Соотнесите русские слова и словосочетания к их английскому переводу, пользуясь текстом и электронным словарем. — КиберПедия 

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Соотнесите русские слова и словосочетания к их английскому переводу, пользуясь текстом и электронным словарем.

2017-09-29 491
Соотнесите русские слова и словосочетания к их английскому переводу, пользуясь текстом и электронным словарем. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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1) непрофессионалы, неюристы, неспециалисты 1 enforcement

2) законодательство в области гражданских прав 2 action for damages

3) законодательство о средствах массовой 3 deceit информации

4) закон о защите потребителей 4 Consumer protection law

5) предприятие, фирма, компания, бизнес 5 laymen

6) иметь дело 6 sale of goods

7) принудительное применение (права, закона); 7 supply of services правоприменение; принудительное проведение в жизнь; принуждение к выполнению требований

8) подразумеваться 8 hire purchase

9) деликт, гражданское правонарушение 9 be implied

10) нарушение доверенным лицом своих 10 Civil Rights law обязанностей, предусмотренных договором, в пользу бенефициара

11) иск о возмещении убытков 11 undertake

12) брать на себя определённые обязательства, 12 be concerned принимать на себя

13) небрежность; невнимательность, халатность 13 breach of trust

14) помеха, неудобство; нарушение покоя, вред, 14 nuisance источник вреда, «зловредность» (в частности, причинение собственнику недвижимости помех и неудобств в пользовании ею)

15) противоправное нарушение владения с 15 business причинением вреда

16) обман, намеренное введение в заблуждение 16 tort

17) продажа товара; закон, описывающий права 17 negligence покупателя и продавца

18) продажа и предоставления услуг 18 Media law

19) покупка или продажа в рассрочку 19 trespass


Соотнесите английские слова и словосочетания к их русскому переводу, пользуясь текстом и электронным словарем.

1) insurance 1 приём на работу, трудоустройство

2) consumer credit 2 забастовочное движение

3) carriage of goods 3 определенное поведение, конкретные действия

4) partnership 4 товарищество, партнерство (некорпорированная фирма, которой управляют несколько компаньонов)

5) business entity 5 страхование

6) employment law 6 служить поводом, вызывать

7) employment 7 умышленное убийство

8) unfair dismissal 8 оскорбление действием

9) redundancy payment 9 несправедливое увольнение

10) industrial law 10 потребительский кредит

11) industrial action 11 профессиональные союзы

12) trade unions 12 опасное вождение

13) landlord 13 производственное право, закон о внутрипроизводственных отношениях

14) tenant 14 арендатор

15) planning law 15 предприятие

16) particular course of 16 пособие при увольнении в связи с сокращением conduct

17) give rise 17 собственник недвижимости

18) murder 18 перевозка товаров

19) assault and battery 19 законодательство о землеустройстве

20) dangerous driving 20 трудовое право


Поставьте T (true), если истинные, F (false), если ложные эти утверждения, исходя из информации, представленной в тексте «Civil and criminal law» Part 1 и Part 2.

1) A particular course of conduct can fall under both civil law and criminal law at the same time.

2) A person may be considered guilty as soon as any element of an alleged crime has been established in his acts.

3) Children under 16 are excused from criminal responsibility.

4) Criminal Law not only defines crimes and fixes punishments for them but also includes some procedures for preventing crimes.

5) Company law also specifies the relationship between a business entityand outside parties.

6) Labour law can be divided into seven parts.


Соотнесите слова и словосочетания к их переводу, пользуясь текстом и электронным словарем.

1) action for damages 1. защита

2) гражданское право 2. халатность, пренебрежение

3) корпоративное право 3. иск о возмещении убытков

4) поведение 4. presumption of innocence

5) corpus delicti 5. (to) prosecute

6) преступление 6. civil law

7) уголовное право 7. injured party

8) defences 8. punishment

9) виновный 9. company law

10) пострадавшая сторона 10. (to) commit a crime

11) трудовое право 11. labour law

12) договорное право 12. conduct

13) law of tort 13. (to) punish

14) liability 14. law of contract

15) negligence 15. состав преступления

16) презумпция невиновности 16. преследование

17) prosecution 17. деликтное право

18) наказание 18. crime

19) совершать преступление 19. guilt

20) преследовать 20. обязательство, ответственность

21) наказывать 21. criminal law

22) жертва 22. victim


Выполните письменный перевод текста «Part 2. Civil Law», пользуясь электронным словарем.


The European Union (EU) is a supranational and intergovernmental union of 27 states with its total population about 500 million people. There are 23 official and working languages within the Union. Citizens of EU member states are also EU citizens: they directly elect the European Parliament, once every five years. They can live, travel, work, and invest in other member states (with some restrictions on new member states). Passport control and customs checks at most internal borders were abolished by the Schengen Agreement.

The European Union is governed by a number of institutions, these primarily being the European Commission, the Council of the European Union, the European Court of Justice, and the European Parliament.

The European Commission acts as an executive or Civil Service. It is currently composed of one member from each state and is responsible for drafting all proposed law, a duty on which it maintains a monopoly in order to co-ordinate European Law. It also controls some agencies and the day-to-day running of the Union. Its president is nominated by the European Council then elected by the Parliament.

The Council of the European Union (also known as the Council of Ministers) forms one half of the Union's legislative branch (the other being the Parliament). It is composed of the respective national ministers. The body's presidency rotates between the member-states every 6 months, though the current president member-state cooperates with the previous and future president member-state, to provide continuity.

The European Parliament is the only Union body composed of officials directly elected on European issues. Every 5 years citizens in all member-states vote for 751 «MEPs» who form the second half of the Union's legislative branch. Seats are distributed among the European Union member states based on their respective populations. Its members sit according to political groups rather than nationality and its president is elected by its members.

The judicial branch of the Union consists primarily of the European Court of Justice composed of one judge nominated by each member-state with the president elected from among those nominees. Below the Court of Justice there is a lower court called the Court of First Instance created to lift some of the work load of the Court of Justice. There is also the European Court of Auditors which monitors the Union's accounts.

There is no official European capital, with institutions spread across a number of cities. However, Brussels is often considered the de facto capital as it hosts most of the primary institutions, including the Commission and the Council. The Parliament also has its second seat in the city. Strasbourg is the official seat of the European Parliament, meeting there for twelve week-long plenary sessions each year. Luxembourg City plays host to the Secretariat of the European Parliament as well as the European Court of Justice, the Court of First Instance and the European Court of Auditors.

EU law covers only member states themselves. Where a conflict arises between EU law and the law of a member state, EU law takes precedence, so that the law of a member state must lose effect. Both the provisions of the Treaties, and EU regulations are said to have «direct effect» horizontally.

The other main legal instrument of the EU, «directives», have direct effect, but only «vertically». Private citizens may not sue one another on the basis of EU directives, since these are meant to be addressed to the member state. Directives allow some choice for member states in the way they translate a directive into national law. Once this has happened citizens may rely on the law that has been implemented. They may only sue the government «vertically» for failing to implement a directive correctly.



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