Playing Tag (Chase, Tip) – Игра в пятнашки — КиберПедия 

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Playing Tag (Chase, Tip) – Игра в пятнашки

2017-09-30 292
Playing Tag (Chase, Tip) – Игра в пятнашки 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Tag, also tip (коснуться), tick (стукнуть), it, chasey ("догонялки") and many other names, is a game with one or more players trying to touch other players.

In the USA, the game is called "Tag" because one player chases (дого­няя­ет) and "tags" (касается) another player. In the UK (= United King­dom) and Ireland, the game is called "Chase" or "Tip".



Exercise 13. Learn the following counting-out rhyme (считалка):


With this counting-out rhyme you can select (выбрать) a person to be "it" (быть "вόдой"):


Eeny, meeny, miny, moe,

Catch a tiger by the toe.

If he hollers (кричит), let him go (отпусти его),

Eeny, meeny, miny, moe.


Eeny, meeny, miny moe,

Catch a tiger by the toe.

If he hollers make him pay (заставь его платить),

Fifty dollars every day.




You can replace (заменить) "tiger" with " chicken ", " monkey ", " spider " and so on (и так далее).

Sometimes you can add (добавить) two lines more:

My mother told me to pick the very best one,

And that is Y-O-U!



Exercise 14. Irregular verbs (Неправильные глаголы)

Infinitive – неопределённая форма Past Simple – простое про­шедшее время Past Participle – причастие прош. времени Перевод
fall fell fallen падать
find found found находить
fly flew flown летать
hold held held держать
meet met met встречать
ride rode ridden ехать (верхом)
run ran run бежать
tell told told рассказывать
think thought thought думать

Exercise 15. Write the summary using the Past Simple:



Jack (make) a kite. Jack and Jill (try*) to fly the kite in the park but it (fall) onto the grass.

They (try*) it again. It (be) not easy. Jack (run) with the kite and Jill (hold) its tail. The second time the kite (fly) for a short while and (fall) into an apple tree. An apple (fall) on the head of a police officer.

The police officer (want*) to help Jack and Jill but they (do) everything themselves (сами).

Later the kite (disappear*) in a cloud. Jack and Jill (be) sad.

But Helen (can) find the kite and (give) it back to Jack and Jill.

Proverb: It's easier said than done – Легче сказать, чем сделать.




Helen: Welcome to Playtime. It's winter. Look outside. It's snowing. Let's see what Jack and Jill are doing.

Ugh… ugh… Just you wait, Jack! Watch out, Jill!

Jill: Just you wait, Jack!

Helen:Do you like winter? Let's see what you can do in winter. Ugh… Yes, of course, you can throw snowballs. And you can make a snowman. And you can ride on a sledge.

Look, this is a sledge. And you can go skating. Look, here's a pair of ice ­­skates. You can skate on ice. Look.

Jill: You can't skate.

Jack: Yes, I can. Look.

Jill: Oh dear. Have you hurt yourself?

Jack: No, I haven't. I don't like skating.

Jill: Don't worry. Practice makes perfect.

Helen: What about you? Can you skate? Do you like skating? I don't like skating but I like skiing.

Look, this is what you need to go skiing. A pair of skis. And a pair of sticks. And a pair of boots. You've got to wear warm clothes when you go skiing. Look, here's my overall. And here are my mittens. These are my earmuffs.

Now let's see what Jack and Jill are doing.



Exercise 1. Make up questions about the text and answer them:

1. What, it, is season? 2. Is, snowing, it? 3. Is, cold, it? 4. What, do, you, can, winter, in? 5. Do, like, children, the, a, snowman, making? 6. Can, well, skate, Jack? 7. Does, like, Jack, skating? 8. And, about, what, Helen? Does, like, Helen, skating? 9. What, you, need, do, go, to, skating? 10. What, the, are, winter, months?


Exercise 2. Give short positive or negative answers:

1. Is it winter? 2. Is it snowing? 3. Do you like winter? 4. Can you skate?

5. Whose sledge is this? Is it yours? 6. Whose skates are these? Are they theirs? 7. Whose skis are these? Are they ours? 8. Whose mittens are these? Are they hers? 9. Whose earmuffs are these? Are they mine?


Exercise 3. Transcribe the following words:

skate, a sledge, go, worry, an overall.

Proverb: Practice makes perfect.



Part 2

Jack: Hurry up, Jill! Put on your earmuffs and your mittens.

Jill: Where are my mittens?

Jack: In your pocket.

Jill: OK. I'm ready.

Jack: Come on. Let's go.

Helen: Jack and Jill are learning how to ski.

Come and see how they are getting on. They are going up the mountain. In a cable car.

Ski teacher: Let's put our skis on. Are you ready?

Jill: Yes, I am.

Jack: So am I.

Ski teacher: No, you're [jɔ:] not, Jack. Put on your mittens. It's cold up here. Come on, Jill. Follow me. Yes, good.

Now it's your turn, Jack. Very good.

Jack: I like skiing.

Jill: So do I.

Ski teacher: Let's go on. Bend your knees … and turn left. And now turn right. Come on, Jack. Turn left, turn right. You're [jɔ:] good at skiing.

Jill: I'm cold.

Ski teacher: You've got to go faster.

Jack: Let's go down the hill.

Jill: Look, he's going through the tunnel.

Ski teacher: Come along, Jill. Let's follow him. Watch out, Jill! Oh dear, oh dear …

Wait here. I'll be back in a moment. Have you hurt yourself?

Jill: No, I haven't.

Ski teacher: You're [jɔ:] all right. But look, your ski is broken. Come on, Jill. Let's go down.



Exercise 4. Find in the text the following sentences:

1. Одень (свои) наушники и рукавицы. 2. Джек и Джил учатся кататься на лыжах. 3. Они поднимаются на гору на фуникулёре. 4. Давайте оденем лы­жи. 5. Вы готовы? 6. Наденьте рукавицы. 7. Здесь наверху холодно.
8. Сле­дуйте за мной. 9. Я люблю кататься на лыжах. – И я тоже. 10. Со­гни­те ко­ле­­ни и поверните налево. А теперь направо. 11. Ты хорошо ката­ешь­ся на лыжах. 12. Те­бе надо ехать быстрее. 13. Да­вай­те спустимся с холма вниз. 14. Смотри, он едет сквозь туннель. 15. Ты ушиблась?
16. Твоя лыжа сло­мана. 17. Давайте спустимся вниз. 18. Мне холодно. 19. До завтра.




Exercise 5. Make up questions about the text and answer them:

1. What, Jack and Jill, learning, are? 2. Where, going, they, are, a cable car, in? 3. Who, teaching, skiing, Jack and Jill, is? 4. Is, cold, it, the mountain, of, at the top? 5. Can, ski, Jack, well? 6. And, about, what, Jill? Can, go, she, safely, the hill, down? 7. Is, falling, the ski teacher, in, the snow? 8. Has, hurt, Jill, herself? 9. Whose, broken, ski, is? 10. Do, sliding, you, down the slide (горка), like?


Exercise 6. Use the correct object forms of the personal pronouns:

1. Jack is in the garden. I see (he). 2. Where is Jill? I don't see (she). 3. And these are your ice skates. Do you like (they)? 4. It's a pity[20] but he can't help (we). 5. Would you like to go with (I) to the skating rink (каток)? 6. I like your town (город) very much. Could you tell me more about (it)? 7. I don't know (they). 8. We can't go without (без) (you). 9. Please, do it for (I). 10. I have no news from (she). 11. It was easy for (he) to do it. 12. Put (it) on the table.



Part 3

The more it snows – Tiddely pom,

The more it goes – Tiddely pom,

The more it goes – Tiddely pom on snowing.

And nobody knows – Tiddely Pom,

How cold my toes – Tiddely Pom,

How cold my toes – Tiddely Pom – are growing.

Jack: Have you hurt yourself?

Jill: No, I haven't, but I'm cold.

Jack: So am I.

Ski teacher: See you tomorrow.

Jill: I don't know.

Jack: Practice makes perfect.

Jill: Look, Jack, a snowman!

Jack: Let's give him a face. I've got two black buttons for his eyes.

Jill: I've got a banana for his mouth.

Jack: And here's a carrot for his nose and a frying pan for his hat.

Jill: He looks funny.





Helen: What a funny snowman! Look. He's got two black buttons for his eyes, a banana for his mouth. His nose is a carrot. And he's got a frying pan for his hat.

Oh, let's have a look at some pictures from our story now.

Jack likes skiing. He said: I like skiing. Come and speak with me: I like skiing.

Jill isn't very good at skiing. She fell in the snow. Jack asked: Have you hurt yourself? Jill hasn't hurt herself. But she is cold. Poor Jill. – I'm cold.

Do you remember what the teacher said at the end of the skiing lesson? – See you tomorrow.

Now let's go and see what Jack and Jill are doing.


Jack and Jill are playing cards.

Jill: No, Jack, no. Don't cheat!

Somebody is knocking at the door.

Jack: Come in.

Snowman: I'm cold…

Jack: You'll get warm soon.

Jill: Hey, look! It's Pooh!



Exercise 7. Find in the text the following sentences:

1. Мне холодно. – И мне тоже. 2. Увидимся завтра. 3. Посмотри – снежная баба! 4. Давай сделаем ему лицо. 5. У меня есть две чёрных пуговицы, будут ему глаза. 6. А вот морковка для носа и сковородка как шляпа. 7. Он выглядит забавно. 8. Джил не очень хорошо катается на лыжах. 9. Она упала в снег. 10. Ты помнишь, что учитель сказал в конце урока? 11. Ты скоро согреешься.


Exercise 8. Make up questions about the text and answer them:

1. Is, cold, Jill? 2. And, Jack, about, what? Is, too, cold, he? 3. Does, like, the skiing lesson, Jill? 4. What, the children, see, do, of, the door, in front?
5. What, Jack and Jill, going, to, are, do, the snow­man, with? 7. Do, like, the children, of, the new face, the snowman? 8. What, when, happens, Jack and Jill, cards, playing, are? – Somebody … 9. Who, knocking, is, the door, at? – The snow­man … 10. What, the children, see, can, a bit later, when, the snow, has melted?



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