In Unit 3 you will learn about the Belarusian State University, its history and present-day activities, its students and teachers, structure and facilities. — КиберПедия 

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In Unit 3 you will learn about the Belarusian State University, its history and present-day activities, its students and teachers, structure and facilities.

2017-10-01 239
In Unit 3 you will learn about the Belarusian State University, its history and present-day activities, its students and teachers, structure and facilities. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Belarus has one of the highest student-to-population ratios in Europe. There are 54 higher educational establishments, of which 43 are state owned. Classical and profile universities provide a two-level system of higher education with academic degrees of a Specialist (Bachelor) and Master.

In Unit 3 you will learn about the Belarusian State University, its history and present-day activities, its students and teachers, structure and facilities.


University Administration Office




1 The word ‘University’ was derived from Latin word universitas (совокупность, общность) Many other words, which we use today speaking about university, its structure, subjects taught, are also of Latin and Greek origin. Many of these words are the so-called international words and you can easily guess the meaning of them. Read the following words and give their Russian equivalents. Mind their pronunciation.

university, faculty, academic, rector, professor, student, semester, college, department, ph ilosophy, ps ychology, sociology, economics, ethics, logic, history, humanities, lecture, lecturer, seminar, specialist, communication, culture, national, tradition, form, professional, reform, technology, journal, correspondence, pedagogical, result, modern, encyclopedia, information, archives, laboratory.


^ 2 Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about the University. When answering use the following phrases:

What was the word ‘university’ derived from?
As far as I know, the word ‘university was derived from &…
What subjects do students study at the University?
How many higher educational establishments are there in Belarus?
As far as I remember, ….
As far as I know/remember … – Насколько я знаю …/ помню … If I’m not mistaken … – Если я не ошибаюсь … If my memory doesn’t fail me … – Если мне не изменяет память …
What’s your … (full name)? Have you got … (a nickname/any pets)? How old/tall …? When/Where … (were you born)? Who is your … (hero/favourite singer)? When/Where did you … (get education)?


^ 3 Work in pairs. Interview your partner using the questions. Present the results to the class.

1. Why did you decide to study at the Belarusian State University?

2. What do you know about your future profession?

3. What subjects do you study?

4. Do you often work at the University library?

5. What do you want to do after graduation (окончания)?




&1 The Belarusian State University is the major higher educational establishment in Belarus. The BSU students’ community consists of about 29,000 undergraduate and over 600 post-graduate students. The BSU trains specialists with fundamental knowledge and special skills in more than 250 specializations. Read the text and find answers to the following questions:

1. When was the BSU founded and who was the first Rector of the BSU?

2. How many faculties does the University have today?

3. What forms of learning are available at the University?

4. What is the structure of the University?

5. What is the academic staff of the BSU?

6. What facilities are there at the University?

7. In what international projects does the University participate?

8. Where do university graduates work?


Welcome to the University!

Dear first-year students,

Welcome to theBelarusian State University – the major higher educational establishment in Belarus, the center of education, culture and science!


Historical Reference

The Belarusian State University is the oldest university in Belarus. It was founded in 1921 and had only three faculties at that time: faculty of medicine, of social sciences and workers’ faculty (рабфак).

The first Rector of the BSU was Professor V. I. Picheta, a distinguished historian, a graduate of Moscow State University. He headed the University for 8 years and contributed greatly to the development of higher education in Belarus.

The BSU rapidly grew and developed. During the first 10 years of its existence a number of research institutes and independent higher schools for medicine, pedagogy and national economy appeared on its basis. During the Great Patriotic War, the University was destroyed. After the liberation of the Belarusian capital in August 1944 the University reopened in Minsk. The pre-war education and material base of the University had been restored by the end of 1950.


The University Today


Nowadays, the University turned into one of the largest institutions of higher education of the country. There are 16 Faculties, 4 Research Institutes and 25 Research Centers at the University. Students of the University study Mathematics, Chemistry, Geography, Biology, Philology, Journalism, History, Philosophy, Law, International Relations, Economics, Foreign Languages and other subjects. The Higher Education Program at the BSU is aimed at preparing specialists with fundamental and special knowledge and skills in more than 250 specializations.

There are two forms of learning: full-time and part-time (the day department and department by correspondence). Students attend lectures and seminars; have practical classes, study foreign languages. Students' practical work is given much attention to. Students’ academic success is assessed at the end of each semester in the form of oral or written tests and examinations. Professors and students are engaged in fundamental and applied research.


Academic Staff


The academic staff of the BSU is highly qualified. It includes about 2,500 professors and lecturers, among them 6 Academicians and 7 Corresponding Members of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, about 290 Doctors of Science and more than 1350 PhD degree holders. In total more than half of teaching staff are professors and associate professors working at the 176 Departments of the University. The research activity is conducted on the basis of Research Centers and 115 Scientific Laboratories.


Each of the University study building is equipped with well-furnished classrooms, seminar rooms and reading rooms. The University laboratories are equipped with up-to-date devices. There are 70 computer laboratories and 4 media classrooms. Information Resources of the University Network include Web-Server, Web-Servers of the faculties and Intranet-Server of the BSU.

The Fundamental Library in the BSU is one of the biggest libraries in Belarus. At present the funds of the Library include more than 2 million volumes in Belarusian, Russian and foreign languages. International book exchange is organized with 136 research and educational institutions from 24 countries of the world.

International Activity

The Belarusian State University ranks high among European Universities. Spanish ‘Webometrics’1 places the BSU among 2% of the best world universities. The ranking includes over 22, 000 universities of the world. In 2015 the Belarusian State University took 612nd place and was among three best universities of the CIS countries2 including Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, etc.

The University is a member of the International Association of Universities3. It participates in a number of international projects like ERASMUS MUNDUS, TEMPUS, INTAS, COPERNICUS, and some others. At present, the Belarusian State University cooperates with more than 40 universities – members of the Euroasian Universities Association4. Every year the BSU organizes international conferences, seminars and exhibitions.


Career Opportunities

The University offers high quality learning experience, which enables students to develop intellectually. Every year hundreds of young specialists begin working in different branches of national economy, science, education, in mass media, in business organizations and social services.

Belarus accession to the Bologna Process5, which is an important and responsible step in the development of the national education system, will open new opportunities for University graduates.



1 The Webometrics Ranking of World Universities, also known as Ranking Web of Universities, is a ranking system for the world's universities based on university web presence (number of web pages and files, site citations, etc).

2 CIS (C ommonwealth of I ndependent S tates) – СНГ (Содружество Независимых Государств)

3 The I nternational A ssociation of U niversities (IAU) is the worldwide association of higher education institutions. It brings together 641 higher education institutions and organizations.

4 The E urasian U niversities Association (EUA) unites 128 universities of Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Moldova, Russia, Tadzhikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Ukraine.

5 The Bologna Process – the ideas for the European University Community and the Single E uropean H igher E ducation A rea (EHEA - единое европейское пространство высшего образования) come from Italy's oldest University of Bologna. Belarus accession to the Bologna Process was approved in May 2015.



1. higher educational establishment– высшее учебное заведение 2.department – отделение, кафедра full-time department(day department) – дневное отделение part-time department (department by correspondence, distant learning department) – заочное отделение Department of Sociology – отделение / кафедра социологии Department of Philosophy – отделение / кафедра философии Department of Journalism – отделение / кафедра журналистики assess (knowledge, success) – оценивать (знания, успехи) ~ students’ academic success – оценивать успеваемость студентов be engaged(in) – заниматься 5.research – исследование, исследовательская работа carry out/do research – проводить исследование applied research – прикладное исследование to research– исследовать, изучать 6. degree – ученая степень ~ holders – обладатели научной степени a Specialist ~ (Bachelor) – степень специалиста (бакалавра) a Master ~ – магистерская степень PhD~ = Doctor of Philosophy – ученая степень, приблизительно соответствующая ученой степени кандидата наук 7. professor – профессор associate professor – соответствует званию доцента be equipped(with) – быть оснащенным (чем-то) 9.up-to-date– современный ~ devices – современные приборы, средства, устройства ~ laboratories – современные лаборатории be responsible(for) – быть ответственным (за) rank high – высоко оцениваться, занимать высокое место 12. to enable – позволять, давать возможность 13. to develop intellectually – развиваться интеллектуально 14. to access – вступать, иметь доступ accession – вступление (в должность, организацию) 15.a graduate– выпускник an undergraduate(student) – студент первой ступени обучения a post-graduate(student) – студент второй ступени обучения (магистратуры, аспирантуры) to graduate(from) – заканчивать (высшее учебное заведение)


Reading Comprehension Tasks

Belarus has one of the highest student-to-population ratios in Europe. There are 54 higher educational establishments, of which 43 are state owned. Classical and profile universities provide a two-level system of higher education with academic degrees of a Specialist (Bachelor) and Master.

In Unit 3 you will learn about the Belarusian State University, its history and present-day activities, its students and teachers, structure and facilities.


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