Гостеприимно (радушно) принимать — КиберПедия 

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Гостеприимно (радушно) принимать

2017-08-26 239
Гостеприимно (радушно) принимать 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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передняя зона /дверь

средняя зона /дверь

задняя дверь

пассажирский трап

встроенные трапы


механический трап


через переднюю


колени, мочка уха, пола, фалда

садиться на борт самолета (парохода)




посадочный талон



провожать кого-либо к чему-либо

Пассажирский билет

Рассаживаться по местам

место «Е» в 17-ом ряду





modern conveniences




A cot

a baby-cot (Br.E.)=

a sky-cot=a cradle


A bedding


a mattress

a mattress cover

a bed-sheet

a blanket

a pillow

a pillow-case

a baby kit

a diaper (Am.E.)

a nappy (Br.E.)

a nappy pin

a pamper



to swaddle one’s baby

a baby diaper (changing)

table (station)


a pram (Br.E.)=a stroller (Am.E.)

a baby carriage (Am.E.)

a baby carrying basket


a nursing mother

to feed (fed, fed)

a feeding bottle

powdered baby-food

bottled (canned) baby food


a teat

=a baby soother


baby talcum powder

удобный, подходящий, устраивающий


современные удобства

неудобный, неподходящий, не -устраивающий


Раскладная кровать


детская люлька


Постельный комплект




фланелевое одеяло



детский набор



булавка для пеленки

подгузник, памперс



пеленать ребенка

пеленальный столик



детская корзина


кормящая мать

кормить (-ся), питать (-ся)

бутылочка для кормления

порошковое детское питание

детское питание в бутылочках/консервах

соска (на бутылке)

соска - «пустышка»


детский порошок, тальк

A bag

a paper bag

a lady’s handbag

a shoulder-bag

a hold-all bag

A case

=a bin (Am.E.)

a brief-case (bag)

an attache case


a suitcase

a cage

a muzzle



a guide-dog

a dog-line

a dog- collar

to stow



stowage bins



a buckle

a buckle cover

to insert

to release


to lift

to tighten



tightly (adv.)

a tight (n)

a strap

on your right (left)

next to you

to be blind

to be deaf and dumb



Сумка, портфель, ранец, мешок


(бумажный) пакет

дамская сумка

плечевая сумка,





ручной, кожаный, плоский чемоданчик



намордник, морда

не снимайте намордник с …


собака поводырь



укладывать, складывать

укладывание, складывание


ящики для складывания ручной

клади (над головой)



крышка пряжки


освобождать, разобщать,



сжимать, натягивать,

подтягивать (туже)

тугой, туго завязанный, натянутый



лямка, ремень, ремешок

справа/ слева от Вас

рядом с Вами

быть слепым

быть глухонемым

люди с умственными или

физическими недостатками


to accompany



unaccompanied child

a master

a coat

an overcoat

a waistcoat

a neck pillow

ear plugs

eye shades

VIPs (very important persons, such as politicians, religious leaders, who are famous in the world of sport and entertainment)


CIPs (commercially important persons, people who are important to the airline for business reasons)


UMs (unaccompanied minors, children travelling alone for whom the airline has accepted responsibility)


сопровождать, сопутствовать



несопровождаемый ребенок

хозяин животного


верхняя одежда


подушка для шеи




очень важные персоны, такие как политические, религиозные деятели, известные во всем мире



коммерчески важные персоны



несовершеннолетние дети, путешествующие одни, за которых авиакомпания несет ответственность





In –Flight Meal Service

On international flights passengers are served aperitif, appetizers, hot meals, dessert and hot drinks with confectionery.

The type of service depends on the time of day, the class of a passenger and the length of the flight leg.

The main meals served are breakfast, lunch and dinner.

In general, first class passengers receive a restaurant-type service with a choice of food and alcoholic drinks, but economy-class passengers receive a pre-set tray without variants or choice.

In all classes soft drinks are complimentary. In first class alcoholic drinks are also complimentary.

Breakfast can be, so-called, a continental breakfast that can be a light meal consisting of a roll or a croissant with jam or marmalade, with fruit juice and tea or coffee.

Lunch and dinner are more substantial meals which are served at midday or in the evening.


They usually consist of:

- an appetizer (a starter)

- a hot main dish of meat or fish or poultry garnished or with a choice of garnish

- dessert of cheese and fresh fruit

- tea or coffee with confectionery.


Snacks are small items of food served between main meals.

Pre- set trays for economy class passengers are prepared on the ground before flight (partially or completely).

Pre-packed hot main courses are often provided and have to be re-heated in the galley and added to the partially pre-set tray.

Some airlines prefer to offer food of their own national cuisine.

Aeroflot first-class passengers are served sturgeon (or salmon) caviar and pancakes with chopped egg-white, egg-yolk, onions, and also sour cream, lemon wedges and Russian vodka.

Before serving meals the cabin attendant must inform passengers when and what meals to expect.


The following announcement is made:


X Ladies and gentlemen.

We are ready to serve you a hot/cold breakfast.


X Ladies and gentlemen.

Your breakfast will be served in 10 minutes.

Thank you.


Answer the questions:

1. What are passengers served during their flight?


2. What does the type of service depend on?


3. What main meals are served?


4. What is the difference in meal service between first class and economy class?


5. What is ‘a continental breakfast’?


6. What do we call meals served at the midday and in the evening?


7. What does a snack mean?


8. What does lunch consist of?


9. What trays are prepared for economy class passengers?


10. What must be done with pre-packed hot meals?


11. What does Aeroflot national cuisine consist of?


12. What meal announcements can be made before meal serving?

Language practice

I. Translate into Russian:

The appetizer is cooked of:

A. - lettuce liner

- roast breast of chicken

- roast tenderloin of beef

- a tomato wedge

- a cucumber slice

- a parsley sprig


B. - lettuce liner

- a ham slice

- a chicken roulade

- a carbonade slice

- two tomato wedges

- three cucumber slices

- a parsley sprig


C. - lettuce liner

- black caviar

- two salted salmon slices

- one boiled egg half

- one lemon wedge

- two cucumber slices

- one parsley sprig


D. - lettuce liner

- smoked salmon

- salted white fish

- one 1/6 lemon wedge

- one boiled egg half

- three cucumber slices

- two tomato wedges

- one parsley sprig


The hot meal is cooked of:



A. - beef goulash

- rice

- green beans pods



B. - poached salmon

- fried potatoes

- parsley butter



C. - chicken Kiev

- saffron rice

- peas

- cauliflower

- parsley butter



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