Exercise 27. Translate from English into Russian paying attention to the Complex Subject. — КиберПедия 

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Exercise 27. Translate from English into Russian paying attention to the Complex Subject.

2017-09-30 640
Exercise 27. Translate from English into Russian paying attention to the Complex Subject. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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1. This patient is said to be discharged tomorrow. 2. This doctor is said to be very experienced. 3. He seems to be very tired. 4. He is said to have owned two dogs and a cat. 5. The sick man doesn’t seem to recognize you. 6. He is expected to take his exam tomorrow. 7. She proved to be a good student. 8. He is unlikely to know about possible complications of this disease. 9. He appears to be ill. 10. Farm animals are expected to be vaccinated next week.

Exercise 28. Rephrase the following sentences using the Complex Subject.

Model: It seemed that he knew the subject well. He seemed to know the subject well.

1. It happened that we met in the library. 2. It proved that he was a very experienced doctor. 3. It seems that his report has made a deep impression on us. 4. It appears that this discovery was made in the 19th century. 5. It happened that there was a doctor there at that time. 6. It proved that a book was a great success.

Exercise 29. Rephrase the following sentences using the Complex Subject.

Model: It is reported that they have collected samples of deadly viruses. They are reported to have collected samples of deadly viruses.

1. It is said that this book has been lost. 2. It is believed that he has a big potential as a scientist. 3. It is known that causative agents of this disease have been discovered. 4. It is considered that this Academy is the best in the country. 5. It is expected that many students will attend the conference. 6. It is considered that the results of the experiment are satisfactory. 7. It is expected that they will come to Moscow.8. It is believed that the heart transplant operation has been successful. 8. It is well-known that doctors need effective preventive measures to eliminate virus diseases. 9. It is believed that cardiovascular disease is one of the most important medical problems.

Exercise 30. Read and translate the following sentences.

1. He is supposed to discharge the patient from the hospital.

2. He is supposed to have discharged the patient from the hospital.

3. He is supposed to be discharged from the hospital.

4. He is supposed to have been discharged from the hospital.

Exercise 31. Open the brackets using the correct form of the Infinitive.

1. He seems (to read) since morning. 2. He appears (to know) English well. 3. They are supposed (to work) on this problem for the last two months. 4. They seem (to discuss) this problem right now. I can hear their voices. 5. The doctor is supposed (to prescribe) you the right medicine. 6. He seems (to satisfy) with the results of the treatment 7. New medical equipment is believed (to help) scientists solve many important problems. 8. She is expected (to operate) on today. 9. Two other diseases, besides diabetes, appear (to associate) with insulin reception defects. 10. Immunoglobulin proteins are stated (to produce) by the body.

Exercise 32. Translate from Russian into English using the Complex Subject.

I - 1. Кажется, он болен. 2. Кажется, он болел. 3. Кажется, они сейчас пользуются словарем. 4.Кажется, студенты поняли это правило. 5.Он, кажется, хорошо ее знает.6. Кажется, ее статья уже опубликована. 7. Кажется, эта задача очень трудная. 8. Оказалось, эта задача очень трудная. 9. Кажется, он уехал на конференцию.

II - 1. Говорят, что он в Москве. 2. Считают, что он один из лучших преподавателей нашей страны. 3. Считают, что он знает этот предмет очень хорошо. 4. Известно, что он опытный хирург. 5. Ожидают, что он примет участие в конференции. 6. Говорят, что он один из лучших врачей в нашей клинике. 7. Считают, что это изобретение поможет нам в нашей работе. 8. Говорят, что институт инфекционных заболеваний сейчас работает над новой вакциной. 9. Говорят, что операция прошла успешно. 10. Ожидают, что он станет главным хирургом (chief surgeon).

Exercise 33. Point out the Complex Subject and translate the following sentences.

1. On physical examination the liver seemed to be enlarged. 2. The damage to the blood supply was supposed to have been present before the operation. 3. Ulcers are known to have a chronic, cyclic course, with remissions from 6 to 12 months. 4. The patient is thought to suffer from pneumonia. 5. Leukoсytosis is known to develop in inflammation. 6. They seem to study biochemistry. 7. He appears to suffer from tuberculosis. 8. Patients with chronic ulcers are known to complain of an acute pain in the stomach. 9. The pain proved to be sharp on physical exertion. 10. Several drugs are known to be available for treatment of cardiac failures.

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