Working in a foreign country — КиберПедия 

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Working in a foreign country

2017-09-28 2039
Working in a foreign country 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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There is a new type of worker in today's global business

Today, more and more people travel in their job. Carlos Ghosn is a Brazilian businessman and he travels to different countries for his work. He is the head of the French car company Renault, and he spends 40 per cent of his time in Paris. He is also the head of Nissan, and he spends 35 per cent of his time in Asia, in Tokyo. He spends 25 per cent of his time in other countries, such as the USA.

Some employees travel to different countries to work on projects. They are in a country until a project ends and then they return home. For example, many IT engineers live in India but work on projects in the UK and the USA. Other people live in a country but go to work every day in a different country. In Europe, workers regularly commute between Brussels, London and Paris. Plane tickets are not expensive and travel between the cities is easy with a European passport.

But is the increase in business travel a good thing? It is interesting for employees to meet different nationalities. It is also good for business to have contacts in different countries around the world. But there are also problems. Some employees spend a lot of time away from their home country and it is not easy for governments to decide exactly where workers should pay tax.

Задание 2. Найдите в тексте “Working in a foreign country” следующую информацию:

1 Carlos Ghosn's nationality_____ Brazilian _____

2 two companies that he works for_________________

3 a city in Asia _________________

4 three European cities_________________

5 a country in Asia _________________

Задание 3. Перечитайте текст “Working in a foreign country” и определите, являются ли данные ниже утверждения истинными (true) или ложными (false):

1 Carlos Ghosn is the head of BMW. false

2 He travels between Asia, Europe and the USA.

3 Some workers travel to different countries to work on projects.

4 Indian software engineers work on projects in the UK.

5 It's difficult to travel between European cities.

6 It's interesting to meet people from different countries.

7 Contacts in different countries are good for business.

8 It isn't difficult to know what country to pay tax in.

Задание 4. Вставьте нужную форму глагола to be:

1 _______ you a student?

2 Ali _______a student. He's an accountant.

3 Leo and Elena_______ from Russia.

4 I_______Chinese.

5 _______ Mr Amery the head of the company?

6 We_______ from the USA We're British.

7 Dominique_______an engineer.

8 _______SMGP an Indian bank?

Задание 5. Вставьте нужную форму глагола to be. Используйте сокращенные формы там, где возможно:

John: ________you Rob Shaw?

Rob: Yes, I ________.

John: Hi. I________John Devlin. I'm with Karlsco.

Rob: Hi, John.________ Karlsco an American company?

John: No, it________a German company. You ________with

Retcorp, aren't you?

Rob: Yes, I________.________you an engineer?

John: No, I________. I ________a sales manager.

Задание 6. Заполните пропуски данными ниже словами. Используйте неопределенный артикль a / an там, где необходимо:

Accountant, designer, architect, teacher, mechanic, salesperson, lawyer, receptionist

1 Laura is _________-she helps people with legal problems.

2 Marco is_________- he builds offices.

3 Stella is_________- she's good with cars.

4 I'm _________- I work with money.

5 Gregor and Sam are_________- they give lessons at the college.

6 Philo is_________- she's good at art.

7 Ronaldo and I work at Walmart - we're_________.

8 Helen is_________- she welcomes visitors to the company.

Задание 7. Вставьте нужную форму глагола to be или артикль a/an, the:

1A ______you Desmond Drake?

В No, I’______ Howard Drake.

2 A Sabine and Martine______ from France.

В That's right. Sabine______from Paris.

3 A ______you and George American?

В No, we______. We'______ British.

4 A ______Helma______designer?

В No, she______. She's______engineer.

5 A _____ Ravi and Ali accountants?

В Yes, they______. They work in _____finance department.

Задание 8. Заполните пропуски названиями стран или национальностей:

1 Mariella is from Barcelona - she's__________.

2 Apple is an American company. It's based in__________.

3 Serona is an __________company. It has offices in Rome and Milan.

4 Wei and Fang are__________. Their home is in Shanghai.

5 Elena is __________. She has an apartment in Moscow.

6 I often visit France on business, but I don't speak__________.

7 We have business contacts in Sao Paulo in__________.

8 Many __________businesses have offices in Delhi.

Задание 9. Составьте вопросительные предложения:

1 you / from / are / Where?

2 company / with / you / What / are?

3 do / you / What / do?

4 your / name / What's?

Заполните пропуски составленными вопросами:

1 _____________________________________

Diego Rossini.

2 _____________________________________


3 _____________________________________

I'm a human resources manager.

4 _____________________________________

Hemingway Consultants - it's an American company.

Литература: [1, 5].

Практическое занятие № 2



Теоретическая часть

Данный лексический материал предназначен для знакомства и овладения специальными терминами, активному использованию предлагаемых слов и словосочетаний, подготовки к чтению, переводу и обсуждению текстов официально-делового стиля.

сolleague коллега

communication коммуникация

communicate осуществлять коммуникацию

consultant консультант

degree уровень образования

opinion мнение

PhD доктор

team команда

team leader лидер команды

team member член команды

teamwork работа в команде

technology технология


Задание 1. Прочитайте и переведите текст:

Teams with bright ideas

Better ways of working together

Teams are important in modern business. Many companies want all their employees to be good at teamwork and they want the CEO, directors and managers to be good at organizing teamwork.

In traditional teams, people usually work for the same company. Sometimes team members are from the same department and sometimes from different departments. Today, colleagues often work on international projects, and modern technology helps members of the team to communicate. People use the internet and video conferences to talk to each other when they are in different countries.

Teams are not always formal. Employees often meet with people from other departments at work, for example over coffee. These groups are not organised teams, but they are important. They network and talk about work, and they help to communicate information between departments.

Some companies have teams that meet in unusual places. Companies build rooms for teamwork so that these special teams can meet outside their normal office. The rooms look different from normal offices, for example painted in bright colours. Some managers think this helps teams to be creative. It is also important to have regular contact with other departments in the main company - such as design, marketing, production and finance. This sometimes helps the team to decide if an idea is good or bad.

Задание 2. Перечитайте текст “Teams with bright ideas” и определите, являются ли данные ниже утверждения истинными (true) или ложными (false):

1 Modern companies want bosses to organize teams. true

2 Team members are always from the same country.

3 Teams are never informal.

4 Colleagues meet to discuss work.

5 Some teams meet away from the office.

6 It isn't important for teams to communicate with other departments.

Задание 3. Определите, какое из следующих предложений передает основную идею текста “Teams with bright ideas”:

a All managers are good at teamwork.

b Modern teams are always formal.

с There is more than one kind of team.

Задание 4. Укажите номер абзаца 1-4, который содержит следующую информацию:

interesting places for teams to meet paragraph-----

groups of colleagues paragraph-----

modern technology paragraph -----

people who need to be good team members paragraph-----

Задание 5. Соотнесите названия отделов с их определениями:

  1 Design a a makes products
  2 Marketing b b sells to customers
  3 IT с c buys products or services for the company
  4 Production d d deals with the company's accounts
  5 Finance e e hires new employees and organizes training
  6 Buying f f arranges artwork
  7 Sales g g maintains the company's computer systems
  8 Human Resources (HR) h h invents and develops new products
  9 Research and i i promotes products or services

Development (R&D)

Задание 6. Заполните пропуски названиями отделов из задания 5:

Hi Patrick

We want departments to work together to produce a new digital camera.

Please contact Philip from to ____________organize the budget. It's also a

good idea to speak to Maggie from the ____________department - ask her

to organize a team to develop the product. She can talk to someone from

____________to buy parts. It's important to communicate with the

____________department, so that they know when to make the camera.

Finally, we need a team from ____________to promote the product, so can

you contact Andrew?

Thanks Vanessa

Задание 7. Заполните пропуски данными ниже словами:

directors CEO employees staff manager colleagues boss personnel

1A__________makes important decisions and leads the company.

2 I enjoy my job because I like the people I work with. They are great__________.

3 We are pleased to welcome two new__________to the board.

4 She's a good sales__________. She's in charge of sales teams in Belgium and France.

5 The__________ restaurant is open at 12:00pm for lunch.

6 My__________ is in charge of 14 people.

Задание 8. Раскройте скобки, используя правильную форму глагола в Present Simple:

a At midnight, I ( write ) a report and send it to the team.

bWe (have ) a video conference every Monday.

с My company (be)in London but I (work ) with an international team.

dShe (work ) in Dubai.

e The team (have ) a meeting every week.

Задание 9. Заполните пропуски, используя один из данных ниже глаголов в нужной форме:

have (x2) start (x2) work (x2) drive (x2) meet live

I_________ in a house with two people, Andrea and Rob. We_________for the same company, but in different departments. Andrea is a design manager, and Rob _________in HR. Andrea usually_________to work because she _________her job at 8:00am. Rob and I_________work at 9:30am, so we often travel by train. On Friday, we all start at 9:00am and we _________to the office together. Rob often goes out and _________lunch in a restaurant, but Andrea and I usually _________lunch at our desks because we're busy. On Thursday, we _________colleagues from other departments after work.

Задание 10. Определите место наречий частотности в следующих предложениях:

a Colleagues work on international projects. OFTEN

b In traditional teams, people work for the same company. USUALLY

с This helps the team to decide if an idea is good or had. SOMETIMES

d Teams are not formal. ALWAYS

Задание 11. Подчеркните правильную форму глагола в Present Simple:

1Jacob live / lives in Manchester.

2 I work / works in the city centre.

3 We catch / catches the 7:50 train to work.

4 She eat / eats lunch in the staff restaurant.

5 You have / has eight members in your team.

6 He leave / leaves work early on Monday.

Задание 12. Найдите и исправьте ошибки в следующих предложениях. Не все предложения содержат ошибки:

1Francis has a meeting on Friday always.

2 We usually have lunch in a cafe.

3 Kelly often is late for work.

4 I leave the office never at six o'clock.

5 The CEO is always in his office at 830.

6 They have sometimes a video conference in the morning.

7 We go to often team meetings.

8 Josh and Mia listen to other people's opinions never.

Задание 13. Соотнесите начало и конец предложений:

1 This is a a designer

2 Pleased to b art department

3 Jan is с the design team

4 She works in the d Jan Carlton

5 She's in charge of e meet you

Литература: [1, 5].

Практическое занятие № 3



Теоретическая часть

Данный лексический материал предназначен для знакомства и овладения специальными терминами, активному использованию предлагаемых слов и словосочетаний, подготовки к чтению, переводу и обсуждению текстов официально-делового стиля.

base база

company компания

employee сотрудник

employ принимать на работу

employer работодатель

factory предприятие

headquarters штаб-квартира

manufacture производить

manufacturing производство

manufacturer производитель

profit прибыль

profitable прибыльный

retail розничная продажа

retail outlet торговая точка

retailer розничный торговец

sector сектор

service industry индустрия обслуживания

specialise специализироваться

specialist специалист


Задание 1. Прочитайте и переведите текст:

Look east

An Italian success story

Luxottica makes sunglasses. It is an Italian company and 85% of its factories are in Italy. But less than 5% of Luxottica's sales are in its home country. Most of Luxottica's shops are in the USA. The company produces glasses for Chanel, Prada, Bulgari and other companies selling luxury goods. It also owns Ray-Ban sunglasses, and about 15% of the group's sales are from Ray-Ban.

Luxottica's main competitor is Safilo, another Italian glasses manufacturer. The big difference between Luxottica and Safilo is that Safilo has 50 shops and Luxottica has nearly 5,500 shops.

Luxottica started as a manufacturing company. Today, they make more money from retail than from manufacturing. They specialise in glasses that cost £50 or more. This market is ten times more profitable than the market in cheap glasses.

The company has two big challenges in the future. The first challenge is China. At the moment, Luxottica has 250 shops there. But the company wants to double the number of shops to 500. The second challenge is the next chairperson. The company's founder is 70-year-old Mr Del Vecchio. At the moment, he is the chairperson and he owns 70% of the company. It is a family company, but Mr Del Vecchio's four children don't work for Luxottica. A new chairperson could make changes that turn Luxottica from a family company into a multinational.

Задание 2. Соотнесите цифры 1-6 с информацией, к которой они относятся a-f:

    a the number of shops that the company wants in China
  5% b the minimum price of Luxottica's glasses
  15% с Mr Del Vecchio's age
  £50 d group sales from Ray-Ban
    e Luxottica's manufacturing in its factories in Italy
  85% f Luxottica's sales in Italy

Задание 3. Определите, в какой из следующих строк a-c лучше всего отражается тема статьи “Look east”:

a Designer glasses in China

b The price of Italian sunglasses

с A company that manufactures and retails glasses

Задание 4. Перечитайте текст “ Look east” и определите, являются ли данные ниже утверждения истинными (true) или ложными (false):

1 Luxottica is a Chinese company. false

2 It doesn't sell products only in Italy.

3 Luxottica manufactures most of its glasses in the USA.

4 The company also produces glasses for other companies.

5 They make more profit from manufacturing than retail.

6 Luxottica doesn't have any competitors.

7 The company wants to open shops in China.

8 Mr Del Vecchio's children work for the company.

Задание 5. Из выделенных курсивом слов выберите подходящее по смыслу:

1A multinational company is a large organiser / organisation.

2 Department stores sale / sell a lot of different products / producers.

3 Swatch is a watch maker / make.

4 Our office is in a builder/ building in Kowloon.

5 A lot of people in this country work in manufacturing / manufacturer.

6 Many retails / retailers buy direct from the factory.

7 Who is your main compete / competitor in the computer market?

Задание 6. Заполните пропуски данными ниже словами:

Manufacturer, retail outlets, competitor, produces, build, sell.

Mahindra and Mahindra (M&M) is a big tractor _________inIndia. It_________more than 68,000 tractors in its factories every year. Its main_________is a company called TAFE, which produces 48,000 tractors. The companies_________the tractors at home and also to the USA and Europe. M&M has 270_________ _________in the USA. Now the company also plans to_________factories in China.

Задание 7. Составьте предложения:

1speaking / Sam / Hello, / Reynolds

2 Lorco / say / you / Sorry, / did?

3 right / that's / Yes,

4 please / spell / you / Can / that,?

5 say / again, / please / you / Could / that?

6 your / help / Thanks / for

Задание 8. Сделайте следующие предложения отрицательными:

1 Ulla works in Lisbon.

2 The company has 200 employees.

3 We make computers.

4 Alice and Cheung sell mobile phones.

5 Kyle organises conferences.

Задание 9. Заполните пропуски, используя do, does, don't или doesn't:

A _______you work for Westfield Electronics?

В No, I_______. I work for Danemart.

A _______Grace Davies work for Danemart?

В Yes, she _______. She works in the marketing department.

A _______your company manufacture televisions?

В No, it_______. It makes radios.

Задание 10. Заполните пропуски в вопросах 1-4, используя Who, How many, What или Where, и подберите на них ответы a-d:

1 _______does the factory manufacture?

2 _______does Ottwell have factories?

3 _______people does the company employ?

4 _______does the company sell to?


a shoes

b Turkey

c 180

d luxury shoe shops

Задание 11. Заполните пропуски, используя a, an или the:

1Clive works for______bank in London.______Queen of England banks there.

2 Jardin Care is ______Canadian company and ______headquarters are

in Toronto.

3 I can meet you at______station or you can get______taxi.

4 Wavetel is______big IT company with three finance directors. Geraldine is______finance director there.

Задание 12. Соотнесите вопросы 1-6 с ответами a-f:

a The company is called/ It's called [ICI].

b It's based in [Toronto].

с It has offices / factories in [Poland].

d It's a [manufacturing] company.

e It makes / sells [cars].

f It employs [250] people.


1 What type of company is it?

2 How many employees does it have?

3 What is the company called? / Who do you work for?

4 What does it do?

5 Where is it based?

6 Where are its factories?

Задание 13. Из выделенных курсивом слов выберите подходящее по смыслу:

Franco Martinez are / is the CEO of Webplan, and it is a / the successful internet company. Webplan employs / employer 5,000 people in Asia and Europe. Mr Martinez always / does arrives in the office at 8am. He has a glass of water because he not / doesn't drink tea or coffee. Then he read / reads his emails. He has a meeting with a / the marketing department at 10am every day. He doesn't often has / have lunch. He has a sandwich at his desk. In the / an afternoon he meets the design team. The employees at Webplan never don't work / work after 6pm.

Задание 14. Сделайте следующие предложения отрицательными (-) или вопросительными (?):

1Luxottica makes glasses. (?)

2 The CEO lives in Germany. (-)

3 They have offices in Tokyo. (?)

4 We manufacture Porsche cars in India. (-)

5 You work in the USA. (?)

6 Fiat employ 12,000 people. (-)

7 I have Hani's address. (?)

8 Mr and Mrs Sanz live in Berlin. (-)

Задание 15. Заполните пропуски в тексте данными ниже словами (первая буква слова указана):

manufacture manufacturing
products production
sales sells
staff produces

Vinway International is a m_________and retail company. It p_________electrical equipment and it s_________ its p_________in shops in Europe and Asia. We m_________digital radios. We have a good p______ department and s_________department. We are a small company with good managers and s_________.

Задание 16. Заполните пропуски следующими фразами:

It employs… It's a… It's based in…

It sells… The company… is called…

It has offices in…


1. … Raven Ltd.

2.... Bristol, in the UK.

3. … Europe and the USA.

4. … retail company.

5. … clothes.

6. … 120 people.

Литература: [1, 5].

Практическое занятие № 4



Теоретическая часть

Данный лексический материал предназначен для знакомства и овладения специальными терминами, активному использованию предлагаемых слов и словосочетаний, подготовки к чтению, переводу и обсуждению текстов официально-делового стиля.

analysis анализ

desk рабочий стол

equipment оборудование

file папка

furniture мебель

office офис

organised организованный

organisation организация

organise организовать

share использовать совместно

stationery канцелярские принадлежности

tidy аккуратный


Задание 1. Прочитайте и переведите текст:

The paperless office

Leave my desk alone. It works

I'm writing this article at my desk. It isn't a tidy desk - there are lots of things on it (books, brochures, files, notepads and newspapers). There are six pens and some documents next to the keyboard and there's a printer under my chair. It isn't a problem, and there are a lot of desks like mine in The Economist's offices.

But in many companies it's very important to have a tidy office. Some companies say that workers can't leave documents or paper on their desk at the end of the day. Employees put all the documents into filing cabinets or drawers. Experts say that a person who works at an untidy desk is not organised and spends about one-and-a-half hours a day looking for things. An organised worker always has a tidy workspace.

But is that true? Research shows that there are two types of worker. The first type is the 'filer'. They receive a document and immediately file it. The second type is the 'piler'. They have piles of paper on their desk. Who do you think can find things quickly? The answer may surprise you.

Workers who file everything have a tidy desk, but they file too much. There are two main problems with this. First, the files and filing cabinets take a lot of space in the office. And second, there are so many files that it takes time to remember where a particular document is.

Now let's look at 'pilers'. They often have an untidy desk, but they aren't always disorganised. Some experts say that a busy desk helps 'pilers' to think about current projects and makes it easy to find documents.

So next time you tidy your desk, stop and think. Perhaps an untidy desk makes it easier to find things!

Задание 2. Просмотрите текст “The paperless office” и ответьте на вопросы:

1 What things made from paper does the writer have on his desk?

2 What is next to the keyboard?

3 Where do workers usually put their documents?

4 How much time do people with untidy desks spend looking for things each day?

5 How many types of worker does the article mention?

6 What are the disadvantages of being a 'filer'?

7 What are the advantages of being a 'piler'?

8 What should you do next time you tidy your desk?

Задание 3. Из выделенных курсивом слов выберите подходящее по смыслу:

1 Use your printer / pen to write notes.

2 There's a problem with my computer - the monitor / shredder doesn't work.

3 The dictionary is in the sofa / bookcase.

4 Put the stationery in the keyboard / cupboard, please.

5 Do you want an envelope / mouse for your letter?

6 I need to attach a document to this letter. Do you have a file / paperclip?

7 Make three copies of this document on the photocopier / stapler.

8 Is the contract in the chair / filing cabinet?

Задание 4. Заполните пропуски предлогами:

1 There is a PC and a telephone … the desk. The printer is … the desk. There's a bookcase … the filing cabinet.

2 My desk is …the door. The monitor is …the printer. All my files are … the cupboard. It's … the photocopier and the bookcase.

3 I sit … my sofa with a laptop. The sofa is … the door. There's a bookcase … the sofa. There are two filing cabinets … the bookcase.

Задание 5. Сделайте предложения побудительными, используя глаголы в скобках:

1The window is closed. (open)

2 The printer is on. (turn off)

3 It isn't a good idea to press the button. (not press)

4 The cupboard is open. (close)

5 It isn't a good idea to move the PC. (not move)

6 The lights are off. (turn on)

Задание 6. Заполните пропуски, используя одно из данных слов a-c:

A __________ me. How do I __________ to the station, please?

B It's __________Weston road.

A __________is Weston road?

B __________ right after the post office. Then take the first turning

__________ the left. Go___________on and the station is opposite

the museum.

A Thanks for your ___________.


1 a Listen b Excuse с Speak

2 a get b go с arrive

3 a from b at с in

4 a Who b What с Where

5 a Turn b Take с Look

6 a at b on с in

7 a right b left с straight

8 a help b talk с helping

Литература: [1, 5].

Практическое занятие № 5



Теоретическая часть

Данный лексический материал предназначен для знакомства и овладения специальными терминами, активному использованию предлагаемых слов и словосочетаний, подготовки к чтению, переводу и обсуждению текстов официально-делового стиля.

client клиент

corporate event корпоративное мероприятие

entertain развлекать

entertainment развлечение

event мероприятие

guest гость

health and safety охрана труда

order заказывать

presentation презентация

present представлять

reception прием

socialise общаться

special occasion особый случай

waiter, waitress официант, официантка


Задание 1. Прочитайте и переведите текст:

The office picnic

An office picnic can be a delicious opportunity to have fun with your colleagues

The annual office picnic is a popular social event for many companies in the USA. Employees go to local parks with food and their families each summer. At the moment, company picnics aren't a regular event in Britain. But some British businesses think they could be a good opportunity for employees to socialise in an informal way.

Abel & Cole is a British catering company. The company has a big office picnic every year. Gary Congress organises Abel & Cole's annual picnic. 'Christmas parties are great but they are quite formal; with a picnic it's much more relaxed,’ he says. Employees like picnics because they can arrive and leave when they want to. They relax, eat and play games with family and colleagues.

But are picnics more of a problem to organise than other events? Many people don't like insects, noisy children or bad weather - and these can all happen on a picnic. Food is probably the main health and safety concern because hot weather makes it difficult to keep food cool and edible. Some types of food, such as fish, meat and cheese, are dangerous if they are in the sun too long.

A catering company can deliver food to a picnic. This is useful for companies with a large staff because it helps the food stay fresh. Managers can enjoy the picnic without worrying that half the workers may be ill the next day. Gary Congress recommends picnics as a staff social event. ‘We put photos from the summer picnic all over the office and it brings back great memories.’

Задание 2. Перечитайте текст “The office picnic” и определите, являются ли данные ниже утверждения истинными (true) или ложными (false):

1British companies don't have regular picnics. true

2 Christmas parties are sometimes formal.

3 At picnics, people relax, eat and play music.

4 In hot weather, it isn't easy to keep food warm.

5 Organisations with a lot of employees often use a restaurant.

6 Managers don't want 50 per cent of their workers to be sick the day after a picnic.

Задание 3. Просмотрите текст “The office picnic” и ответьте на вопросы:

1 How often do many American companies have an office picnic?

2 Who is invited to company picnics?

3 Why do staff like picnics?

4 What problems are there with picnics?

5 What kinds of food can't be in the sun too long?

6 What do the employees of Abel & Cole put in the office?

Задание 4. Соотнесите вопросы 1-6 с ответами a-f:

1Do you like football?

2 What can I get you to eat, sir?

3 Would you like a cup of coffee?

4 Does he like films?

5 When would he like to have the lunch meeting?

6 What do Zoe and Mark like to do at the weekend?

aI'd like roast chicken, please.

b Yes, he goes to the cinema three times a week.

c They like to go for a long walk.

d Yes, I like all sports.

e Thursday at 12:30.

f Actually, I'd like tea if that's OK

Задание 5. Заполните пропуски, используя can and can't:

Pete: Hi, Gina this is Pete.... you do the presentation on Friday? I have a conference in Berlin.

Gina: Hello, Pete. I'm afraid …. I have a meeting on Friday.

Pete: That's OK. I … ask Claude to do it.

Gina: Pete, … you finish the report before you go to the conference?

Pete: I'm sorry, I …. I leave for the airport in 20 minutes.

Gina: Well, … you email the information? I need it for the meeting.

Pete: Yes, no problem.

Gina: Thanks. So, the conference is in Berlin. …you speak German?

Pete: No, I …, but that's OK - the conference is in English!


Задание 6. Найдите и исправьте ошибки в следующих предложениях:

1Frank can't to drive a car.

2 Can do you finish the report today?

3 Moira cans get a taxi to the airport.

4 Can I to use your pen, please?

5 We can no go to the meeting.

6 No, I'm sorry, we cann’t.

Задание 7. Из выделенных курсивом слов выберите подходящее по смыслу:

1 I would like / like fish, but I don't like prawns.

2 Would you like / Do you like a cup of coffee?

3 The CEO would like / likes to see you in his office now.

4 Would you like / Do you like the new restaurant in Park Street?

5 I'd like / I like chicken and rice, please.

6 I like / I'd like to book a table for six people, please.

Задание 8. Заполните пропуски, используя данные слова и фразы:

I'm afraid not could you can

I'd like would you like certainly



A … something to drink?

B Yes, … a fruit juice, please.

A…give me the bread, please?

B … Here you are. … I smoke in here?

A … It's a non-smoking restaurant.

В No ….


Литература: [1, 5].



Практическое занятие № 6



Теоретическая часть

Данный лексический материал предназначен для знакомства и овладения специальными терминами, активному использованию предлагаемых слов и словосочетаний, подготовки к чтению, переводу и обсуждению текстов официально-делового стиля.

account счет

cost of living стоимость жизни

currency валюта

discount скидка

exchange rate курс обмена

goods товары

invoice счет

money деньги

pay платить

price цена

supplier поставщик

supply поставлять


Задание 1. Прочитайте и переведите текст:

The business of giving

Charity from the rich

Today, many rich and famous people give money to charity. Technology billionaire Bill Gates recently gave $31 billion to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Other technology leaders also give away money. Pierre Omidyar, the founder of eBay, and Jeff Skoll, eBay’s first CEO, want to use their billions to help 'make the world a better place'.

Why do charities receive so much money? One reason is that there are more rich people than in the past. The world now has 691 billionaires, compared with 423 in 1996. Rich people in many different countries give millions of euros, riyals, yen and other currencies to charity.

What can the world of charity learn from the world of business? Michael Porter, a management guru at the Harvard Business School, believes that the rich need to think about how their charitable foundations spend money. In the USA, it is traditional for the rich to give money to hospitals, libraries and universities. These are very important, but some people think that this does not always help the very poor.

People with a lot of money often have useful social connections. They usually know how to market ideas and how to interest the media in a subject. So, some people think that the rich can give more than money. They can also use their time, social connections and skills to help find solutions to some of the world's problems, such as poverty and the environment.

Задание 2. Найдите в тексте “The business of giving” и укажите в цифрах следующую информацию:

1 Bill Gates' donation __________

2 number of billionaires now__________

3 number of billionaires in 1996__________

Задание 3. Просмотрите текст “The business of giving” и ответьте на вопросы:

1 What American companies does the article talk about?

2 What currencies does the article mention?

3 What do rich people in the USA often give money to build?

4 What problems can rich people help find solutions to?

Задание 4. Заполните пропуски артиклем a/an или неопределенным местоимением some:

1 We want... employee to work on a new project.

2 I have... news about the exchange rate.

3 Can you send Gina... email with our prices?

4 Do they have... problem with their computers?

5 The bank wants... information about your account.

Задание 5. Заполните пропуски, используя some, any, much or many:

a Does she have … news?

b Would you like … cash?

с Do we have … information?

d Could I have … coins, please?

e How … minutes is it until the presentation starts?

f How … time do you have?

g They don't have … documents.

Задание 6. Заполните пропуски, используя some, any, much или many:

Customer: Good morning, I'd like to change … money. Do you have … Australian dollars?

Sales assistant: Yes, sir. How … dollars would you like?

Customer: 1,500. How … is the commission?

Sales assistant: 1%. Do you need … other currencies, sir?

Customer: Yes. Can I have … Mexican pesos, please?

Sales assistant: How…?

Customer: 2,000, please.

Задание 7. Заполните пропуски данными ниже словами и фразами:

How many, how much, some, any, an, a

A … time do you spend on the internet?

В Nine or ten hours week.

A Do you buy … products online?

В Yes, I buy … things, for example, books and DVDs.

A … emails do you send every morning?

В About ten - I always send … email to each member of my team. Then I reply to all the emails I receive.

Задание 8. Из выделенных курсивом слов выберите подходящее по смыслу:

Impact furniture

Not / Don't buy an / any office furniture until you see our prices! Our products are great and we do / can deliver to any country in the world. And we don't have sowe / any delivery charges! We have a retail outlet in / on most cities. Looking / Look at our map to find a store near / between you. Would / Do you like to see our new price list? Don't visit / Visit our website today for ап / some ideas for your office.

Задание 9. Подчеркните лишнее слово в каждой группе:

1printer keyboard mouse stapler

2 beef salmon lamb chicken

3 boiled roast drink fried

4 notepad envelope sofa pen

5 cod water tea fruit juice

6 cupboard bookcase supplier desk

7 carrots lemons potatoes onions

8 furniture menu stationery equipment

Заполните пропуски, используя одно из данных выше слов:

1I use my ________ to type information into my computer.

2 ________is meat from a cow.

3 You cook ________vegetables in water.

4 Do you want an ________for your letter?

5 Would you like a hot drink? ________or coffee?

6 Our stationery ________isn't expensive - he gives us a 15% discount.

7 ________are orange, not red.

8 I have a sofa and a chair, but I need more _________for my new house.

Задание 10. Заполните пропуски, используя одно из данных ниже слов:

Discount, total, price, account, invoice, code, free

A Hello. I have a problem with my_________.

В ОК. What's your _________number?

A It's GJT 384827.

В And what is the problem?

A The _________of the product is wrong.

В Oh. What is the product _________in the catalogue?

A It's 3492J.

В OK, the price is £70.

A Yes, but there is a 10 per cent_________.

В Oh, yes, sorry. So the correct _________is £63.

A Yes, but can I check - is it necessary to pay for delivery?

В No, delivery is _________.

Задание 11. Соотнесите начало и конец предложений:

1 I'd like to

2 How much

3 Can I have your

4 How many

5 Is there

6 We can offer


a account number?

b a discount?

c place an order?

d are the printers?

e a 10% discount?

f would you like?

Литература: [1, 5].


Практическое занятие № 7



Теоретическая часть

Данный лексический материал предназначен для знакомства и овладения специальными терминами, активному использованию предлагаемых слов и словосочетаний, подготовки к чтению, переводу и обсуждению текстов официально-делового стиля.

aim цель

budget бюджет

deadline срок исполнения

labour труд

materials материалы

project проект

project manager руководитель проекта

research исследования

schedule график

stage этап


Задание 1. Прочитайте и переведите текст:

Project analysis

The importance of managing projects well

George Stephenson built a railway from Liverpool to Manchester in the 1820s. It was 45 per cent over budget and there were a lot of delays. Today, it is still difficult to manage big projects. The construction of Wembley Stadium, the home of English soccer, was £750m ($1.4 billion) over budget and the project finished late.

Smaller projects can also have problems. Research shows that IT projects often have problems with budgets and deadlines. In 2004, the cost of IT projects was usually 56 per cent more than the budget, and most projects took 84 per cent more time than planned.

Some projects fail because the work takes longer than planned. Sometimes the cost of labour or materials is more than the agreed budget. But good project management can increase a company's profits. A big German company decided to improve its project management, and the result was that it added one billion euros per year to its profits.

Project management isn't a new science. It has an international association, the Project Management Institute (PMI), based in Pennsylvania, USA. The PMI sets professional exams that thousands of people take every year. It has 150,000 members in 150 countries. All of the members are specialists in managing projects.

So, it is possible for big projects to succeed. The Saudi-Aramco Haradh gas pipeline is one example. The $2 billion project finished six months early and 27 per cent under budget. The project manager and the client were both very happy.

Задание 2. Отметьте галочкой упомянутые в тексте проекты:

□ retail □ construction □ electronics □ IT □ education

Задание 3. Перечитайте текст “Project analysis” и определите, являются ли данные ниже утверждения истинными (true) или ложными (false):

1 George Stephenson's project finished on time. false

2 Many big projects have problems.

3 IT don't have problems with deadlines.

4 IT projects are often more than 50 per cent over budget.

5 Some projects fail because they are late or have unexpected costs.

6 The PMI has members in different countries.

7 The Haradh gas project cost more than the planned budget.

Задание 4. Выпишите из текста все глаголы в Past Simple.

Задание 5. Используйте глаголы в скобках в Past Simple:

Three Canadian students(work) together on a college project last year and their idea (make) them a million dollars in ten months. IT students Carl Newman, Elizabeth New and Janet Collins (start) a website to help people with computer

problems. Their teachers (say) that it (be) a good idea. More and more people from all around the world (visit) the website. In June they (sell) the idea to an international media corporation. Their college course (finish) three months ago. Now the three friends live in Toronto and have a successful IT company.

Задание 6. Заполните пропуски, используя предлоги in, on, at там, где необходимо:

1The project started May 2007.

2 Are you free … Monday morning?

3 Charles visited the factory … last February.

4 What do you usually do …New Year's Day?

5 Ask Sunil to finish the budget … the morning.

6 The client wanted to see the plans …three thirty.

Задание 7. Заполните пропуски, используя данные ниже слова:

International, more, client, late, succeeded, failed

1 QLD has offices in New York, Rio and Paris. It's an …company.

2 This IT project is expensive because the … keeps changing the plans.

3 Grace doesn't like to be … so she always arrives five minutes before the meeting starts.

4 The project … because we had an excellent team.

5 Patricia never studies; she … her engineering exams last week.

6 The price of materials is high, so we need … money in the budget.

Задание 8. Подчеркните предлог, который не может использоваться с данным словом:

1under behind over on budget

2on ahead of in behind schedule

Задание 9. Замените следующие слова и фразы, используя один из предлогов + существительное из задания 8:

1 on time__________

2 late__________

3 early__________

4 at the money available__________

5 more than the money available__________

6 less than the money available__________

Задание 10. Заполните пропуски предлогами in, on, at там, где необходимо:

1 They started the meeting____10am.

2 Francis went to Geneva____July.

3 I'm flying to Bucharest____this afternoon.

4 Did you go to the gym ____ last night?

5 He can see you ____Thursday afternoon.

6 Give me the report____the morning.

7 I went to the cinema ____the weekend.

8 Is Gerard free____Tuesday, 16th May?

9 They finished the building ____the summer.

10 Mark started his job____Monday 2nd January 2006.

Задание 11. Заполните пропуски, используя данные ниже слова:

First, then, finally, after that, next

1 _________, we decided who to have as project leader.

2 _________ we agreed a budget.

3 _________ _________we talked to customers about what they want.

4 _________we had a meeting with the design team.

5 _________, we built a test product and showed it to the CEO.

Литература: [1, 5].



Практическое занятие № 8



Теоретическая часть

Данный лексический материал предназначен для знакомства и овладения специальными терминами, активному использованию предлагаемых слов и словосочетаний, подготовки к чтению, переводу и обсуждению текстов официально-делового стиля.

agriculture сельское хозяйство

complain подавать претензию

complaint претензия

create создавать

creative творческий

electricity электричество

electric, electrical электрический

emergency опасная ситуация

energy энергия

fix устранять неисправность

invent изобретать

invention изобретение

power мощность

solution решение

solve решать

work работа


Задание 1. Прочитайте и переведите текст:

Lighting up the world

LED lights help in areas without electricity

Dr Irvine-Halliday is a professor of electrical engineering at the University of Calgary in Canada. Dr Irvine-Halliday went on a walking trip to Nepal in 1997 and he saw that people in the villages used lanterns to light their homes. The lanterns were smelly and dangerous and the light wasn't very bright. Dr Irvine-Halliday wanted to help solve the problem. So, he started the Light Up The World Foundation. It is a charity that gives LED lights to thousands of people around the world.

About 1.6 billion people worldwide don't have electricity. They use oil in their lamps. But it is an expensive fuel. It is also inefficient and causes indoor and outdoor air pollution.

LED lights are an ideal solution to the problem. They only need a little power and this means that people can use them in areas where there is no electricity. They can run on AA batteries, or solar power. LEDs can give up to 100 times more light than lanterns, and they last a long time. When people began to

use LED lights, it changed their lives. They increased productivity and it gave them more time to study. It also reduced health problems and accidental fires.

Now, it is important to make LEDs less expensive. For example, families in rural Kenya spend about $7 a month оn oil for lighting. A solar-powered LED lamp lasts longer, but many people cannot afford the $25 to $50 that the lamps cost to buy. When charities and other organisations find a solution to the price problem, the future could be bright.

Задание 2. Просмотрите текст “Lighting up the world” и ответьте на вопросы:

1What countries does the article mention?

2 What are the disadvantages of oil lanterns?

3 What are the four ways that LED lights helped people?

Задание 3. Заполните пропуски информацией из текста:

1 Dr Irvine-Halliday__________on a walking trip to Nepal.

2 People in the villages__________ lanterns to light their homes.

3 He__________the Light Up The World Foundation.

4 When people began to use LED lights, it__________their lives.

Задание 4. Сделайте следующие предложения отрицательными:

1Dr Irvine-Halliday went on a walking trip to Norway.

2 The villagers used electricity in their homes.

3 The lanterns were very bright.

4 Dr Irvine-Halliday was a professor of medicine.

5 He made a profit from the LED lights.

6 The LED lights increased health problems.

Задание 5. Заполните пропуски, используя did, didn't, was, wasn't, were и weren't:

1 When _______Alessandro Volta invent the battery?

2 I think it _______ in 1928.

3 No, it_______. It_______ in 1800.

4 _______ Percy Shaw invent the microwave oven?

5 No, he_______. The inventor _______ Percy LeBaron Spencer.

6 Who_______ Bernard Silver and Norman Woodland?

7 _______they writers?

8 No, they______. They______ postgraduate students who invented the barcode.

Задание 6. Составьте вопросительные предложения:

1 Theodore Maiman / build / first laser?

2 When / IBM / produce / first personal computer?

3 John Logie Baird / invent / radio?

4 Who / Carlton С Magee?

5 What /Alexander Graham Bell / invent?

6 What country / Guglielmo Marconi / from?

Задание 7. Задайте вопросы в Past Simple:

like / school? Did you like school?

visit / other countries?

have / a pet animal?

live / city?

play / sport?

go / college?

Задание 8. Прочитайте текст:

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