Ex.4 Give English equivalents to the following Russian words. — КиберПедия 

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Ex.4 Give English equivalents to the following Russian words.

2017-09-30 523
Ex.4 Give English equivalents to the following Russian words. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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1) заключить союз; 2) сохранить юридическую систему; 3) отдаленные районы; 4) сохранять; 5) национальное различие; 6) наследник; 7) титул; 8) политическое значение; 9) прилегающая территория; 10) народные танцы; 11) сохранить нейтралитет; 12) протестантское и католические общества; 13) враждебный; 14) отряд; 15) осуждать.

Ex.5 Answer the questions.

1. How big is Scotland? 2. What is the population of Scotland? 3. How did Scotland unite with England? 4. Who speaks the Gaelic language? 5. Where is the English language spoken in Scotland? 6. What parts does Scotland consist of? 7. What are the chief cities of Scotland? 8. Who is given the title «Prince of Wales»? 9. What is the capital of Wales like? 10. What is the only distinctive national feature left in Wales? 11. What are the Welsh famous for? 12. When did Eire become a republic? 13. What is Ulster? 14. What has always dominated the political system of Northern Ireland? 15. What is «Irish Question»?

Ex.6 Choose the right variant.

1 Scotland is …

a) more than twice as big as England; b) as big as England; c) more than half as big as England.

2 Until 1603 Scotland was …

a) an independent state; b) a democratic republic; c) an independent kingdom;

3 The Act of Union was passed in…:

a) 1603; b) 1703; c) 1707

4 The … language is spoken all over Scotland.

b) Celtic; b) English; c) Gaelic

5 … is the capital of Wales.

a) Edinburgh; b) Cardiff; c) Glasgow

6 The IRA is supported by …:

a) the Catholics; b) the Protestants; c) the Irish Republic Government

Ex.7 Tell everything what you know about

a) the following places:

Edinburgh, Glasgow, Cardiff, Belfast, Aberdeen, Loch Lomond, Loch Ness, Snowdon.

b) the following people:

Mary Queen of Scots, James Watt, Robert Burns, David Lloyd George, Prince Charles Edward Stewart, Walter Scott, Robert Louis Stevenson, Jonathan Swift, Oscar Wilde.

Ex.8 Match

a) the correspondent Scottish words with the English ones:

Wee, laddie, bonnie, lass, bairn, aye, dram – yes, girl, boy, small, whisky, pretty, child.

b) the correspondent Gaelic words with the English ones:

Bally, slieve, lough, inis, drum, glen – mountain, island, valley, town, lake, mountain top.

c) the correspondent Gaelic names with the English ones:

Sean, Seamus, Liam, Seanna, Brid, Catail – William, Charles, John, Joanna, Bridget, James.

Ex.9 Refute the following statements.

1. More people live in Scotland than in England. 2. Scotland has always had its separate government. 3. Everybody in Scotland speaks the Gaelic language. 4. Scotland is made up of mountains only. 5. Glasgow is the capital of Scotland. 6. Cardiff lies in the north of Wales. 7. Docks in Cardiff are beautiful. 8. Folk culture is not developed in present-day Wales. 9. The Irish Free State took part in the Second World War. 10. The Irish Free State is called “Ulster”. 11. The Catholics and the Protestants peacefully co-exist in Northern Ireland. 12. The IRA supports the Protestants.

Ex.10 Translate.

1. Шотландия и Англия часто воевали, пока в 1707 году не был подписан акт об объединении. 2. Шотландцы потеряли независимость, но сохранили правовую систему и свою религию. 3. Гэльский язык используется малым количеством населения, большинство из которых говорит на английском с местным акцентом. 4. Наследник британского престола носит титул «Принца Уэльского», хотя он и не имеет политического значения. 5. Большая часть населения Уэльса живет в столице - Кардиффе – или в прилегающих районах. 6. Народная культура, в особенности танцы и песни, очень популярна среди валлийцев. 7. Шесть графств, которые остались в составе Великобритании, образуют Северную Ирландию со столицей в Белфасте. 8. Ирландский вопрос о взаимоотношениях католиков и протестантов является одним из ведущих у британского правительства.



Text 8 In the Highlands

The drive from England to Scotland provides the traveller with many pleasant changes of scenery. As it is a fairly long journey, it is good to be able to travel with a friend who can take turns with you at the wheel.

A patriotic Scotsman travelling with an English friend may tell him he is going to see in the Highlands the finest scenery in the world. This may sound exaggerated, but on arriving in the Highlands most people readily agree that the scenery is indeed magnificent.

The Highlands are, as the name implies, the hilly or mountainous region of the country.

On the first night in Scotland, a tourist may choose to put up at a hotel in the little town of Callander, which is known as one of «the Gateways to the Highlands». On the following day, he can set out to see various lakes, or rather «lochs», in the neighbourhood, and will be delighted with the wild and romantic aspect of the countryside. When he returns to his hotel tie will be glad to eat a copious «high tea». This is a meal which, in Scotland and many parts of northern England, takes the place of tea and dinner. It consists of one substantial course, such as one would have at dinner, followed by bread-and-butter, with jam or honey, and some kind of cakes; tea is drunk with the meal, which is taken at about six o'clock in the evening. One has a light supper late in the evening.

The next morning many tourists journey on to the west coast, passing on their way Loch Lomond, one of the largest and most famous of the Scottish lakes. The road twists and turns, dips and climbs, but is not dangerous. The greatest hazard is the black-faced sheep: these animals are as active and impudent as goats, and frequently wander recklessly into the road. The tourist may also see a herd of long-haired Highland cattle, which look savage but are no more so than ordinary cattle. Eventually, the road runs parallel with the sea, along a coastline fringed with little islands and made ragged with rocky bays and the deep inlets that are also called «lochs».

Ex.1 Answer the questions.

1 What is meant by to take turns?

2 What wheel is meant in the expression to take turns at the wheel?

3 What are the names given to the meat of these animals: cows, sheep, pigs, calves, deer?

4 What is the opposite of a reckless person?

5 What is the difference between a wild animal and a savage animal?

6 What is the meaning of eventually?

7 «Deep water». What is the opposite of deep?

8 On what might one find a fringe?

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