IV. Make up sentences corresponding to the information given in the text — КиберПедия 

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IV. Make up sentences corresponding to the information given in the text

2017-08-24 1807
IV. Make up sentences corresponding to the information given in the text 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Copper is used to cover desk lamp cords
Silver one of the most important insulators of all
Rubber the most widely used conductor
Glass a better conductor than copper
Iron not so good conductor as copper
Air the insulator usually used on the city street poles and high voltage transmission lines

V. State questions to the underlined words:

1) Solid metals conduct electricity with ease.

2) Conductance depends on the four factors.

3) There are many kinds of insulation used to cover the wires.

4) Insulators keep electricity from leaking off the conductor.

5) Conductors play an important role in electrical engineering.

VI. Say whether these sentences are true or false:

1) Electrical conductivity of a body depends upon its atomic constitution.

2) There is no difference in the conducting ability of various substances.

3) The longer the wire is the weaker its opposition is.

4) The kind of the insulating material depends upon the purpose it is meant for.

5) Conductors are substances through which electricity is easily transmitted.

6) Insulators do not allow the electric current to flow freely.

VII. Talk on the conducting ability of various substances and their application in electrical engineering. Use the table in Task IV.


I. Read the text.


There are materials that really occupy a place between the conductors of the electric current and the non-conductors. They are called semiconductors. These materials conduct electricity less readily than conductors but much better than insulators.

Semiconductors include almost all minerals, many chemical elements, a great variety of chemical compounds, alloys of metals, and a number of organic compounds. Like metals, they conduct electricity but they do it less effectively. In metals all electrons are free and in insulators they are fixed. In semiconductors electrons are fixed, too, but the connection is so weak that the heat motion of the atoms of a body easily pulls them away and sets them free.

Minerals and crystals appear to possess some unexpected properties. It is well known that their conductivity increases with heating and falls with cooling. As a semiconductor is heated, free electrons in it increase in number, hence, its conductivity increases as well.

Heat is by no means the only phenomenon influencing semiconductors. They are sensitive to light, too. Take germanium as an example. Its electrical properties may greatly change when it is exposed to light. With the help of a ray of light directed at a semiconductor, we can start or stop various machines, effect remote control, and perform lots of other useful things. Just as they are influenced by falling light, semiconductors are also influenced by all radiation. Generally speaking, they are so sensitive that a heated object can be detected by its radiation.

Such dependence of conductivity on heat and light has opened up great possibilities for various uses of semiconductors. The semiconductor devices are applied for transmission of signals, for automatic control of a variety of processes, for switching on engines, for the reproduction of sound, protection of high-voltage transmission lines, speeding up of some chemical reactions, and so on. On the one hand they may be used to transform light and heat energy directly into electric energy without any complex mechanism with moving parts, and on the other hand, they are capable of generating heat or cold from electricity.

Russian engineers and scientists turned their attention to semiconductors many years ago. They saw in them a means of solving an old engineering problem, namely, that of direct conversion of heat into electricity without boilers or machines. Semiconductor thermocouples created in Russia convert heat directly into electricity just as a complex system consisting of a steam boiler, a steam engine and a generator does it.

II. Give the English equivalents for the words and word combinations below:

1) полупроводник; 2) химическое соединение; 3) сплав; 4) освобождать; 5) свойство; 6) увеличивать(ся); 7) охлаждение; 8) чувствительный к; 9) выставлять; 10) луч; 11) направлять на; 12) дистанционное управление; 13) находить, обнаруживать; 14) защита; 15) ускорение; 16) решить инженерную проблему; 17) термоэлемент.

III. Guess the meaning of the following international words:

element, organic, mineral, crystal, phenomenon, automatic, control, process, reproduction, conversion, boiler.

IV. Join the beginnings and ends:

Semiconductors are sensitive to… … conductors of the electric current and non-conductors.
Semiconductors convert heat into … … dependence of conductivity on heat and light.
Semiconductors occupy a place between … … heat and light.
Semiconductors conduct electricity … …into electricity without machines.
Great possibilities for various uses of semiconductors are connected with … … less effectively than metals.
As a semiconductor is heated … … its conductivity increases as well.

V. Insert words and expressions:

1) Semiconductors include a great variety of (химические соединения), (сплавы металлов).

2) Minerals and crystals appear to possess some unexpected (свойства). Their conductivity increases with (нагревание) and falls with (охлаждение).

3) With the help of a ray of light directed at a semiconductor, we can effect (дистанционное управление).

4) The semiconductor devices are applied for (автоматический контроль) of a variety of processes, for the (воспроизведение) of sound, (ускорение) of some chemical reactions.

5) (Термоэлементы) created in Russia convert heat directly into electricity.

VI. Answer the questions:

1) What do semiconductors include? 2) How does the atomic structure of semiconductors influence their properties? 3) What phenomena influence semiconductors? 4) What are the semiconductor devices applied for? 5) How do semoconductors help in solving engineering problems?

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