Work in pairs. Match meanings 1-11 with the phrases in bold from the answers in Exercise 46. — КиберПедия 

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Work in pairs. Match meanings 1-11 with the phrases in bold from the answers in Exercise 46.

2017-09-30 362
Work in pairs. Match meanings 1-11 with the phrases in bold from the answers in Exercise 46. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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1 work late at night – to pull an ‘all –nighter’

2 get a brief sleep, especially during the day -

3 do a piece of work as part of your studies -

4 students who are in their first year at a university or college -

5 understand something or to find the answer to something by thinking -

6 stop going to school before finishing the course of instruction -

7 a feeling or an opinion, especially one based on emotions -

8 not part of the usual school or college course -

9 a room for several people to sleep in, especially in a school or other institution -

10 happening at a later time or as a result at the end -

11 something that is so familiar that it is done without having to think about it -


48 Work in small groups. Use the same format and write what BMSTU students think about time management. Try to use the words and phrases from the exercise above.

Exchange your answers with another group and check for spelling. Use a dictionary if necessary.




Exam skills

6 tips for getting ready for the exam


Watch and listen to an expert talking about exam skills and answer the questions.

Useful notes

mock exams – intended to seem real

venue [ˈvenjuː] - the place where a public event or meeting happens

frame of mind - mood that influences how you perform

technique [ tekˈniːk ] - skills needed to do a particular activity


1 When do you need to start revising if you’ve got an exam approaching?

2 Is it a good idea to do lots of test papers before an exam?

3 Why should you start working on past exam papers?

4 What is the aim of mock exams?

5 What question should you spend most time on?

6 Why should you arrive at the exam venue in plenty of time?

Work in pairs. Complete the sentences. Then listen again and check.


1If you’ve got an exam approaching it’s good to know what to expect so that______________

2 An exam is not just a test of your English; it’s _____________________________________

3 Long before the day of your exam you need to be revising, and as part of this it’s a very good idea _________________________________________________________________________

4 You should start working on past exam papers to find out ____________________________

5 Obviously, if you want to do well, you need a good exam technique. ___________ is very important. So, by doing test papers – or mock exams – in the same amount of time that you’ll have for your real exam – will help you ____________________________________________

6 It’s best to spend the most time on _______________________________________________

7 As the exam day approaches, ___________________________________________________

8 If you’ve done the work and you’re prepared _______________________________________


Write six tips for getting ready for your exam and discuss which tip

· you found useful

· you didn’t find useful or didn’t understand

· you would like to follow


Give English equivalents to the words/ phrases below.


· вступительные экзамены

· навыки сдачи экзаменов

· место проведения экзамена

· экзаменационная сессия

· пробные экзамены

· повторение материала перед экзаменом

· сдавать экзамены

· сдать/ выдержать экзамены

· экзаменатор

· расписание экзаменов

· пересдавать экзамены

· хвостовая сессия


Translate the information into English.


Каждый учебный год имеет две экзаменационные сессии и все студенты смогут ознакомиться с расписанием своих экзаменов на портале. Экзамены проводятся в конце каждого семестра, хвостовая сессия после 1 семестра проходит в феврале, а после второго семестра – в конце августа.

В расписании также указывается место проведения экзамена.

Время проведения экзаменов обычно с 9:00 до 12:00, но эту информацию всегда следует уточнять.


Study the idioms.


IDIOMS with time

time’s up an activity is finished

at a time during any one period

time flies a certain period has passed surprisingly quickly

time will tell you will discover in the future what the result of a present situation is

time after time again and again, repeatedly

time and (time) again very often


Complete the sentences with the correct idiom.

1 OK, everyone, _____________ – hand in your tests.

2 ____________ whether we made the right decision

3 We’ve been hearing the same news story _________

4 _______ when you are having fun

5 I can only do one thing _________

6 I’ve told you time ___________ to lock both doors before you leave.


55 Match stages of procrastination 1-6 with students’ phrases a)-e)


1 false security a) May be I should get a head start

2 laziness b ) I’m busy right now.(Just taking a short break)

3 excuses c) I’ll never procrastinate agaaain!

4 denial d) It isn’t due for a while. (I’ll relax for now)

5 crisis e) I still have time. I don’t need sleep

6 repeat

Read and enjoy the jokes.

- I bought a nice calendar last night. This calendar has 8 days a week, 5 weeks a month, and 13

months a year.

- Where did you get it?

- Trust me… I bought it at the Time Management Seminar.


- Who did you talk with?

- The time management consultant called.

- What did he say?

- He will be a little late for the meeting with the staff.


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