The government funding committee has some guidelines to help them assess a project proposal. Look at the guidelines below. Which ones does the Wild City project meet? — КиберПедия 

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The government funding committee has some guidelines to help them assess a project proposal. Look at the guidelines below. Which ones does the Wild City project meet?

2017-09-01 495
The government funding committee has some guidelines to help them assess a project proposal. Look at the guidelines below. Which ones does the Wild City project meet? 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Good projects should...


1 improve the local environment.

2 solve a problem.

3 involve local people working together.

4 need no, or little, annual financial support.

5 offer ideas for future developments.

6 make the local area 'greener'.



Listen to the funding committee discuss the project. Which of the guidelines do Rick and Poppy discuss and in what order? Do they generally agree or disagree with each other?


Listen again. Are these statements true or false?

1 Rick says the project is good for the environment.

2 It solves a problem because it brings local people together.

3 The project does not meet two of the guidelines.

4 The annual running costs are acceptable.

5 Projects with unpaid volunteers are often unsuccessful.

Work in groups. You are the funding committee considering three projects. Look at the information about the other projects and assess all the projects. What are the good/bad things about all three projects? Which of the guidelines' points do/don't they meet?


7. You have a total of £100,000 available. In your group, decide which projects you will fund. You can suggest possible changes to the projects if that means you might fund them.

Compare your decisions with other groups.



What do you think of this one?

What about the other guidelines?

What changes could they make?

Exactly. / Indeed. / Of course.

I'm not sure. / Possibly, but...

So, which shall we support?








" Think globally, act locally.”

Friends of the Earth slogan, cl985



What do you know about the United Nations (the UN)? Discuss these questions with a partner.


1 When was the UN founded?

2 How many countries are now UN members?

3 Where is the UN headquarters?

4 Where is the current Secretary General from?

5 Which of these activities is the UN not involved with?


Aid and peace keeping Children's rights Religious education Economic development International justice Entertainment


Listen and check your answers.




Read this entry from an encyclopedia. What is the main subject of the text?


1. the work of the United Nations

2. celebrities who work for the Secretary General

3. the Secretary General and his/her department


The United Nations is an organisation that works in many different areas. In order to carry out its work, the UN has a large department of international civil servants (the Secretariat). The head of this UN department is the Secretary General and there are about 9,000 other staff members. The Secretary General is responsible for the day-to-day organisation of the UN and its many projects.

As well as these work responsibilities, the Secretary General is a symbol or face of the United Nations. He or she is also a spokesperson for the people of the world and can ask the UN to help with difficult situations in the world.

The Secretary General also chooses the Messengers of Peace. These people publicise the work of the UN and they are chosen from the fields of arts, literature and sports. Messengers of Peace have included Luciano Pavarotti (opera singer) and Muhammad Ali (boxer).


Are these statements true or false, or does the text not say?


1 The UN helps protect endangered animals.

2 The Secretariat manages the UN's daily business.

3 The Secretary General is very well paid.

4 The Secretary General can request that the UN solves a problem.

5 The countries in the United Nations select the Messengers of Peace.

6 The Messengers of Peace tell the world about the UN'S work.

7 Politicians can become Messengers of Peace.




The Secretary General's schedule of activities and meetings is available on the UN website.


Listen to Beth tell the web designer about the Secretary General's appointments for next week. How many meetings does he definitely have?


Listen again and answer these questions.


1 When is he meeting the Syrian Foreign Minister?

2 Who is he meeting at 4 p.m. on Monday?

3 Which committee is he talking to on Tuesday at 10 a.m.?

4 Who is he meeting at 3 p.m. on Tuesday?

5 Where is he going on Wednesday morning? Why?

6 Who is he meeting at 12 p.m. on Wednesday?


VOCABULARY: people and organizations


Put these words into two groups: A for individuals and В for groups of people.

ambassador assistant civil servant committee department head of a department minister president spokesperson staff


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