Раздел 1. Вводно- коррективный курс. Я - представитель молодежи — КиберПедия 

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Раздел 1. Вводно- коррективный курс. Я - представитель молодежи

2017-09-10 258
Раздел 1. Вводно- коррективный курс. Я - представитель молодежи 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Тема 1.6 Родители и дети. Взаимоотношения в семье.


Ex. 1 Essential vocabulary:

English Russian English Russian English Russian
-Relationships -Teenagers -Advice -to unfairly -the adult -rare -generation Взаимоотношения Пподростки совет   взрослые редко   -Formation -The socialist -Partially -Possibilities -Duties -To survive -friendship     Обязаности   дружба -opinion -common -cliques -to deal -to dictate - quite -neutral мнение   природный
Ex.2 Text: Relationships between parents and children The problems of teenagers 1. As for me, I get on with my parents all right. 2. I know, that thousands of young people run away from their homes each year, because they don’t get on with their parents well. 3. Every day I can talk with my mother (father died last week) about everything, because she is young too. 4. And she knows my problems as well as her own. 5. Mother always gives me necessary, correct advice. 6. Many parents are busy, but my mother helps me at any time. 7. I have some friends, whose parents treat them unfairly as small children, but my mum treats me as the adult, as the equal. 8. I clean my room myself - this doesn’t do my mother. 9. She always says: “Go and clean your room tidy.”10. I consider, that my relationships with my mum are very good, which is especially rare at this time. 11. Our grandparents say that nowadays the younger generation has a more difficult life then they had. 12. They explain it taking into consideration the fact about the change of the economic formation from the socialist to capitalist. 13. They are also sure that the younger generation that is youth is not sure in its future. 14. As for me I partially agree with them but I think that nowadays has more possibilities and ways for developing, it has more rights them before. 15. Of course one should remember not only one’s rights but also duties. 16. When a person is young he or she survives more vividly all the problems, for teenagers nearly everything becomes a tragedy. 17. Love, friendship, conflicts these are all the things that go hand in hand with youth. 18. Young people who are alike become friends, they spend time in their own companies share the same opinions, have common interests. 19. Those who are different are very often in the state of a conflict, because they cannot control their emotions. 20. Very often such “hot” boys organize one group against the other and the conflict becomes serious. 21. In big cities there are so-called cliques which dictate their own rules to all their members and they are very difficult to deal with. 22. As for me I live in a small town of Maykop and I cannot say that my town’s problems correspond to the big town’s ones. 23. As far as I know we do not have cliques and our youth is quite neutral to all the exotic changes in way of life and so on. 24.I have a lot of friends. 25. We share common interests, have the same hobbies and visit the same places. 26. We are alike, we want to be students, have a funny life and get much pleasure out of it.

Ex.3 Questions:

Ø What is the main idea of this text?

Ø Do you agree with opinion?

Ø How do you think, what are the main problems between parents and teenagers?

Ø What are the typical conflicts?

Ø What can you advice for destroying such problems?

Раздел 1. Вводно- коррективный курс. Я - представитель молодежи

Тема 1.7 Мой друг.


Ex.1. Say what sentences are true or false.

  True False
1. Little Hans lived in his little house without family.    
2. The rich Miller was so devoted to little Hans, that he always brought him some flowers or some fruit when he was passing.    
3. The Miller used to say that felt very proud to have a friend with such noble ideas.    
4.“There is good in my going to see little Hans in winter,” the Miller used to say his Wife.    
5. Miller’s son suggested inviting poor Hans to their house.    
6. Miller didn’t want to make Hans feel bad.    
7. Hans would be glad to see his friend whenever he came.    

Ex.2 Text

MY FRIENDS. FRIENDSHIP Friendship is very great thing. An English proverb says: “A good friend is as the sun in winter”. I think it is a good proverb. A real friend makes your life happier and more interesting. He/she is clear to you and you want your friendship to last for a very long time. You must always think how to keep it, as it difficult to find a new friend. Friends have the same interests; they understand, help, respect and trust each other. As for me I have a friend, too… We like to be together. We often listen to music (go to the cinema, walk about the city, play games, read books) together. We have the same hobby and devote all our free time to it. We speak of all sorts of things. We tell each other our secrets and troubles. Together we decide what to do. It is interesting to discuss our school life, films that we have seen, interesting books, TV programmes, political news, and the results of sport events. I never quarrel with my friends (if we quarrel we try to make peace as soon as possible). We share the same ideas about sports (music, books, films friendship). But of course there are some issues on which we have different opinions. What I like in my friend is that she (he) is always willing to help, to share his knowledge (success, feelings). I like that she (he) is very sensitive, she (he) knows a lot, I can rely on her (him) in any situation. I trust her (him) a lot and she (he) never lets me down.I respect her (him) for her (his) fairness, strong will. She (he) is very kind-hearted, honest, serious, well-bred, modest, and intelligent. It is easy to get along with her (him). She (he) is always full of ideas. She (he) is good at sports, drawing and music. And there is only one thing I don’t like in her (him): she (he) is sometimes hot-tempered. Friendship helps me to feel strong and self-confident.

Ex.3 Questions

Ø What is friendship?_________________________________________________________________ Ø What is it based on?________________________________________________________________ Ø What proverbs and sayings about friendship do you know? Comment on them.__________________ Ø In what way can friendship influence people?_____________________________________________ Ø Does it help you to rid of your drawbacks?_______________________________________________ Ø Describe your friend. What do you have in common? Is hour friendship important for you?_________ Ø Why do we like our friends?___________________________________________________________

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