Imagine that you are an event planner. Study a room-block request form, complete it and write an email to book a room block for your attendees to the event. — КиберПедия 

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Imagine that you are an event planner. Study a room-block request form, complete it and write an email to book a room block for your attendees to the event.

2017-09-28 256
Imagine that you are an event planner. Study a room-block request form, complete it and write an email to book a room block for your attendees to the event. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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DATE: __________

FROM: LA Auto Housing Bureau

TO: (Name, Company)

EMAIL: _________

RE: Company Room Blocks

Thank you for your commitment to attend the Los Angeles Auto Show Press Days held at the Los Angeles Convention Center November 18-20, in Los Angeles, CA.

Upon receipt of your room block request form, we will confirm your room block request along with a room block agreement that will require your signature prior to your receiving your rooming list instructions.

Please use the grid below to indicate the number of rooms required each night.

To secure your room block, please complete this preliminary information and return via email to [email protected] via fax 859-269-4817.

Once your room block is confirmed (hotel choices are based on availability), you will be notified of the assigned hotel along with a room block agreement that will require your signature.

Upon receipt of the signed agreement, you will then be forwarded deadline dates and rooming list instructions on how to make reservations either online or via an Excel spreadsheet.

Day/ Date SAT 15 Nov   SUN 16 Nov MON 17 Nov TUE 18 Nov WED 19 Nov THU 20 Nov FRI 21 Nov SAT 22 Nov SUN 23 Nov Total
King Bed                      
Double/ Double                      

Hotel Preference: The rates below do not include state and local taxes, currently 15% (subject to change).

Please number 1-10 in order of preference Hotel Property Distance From Convention Center Single/Double Rate Additional Cost/ Person/Night (3rd & 4th Guest)
  Omni Headquarter Hotel 2 miles $215 $20
  Los Angeles Athletic Club 1.2 miles $179 $35
  LA Hotel Downtown A Hyatt Affiliate 1.1 miles $199 $25
  The Millennium Biltmore 7 blocks $159 $30
  The Ace Hotel 1 mile $239 $10
  The Line Hotel 2.9 miles $209s $229d $20
  The O Hotel 0.9 miles $209 n/a
  The Westin Bonaventure Hotel & Suites 1 mile $249 $20
  Doubletree Downtown LA 2.1 miles $169 $20
  Sheraton 0.8 miles $174 $25


Watching & Listening

21.Watch the video “ How to Control Allotment Execution and Overbooking with Clock Evo Hotel PMS” and translate the text below.

Hi, I’m Eugene. I’m a contracting and sales manager for Palm Beach Resort. The forecast and control over the using up of allotments and the observance of the release periods are extremely important to us. Let me show you how our Clock Evo helps us in that.

On the one hand the control over the booking of allotments performance during the season is crucial for our forecast of the sales trend for the season. Being aware of the tendencies in the season time lets us make informed decisions that maximize our revenue at the end of the season. Launching special discounts for certain periods or increasing the allotments of tour operators with high performance are just some of the moves that can prove to be really efficient.

On the other hand, in high season almost everything is sold and rooms must be assigned with greater precision. Stop sale must be announced in time to prevent overbooking. How does the software help in this respect?

In a few quick steps we can set an allotment for each separate tour operator contract. The allotment is defined for each room type and season included in the contract. We also define release periods for each season after which the allotment takes effect.

The useful thing about our software is that it differentiates and allows comparison between the allotments in the contract. They declare booking positions and the actual rooming lists with the confirmation status ‘confirmed’, ‘tentative’ or ‘waiting’. Booking positions are the booking forecasts that some tour operators send us before the rooming lists with the actual bookings. This together with the comparison to previous seasons allows taking time in reactions like launching special promotions, shortening release periods or increasing a tour operator’s allotment. Naturally new rooming lists are reflected in the allotments and the overall availability of the property automatically. On the other hand, free allotments of certain tour operators, periods or room types are available for sale without any need of manual release.

Overbooking of allotments in the property as a whole can be controlled in several ways. It can be restricted partially or completely. In addition to that some users can be granted overbooking rights witch override the restrictions. These, in combination reduce the risk of accidental overbooking for big periods and ensure that we can sell allotments that are unlikely to be used otherwise at calculated risk. For further convenience each arrival can be entered as a separate booking. This makes finding bookings, editing rooming lists or checking the use of allotments much easier. This is how our Clock Evo PMS helps us control allotment execution and overbooking for a daily basis.

22.Watch the video again and answer the questions.

1. Why is the control over allotments booking crucial for the hotel?

2. What moves help the hotel maximize its revenue?

3. Why is it important to announce’ stop sale’ in time in high season?

4. What does the allotment for each separate tour operator indicate?

5. What confirmation status is used on tour operators’ rooming lists?

6. In what way can overbooking allotments be controlled by the hotel?

Contract law vocabulary

Study the vocabulary.

1. acceptance - принятие, акцепт
2. to be binding in law to be legally bound - иметь обязательную силу по закону - быть юридически обязательным
3. breach of contract - нарушение контракта
4. contracting party party to a contract - сторона, заключающая контракт
5. consideration - встречное удовлетворение
6. damages to claim damages - возмещение ущерба, компенсация, убытки - требовать возмещения ущерба
7. to enforce enforceable in court of law - удовлетворять в судебном порядке - способный быть удовлетворенным в судебном порядке
8. entity legal entity - организация, объект - юридическое лицо
9. offer - предложение, оферта
10. remedy to be entitled to a remedy - средство судебной защиты - иметь право на средство судебной защиты
11. to suffer some losses - понести убытки
12. terms and conditions - условия договора
13. valid   validity - юридически действительный - период действия


Translate the sentences.

1. A contract is an agreement which is made between two or more parties and which is binding in law.

2. The parties must agree to contract on certain terms and conditions.

3. In order to be binding in law the agreement must include an offer and an acceptance of that offer.

4. In every valid contract there must be an exchange of consideration.

5. Consideration is an important part of the contract. It is the payment or cost promise given by one party in return for the promises of another party when making a contract. Consideration may be something other than money.

6. Certain kinds of contracts must be in writing to be enforceable in court of law.

7. In a valid contract each person is legally bound to do what is promised.

8. If one contracting party does not carry out the promise, the other party can go to court and be entitled to a remedy.

9. The contract must have all the essential elements: an offer, an acceptance and a valuable consideration.

10. When one party refuses to perform or fails to perform the obligations under the contract, it is called a breach of contract.

11. The party in breach must compensate the other party.

12. The usual remedy is damages – monetary compensation.


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