Say if these statements are true or false according to the text. — КиберПедия 

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Say if these statements are true or false according to the text.

2017-09-28 421
Say if these statements are true or false according to the text. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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1. With the flu your temperature is normally very high. 2. Antibiotics can help you to get better from the flu. 3. If you have the flu, it's essential to have substantial meals. 4. The flu is infectious - other people can catch it from you, 5. The flu is not a serious illness for anyone. 6. Having the flu, stay indoors and keep warm. 7. To bring down the temperature, you may take a couple of aspirins. 8. If you're sure you've got the flu, you should immediately contact your doctor. 9. People suffering from a severe chest condition should be very careful about the flu. 10. The flu usually lasts a few days.

4. There are 27 words connected with illness and health hidden in this puzzle. Circle each one you can find. (There are also several words not connected with the topic!)



the Russian Federation Asia the Pacific ocean the Arctic ocean the Atlantic ocean the Urals the Altai Europe the Volga the Ob the Lena the Caspian Sea lake Baikal   Siberian total area square Kilometre wash to border relief vary mountains vast plain steppe tundra region desert chain be rich in deep climate polar subtropical moderate mineral Resources iron Ore coal non-ferrous metals oil to cover hydropower nationality ethnic presidential government branch legislative executive judicial be vested in Federal Assembly consist of Council of Federation State Duma be headed of Prime Minister be represented by Supreme Court banner Российская Федерация. Азия Тихий океан Северный Ледовитый океан. Атлантический океан Уральские Горы Алтай Европа Волга Обь Лена Каспийское море озеро Байкал.   cибирский общая площадь квадратный километр. омывать. граничить рельеф. изменятся. горы обширный равнина степь тундра край, область пустыня цепь быть богатым чем-либо глубокий климат полярный субтропический умеренный полезные ископаемые железная руда уголь цветные металлы нефть покрывать гидроресурсы национальность этнический президентская правительство ветвь законодательная исполнительная судебная осуществляться кем-либо федеральное собрание состоять из Совет Федераций Государственная дума возглавлять премьер министр быть представленным кем-либо Bерховный Cуд флаг



Complete the sentences with these words.


plain, to be headed by, to produce, to cover, relief, to vary, moderate, legislative, to border


- The ______ power is vested in Federal Assembly.

- But most of the country has a ______ continental climate.

- It ______ cars, planes, machines, high-technology equipment.

- The executive power belongs to the Government which is ______ the Prime Minister.

- Russia ______ fourteen counties on land.

- Climate in Russia ______ greatly from polar in the north to the subtropical in the south.

- The ______ of our country is varied: there are mountains, hills, lowlands and deserts.

- It ______ an area of seventeen million square kilometers.


Complete each in the sentences (a-h) with a suitable ending (1-8).

a) Climate in Russia varies greatly

b) The legislative power is

c) The executive power belongs to

d) The judicial branch is represented by

e) Russia produced and still produces

f) Russia still remains the country which has

g) The most of Russia is

h) Bat most of the country has


1. cars, planes, machines, high-technology equipment.

2. the Supreme Court.

3. from polar in the north to subtropical in the south.

4. in Asia.

5. to the Government which is headed by the prime minister.

6. vested in the Federal Assembly.

7. a moderate continental climate.

8. great cultural and spiritual traditions.


Fill the gap with the appropriate word from the list.

about by on from in to for of


1. But in spite …… the economic problems some spheres of industry are continuing to develop.

2. The country is washed …… 12 seas of 3 oceans.

3. Its total area is ….. 17 million square kilometers.

4. Russia is famous ….. its hydropower resources.

5. Russia borders ….. 14 countries on land.

6. Russia is very rich …. mineral resources.

7. Climate in Russia varies greatly from polar in the north to subtropical in the south.



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