Make up the word combinations. Translate into Russian. — КиберПедия 

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Make up the word combinations. Translate into Russian.

2017-09-27 1531
Make up the word combinations. Translate into Russian. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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1. make 2. examine 3. fill in 4. carry out 5. protect 6. administer 7. receive · the treatment · a sick-leave · a diagnosis · a patient · a patient’s card · doctor’s administrations · the health

Make up the sentences using the given words. Translate into Russian.

1. institution / hospital is / a / medical.

2. get / patients / to the hospital / a direction.

3. patients’ / a nurse / cards / fills in.

4. the temperature / nurses / of / take / the patients.

5. reveal / doctors / diseases / symptoms / of.

6. doctors / medicines / prescribe.

Match the words.

1. breathlessness 2. fever 3. cough 4. rales 5. sneezing 6. syringe 7. enema 8. feeding cup 1. шприц 2. хрипы 3. клизма 4. кашель 5. жар 6. поильник 7. чихание 8. одышка

Fill in the gaps using the given words.

diseases / the symptoms / vomiting / local doctor / becomes ill / the health / obtains a case history / measures

When a person 1 _______ he feels unwell. He may have different symptoms: high temperature, 2 _________, general pains or indigestion. The patient goes to his 3_______ in the polyclinic. The doctor carries on an examination during which he 4_______of the patient and asks him about his present complaints, of 5_______ his relatives, inherited or past 6_______. He listens to the lungs and heart, 7_______ his blood pressure, reveals 8_______ and makes a diagnosis.



Make up the word combinations. Translate into Russian.

1. have 2. give 3. listen to 4. observe 5. determine 6. call in 7. administer · the treatment · a disease · consulting hours · a doctor · injections · the state of the patient · the complaints

Make up the sentences using the given words. Translate into Russian.

1. receive / patients / ill / a sick-leave.

2. the health / doctors / protect / of / the people.

3. the pulse / the nurse / the patient / takes / of.

4. determines / the doctor / of / a cause / a disease.

5. has / the patient / temperature / high.

6. cups / puts / the nurse / on / the back.

Match the words.

1. edema 2. haemorrhage 3. vomiting 4. nausea 5. pain 6. bed-pan 7. stretcher 8. scissors 1. тошнота 2. судно 3. ножницы 4. отёк 5. носилки 6. рвота 7. кровотечение 8. боль

Fill in the gaps using the given words.

take the temperature / a direction / to recover / administers / nursing actions / follow a bed regimen / treat / take care of

The local doctor gives his patient 1_______ to the hospital. Many doctors and nurses 2_______ the patient there. A hospital doctor admits the patient to a ward and 3_______ him some procedures. He prescribes his patient to 4_______ or a diet and take the necessary medicines. Hospital nurses 5_______of the patient, give him injections and perform other 6_______. Medical workers 7_______ patients with care and attention. The proper treatment helps the patient 8_______.


Цели раздела

В результате изучения теоретического материала по темам данного раздела вы должны


· лексический минимум, необходимый для чтения и перевода профессионально ориентированных текстов о таких заболеваниях, как скарлатина, корь, грипп, туберкулёз, аппендицит, бронхит, пневмония, гастрит, эндокардит.

· лексический минимум, необходимый для устного высказывания о причине, симптомах, течении и лечении изучаемых заболеваний.


· применять знания изученного лексико-грамматического материала для чтения и перевода иноязычныхпрофессионально ориентированныхтекстов по темам раздела;

· извлекать необходимые сведения из иноязычных источников информации, используя изученный лексико-грамматический материал;

· употреблять изученный лексический минимум в устном высказывании о причине, симптомах, течении и лечении изучаемых заболеваний.

Обучающие цели:

1. Изучить лексический материал, необходимый для понимания иноязычной информации по темам раздела и устного общения по ним.

2. Научиться применять изученный лексический материал в заданных учебных ситуациях.

3. Составлять устные высказывания, используя изученный лексический материал по каждой теме раздела.


1. Teacher:

1. Scarlet fever is an infectious disease. What other infectious diseases do you know?

2. Who often becomes ill with scarlet fever?

3. Were you ill with scarlet fever?

Teacher: If you want to know more about scarlet fever, this lesson will help you.

Study the words. Learn them

1. to pass –переходить

2. through – через

3. to vomit – страдать рвотой

4. to rise – подниматься

5. to remain – оставаться

6. rash – сыпь

7. to appear – появляться

8. to peel – шелушиться

9. to isolate – изолировать

10. fluid diet – жидкая диета

11. nourishing food – питательная еда

Read the text

Scarlet fever

Scarlet fever is an infectious disease. We can often meet this disease with children and only sometimes in grown-ups.

This disease passes from one person to another through the nose and mouth. The beginning of the disease is quick. The patient has a sore throat, fever, headache, and he often vomits. The face is flushed and the skin feels hot and dry. The temperature rises quickly on the first day and remains high for a few days. The rash appears on the second day. After the temperature falls, the skin begins to peel. The nurse must isolate the child and put him in bed. When the temperature is high the nurse gives him fluid diet and when the temperature falls she gives him nourishing food.

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