa, Asia, France, London Latin America, Central Asia, Petrovka Ho: thevillage of Petrovka The United States, the Soviet Union, The United Kingdom, the Neverlands, The Hague, The Crimea, The Caucasus, The Ukrain
Океаны, реки, моря, каналы, пустыни   The Pacific, the Baltic Sea, the Neva, the Thames, the Sahara, the English Channel, the Suez Canal
Озера Lake Baikal Lake Ontario The Baikal The Ontario
Горы Пики – Everest, Elbrus Хребты – the Urals, the Alps
Острова Один остров - Madagascar Группа островов – the Bahamas, the British Isles
Регионы North America, Latin America, Central Asia The Middle East, the Far East, the north of England,
Стороны света From East to West, from North to South The South, the North, the East, the West


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