Fill in the blanks in the sentences using the appropriate words and word combinations from the following list. — КиберПедия 

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Историки об Елизавете Петровне: Елизавета попала между двумя встречными культурными течениями, воспитывалась среди новых европейских веяний и преданий...

Fill in the blanks in the sentences using the appropriate words and word combinations from the following list.

2017-09-29 635
Fill in the blanks in the sentences using the appropriate words and word combinations from the following list. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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at great expense; to meet human needs; to encounter difficulties; to refer to; to emerge; to distinguish; search for truth


1. Technology is the fruit of science applied to manufacturing commodities... 2. «Natural philosophers» being rather curious started a technique of inquiry which now... as the «scientific method». 3. There are some steps... in this method. 4. The Curies are known... in investigating the mysterious uranium rays. 5. A general truth may be modified as new facts.... 6. The Curies were doing the basic research work... to themselves in hard physical toil. 7. They were part of an international group of people all concerned with their....

4. Translate the following definitions: Знания – это результат познавательной деятельности человека. Мыслительная деятельность – это процесс познания и накопления информации и опыта. Цель – это идеальный или реальный предмет, конечный результат какого-либо процесса. Природа – это материальный мир Вселенной, объект изучения естественных наук. Познание – это процесс приобретения знаний.

Заполните пропуски артиклями, где это необходимо.

1. This is … park. … park is … large. This is … cat. … cat is black.

2. I am … student. I have … family. I want … new computer.

3. I have … lot of problems. Let’s go for … walk in the evening. It’s … pity, I have no time.

4. … weather is fine today. … sky is blue. … sun is shining. … moon goes round … sun.

5. Which is … best season of the year? What is … happiest day in your life?

6. It is … 2nd of November today. May is … fifth month of the year.

7. … apples are good for children.. … children like … sweets and … ice-cream. I don’t like … sugar. … cats like … milk.

8. My friend has to get up early in … morning because he goes to … University. That’s why he goes to bed early in … evening.

9. I live in … Syktyvkar. … Syktyvkar is … capital of … Komi Republic. We live in … Russia. … Moscow is … capital of … Russia. … London is the capital of … Great Britain. … … Washington is … capital of … USA. … Paris is … capital of … France. … Berlin is … capital of … Germany. … Columbus covered … America. … Peter the Great founded … St.Petersburg.

10. Russia is washed by … Arctic Ocean in … north. The water in … Black Sea is very warm in … summer. … Volga is … largest river in Europe. … Thames is … short river.

6. Расставьте слова так, чтобы получились предложения: 1. wants, she, him, to see. 2. me, a book, gives, she. 3. English, teaches, he, us. 4. the, we, her, in, street, met. 5. us, he, glad, is, to see. 6. me, please, help. 7. please, you, tell, live, me, where. 8. you, a student, are? 9. not, is, a doctor, my friend. 10. you, like, do, skating? 11. doesn’t, she, piano, play, the. 12. in, English, most countries, is spoken, of the world. 13. must not, students, classes, miss. 14. watch, he, did, yesterday, TV? 15. not, like, to, does, she, books, read. 16. you, will, to, on, holidays, Moscow, go?

7. Переведите. 1.Моя мама - учитель. 2. Погода сегодня прекрасная. 3. Его родители - врачи. 4. Мы сейчас в университете. 5. Магазин находится недалеко от моего дома. 6. Сейчас 12 часов. 7. Моей сестре 4 года. 8. Их машина красная. 9. Это очень интересно. 10. Она счастлива. 11. Это хорошая идея. 12. Упражнение 5 находится на странице 10. 13. Воскресенье – мой любимый день. 14. Ты прав. 15. Какого цвета ручка? 16. Зима в Коми холодная? 17. Ты сейчас свободна? 18. Сколько сейчас времени?

Определите выделенную глагольную форму. Предложения переведите.

1. How time flies! At this time yesterday we were swimming in the Black Sea. 2. Her brothers always tell the truth, she sometimes lies. 3. I haven't heard of him since 1995. 4. You will never know English well if you don't work hard. 5. On that day Tom came home early from work. 6. Where were you hurrying when I met you? 7. Tom has just returned from the USA. 8. Alice is talking on the phone. She has been talking for half an hour already. 9. She understood the text after she had read it a second time. 10. She phoned and called a taxi. 11. I am not sure I will have translated the text by Friday. 12. My teacher said it was a very good story. 13. She visits her doctor every month. 14. Nick said he hadseen a ghost. 15. Will they be meeting you at the station? 16. Yesterday I found the book I had been looking for so long. 17. Perhaps he will come next week. 18. They will have done everything by Sunday. 19. He will be preparing for the exam all day tomorrow. 20. It will be wonderful, if he wins the competition. 21. No one has lived in that house for many years. 22. When Dave entered the room, Sally was reading a letter.


many (много, многие), few (мало), a few (не­много, немногие, несколько) - с исчисляемыми существительными

much (много), little (мало), a little (немного, немнож­ко) - с неисчисляемыми

1. Переведите на английский язык: много тетрадей, много студентов, много картин, много молока, много времени, много воды, мало домов, мало яблок, мало цветов, мало чая, мало бумаги, мало кофе, много денег - мало денег - немного денег, много студентов – мало студентов - несколько студентов, много времени - мало времени - немного времени.

2. Выберите правильную форму глагола. 1. There (is/are) 3 months in a season. 2. In front of our institute there (is/are) a lawn. 3. There (is/are) the emblem of our country on the Moon. 4. There (is/are) the best hotels, shops, restaurants and theatres in the West End. 5. There (is/are) 86 rivers, brooks, channels and canals in St. Petersburg. 6. There (is/are) the Chekhov’s museum in the town of Taganrog. 7. There (is/are) the Metro Station near here. 8. There (is/are) the Alexander Column in the centre of Palace Square. 9. There (is/are) 4 seasons in a year. 10. There (is/are) 7 days in a week.



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