Plural forms of the nouns – Множественное число существительных. — КиберПедия 

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Plural forms of the nouns – Множественное число существительных.

2017-08-24 618
Plural forms of the nouns – Множественное число существительных. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Основа оканчивается на… Окончание Транскрипция Пример
звонкий согласный -s [z] do g s [dogz] собаки
глухой согласный -s [s] boo k s [buks] книги
гласный -s [z] lin e s [lainz] линии
y после гласной -s [z] da y s [deiz] дни
y после согласной, y заменяется на i -es [iz] copies [kopiz] копии
шипящие (ch, sh, ss, x) -es [iz] bu sh es [bu∫iz] кусты
o -es [z] tomatoes [təma:touz] помидоры
f, fe f заменяется на v -es [z] wol v es [wulvz] волки
Един. число Множ. число Перевод
man woman mouse tooth foot child ox goose sheep deer men women mice teeth feet children oxen geese sheep deer мужчины, люди женщины мыши зубы ступни, ноги дети быки гуси овцы олени


Запомните следующие словосочетания
Единственное число Множественное число
This is These are
That is Those are
It is They are


Exercise 2. Make a plural form of the following nouns.

e.g. – A doctor – doctors, an army – armies.

A lady, a pencil, a tree, a banana, a brush, an easel, a tomato, a fox, a waiter, a puppy, a child, a girl, a student, a foot, a teacher, a man, a tooth, a book, a film, a mouse.

Exercise 3. Make a plural form of the following word-combinations.

e.g. – this fax – these faxes, that cinema – those cinemas

This newspaper, that professor, this movie, that artist, this article, that knife, that review, this landscape, that hotel, this letter, that director, this pen, that computer, that institute, that picture, this address, this phone, that dog, this child.

Exercise 4. Write down the following sentences in the plural form.

e.g. This is a house – These are houses. That is a lamp – Those are lamps.

a) This is a pupil. That is a hostel. That is a vase. This is a rose. That is a sentence. This is a screen. This is a topic. That is a lunch-box. This is a TV-set. This is a script. That is a producer. This is a camera. This is a bank. That is a journalist. This is a shot.


e.g. Is this a bird? – Are these birds? Is that a room? – Are those rooms?


b) Is this a bookcase? Is that a ship? Is that a doll? Is this a baby? Is that a glass? Is this a window? Is this a table? Is that a flower? Is that a plane? Is this a hat? Is this a sandwich? Is that a kitchen? Is this a carpet? Is this an actress? Is that a magazine?


e.g. This man is a pilot – These men are pilots. That girl is a student – Those girls are students.

c) This boy is a pupil. That woman is a designer. This man is a producer. This child is naughty. It is a cameraman. That woman is a sister. This man is a policeman. That mouse is white. That room is large. This lesson is interesting.


1. Личные местоимения являются показателями лица и имеют форму именительного и объектного падежа (отвечают на вопросы: «кого?» и «кому?»):

  Именительный падеж (the Nominative Case) Объектный падеж (the Objective Case)
Единственное число
1-е лицо I me
2-е лицо - -
3-е лицо he him
she her
it it
Множественное число
1-е лицо we us
2-е лицо you you
3-е лицо they them

Личные местоимения употребляются вместо существительных. Личные местоимения he он, she она употребляются вместо существительных, обозначающих лиц мужского или женского пола.

Cпряжение глагола to be в Present Simple (в настоящем времени)

Утвердительное предложение Вопросительное предложение Вопросительное предложение
I am You are He is She is It is We are You are They are Am I? Are you? Is he? Is she? Is it? Are we? Are you? Are they? I am not You are not He is not She is not It is not We are not You are not They are not

Exercise 5. Use the necessary form of the verb ‘to be’.

e.g. I … an art student – I am an art student.

1. He…not a professional actor.

2. We…very busy at the university.

3. I…a fan of this group.

4. She…very popular.

5. He…a talented director.

6. They…great artists.

7. She…not a beginning actress.

8. You…my friend.

9. It…a new film by this director.

10. They…not happy.


Exercise 6. Ask questions and answer them, using different personal pronouns and the right form of the verb ‘to be’.

e.g. To be a famous cameraman. Is he a famous cameraman? – Yes, he is a famous cameraman. Are you a famous cameraman? – No, I am not a famous cameraman.

To be a good teacher; to be a professional pianist; to be a great writer; to be a nice picture; to be an old woman; to be a stage actor; to be a young artist.


Exercise 7. Make the following sentences negative.

e.g. We are engineers – We are not engineers.

1. He is a TV-producer.

2. They are old masters.

3. She is a film actress.

4. He is a music teacher.

5. You are a future cameraman.

6. It is a new comedy.

7. I am a good student.

8. We are young actors.

9. She is a brilliant star.

10. You are a sound producer.

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