Public relations dependence on the media — КиберПедия 

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Public relations dependence on the media

2017-07-24 1947
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The purpose of public relations is to inform, shape opinions and attitudes, and motivate. This can be accomplished only if people receive messages constantly and consistently.

The media, in all their variety, are cost-effective channels of communication in an information society. They are the multipliers that enable millions of people to receive a message at the same time. Through the miracle of satellite communications, the world is a global village of shared information.

On a more specialized level, the media are no longer just mass communication. Thousands of publications and hundreds of radio, television, and cable outlets enable the public relations communicator to reach very specific target audiences with tailored messages designed just for them. Demographic segmentation and psychographics are now a way of life in advertising, marketing, and public relations.

The media's power and influence in a democratic society reside in their independence from government control. Reporters and editors make independent judgement about what is newsworthy and what will be disseminated. They serve as screens and filters of information, and even though not everyone is happy with what they decide, the fact remains that media gate-keepers are generally perceived as more objective than public relations people who represent a particular client or organization.

This is important to you because the media, by inference, serve as third-party endorsers of your information. Media gate-keepers give your information credibility and importance by deciding that it is newsworthy. The information is no longer from your organization.

Consequently, your dependence on the media requires that you be accurate and honest at all times in all your public relations materials.



1 be designed for smb 2 channels of communication 3 cost-effective 4 disseminate 5 endorse information 6 gate-keeper 7 inference 8 make a judgement 9 reside in smth 10 satellite communications 11 shape opinions and attitudes 12 tailored message   13 target audience 14 variety   1 быть предназначенным для кого-либо 2 каналы связи 3 рентабельный 4 распространять 5 распределять информацию 6 редактор 7 заключение 8 сделать заключение 9 принадлежать чему-либо 10 спутниковая связь 11 сформировать точку зрения, мнение 12 сообщение, рассчитанное на определенную аудиторию 13 целевая аудитория 14 разнообразие




The relationship between public relations and the media is based on mutual cooperation, trust, and respect. Unfortunately, that is not always the case. The following are some areas of friction.


Many journalists openly disdain public relations people and call them "flacks", a derogatory term for press agents. It is somewhat akin to calling journalists "hacks". Due to protests from the public relations community, The Wall Street Journal now adopted a policy that forbids the use of the word "flack" by reporters in their stories. Unfortunately, many other newspapers have not followed suit.

Journalists often refer to the activities of policies of organizations as "public relations gimmicks".

Excessive Hype and Promotion

Journalists receive hundreds of news releases that are poorly written, contain no news, and read like commercial advertisements. It is no wonder that after a while they form the opinion that the majority of publicists are incompetent.

Journalists also resent the use of gimmicks in sending materials to the news media. These gimmicks are meant simply to separate the news release or press kit from stack on the recipient's desk. However, gate-keepers complain that such gimmicks constitute gifts or "freebies", which their organizations, on principle, do not accept. Some newspapers even return such minor gimmicks as key chains, T-shirts, and coffee mugs. In sum, if you're thinking about using a gimmick with a news release, carefully assess the recipient's potential reaction.


1 assess 2 be akin to smth 3 derogatory 4 disdain 5 excessive 6 flacks 7 follow suit 8 forbid, forbade, forbidden 9 freebie 10 friction 11 gimmick 12 hack 13 hype 14 minor 15 promotion 16 recipient 17 refer to 18 resent 19 stack   1 оценивать 2 быть сродни чему-либо 3 пренебрежительный 4 презирать 5 чрезмерный 6 пиарщик 7 последовать примеру 8 запрещать 9 небольшой подарок 10 трения, разногласия 11 рекламный трюк 12 писаки 13 шумная реклама 14 небольшой 15 продвижение, реклама 16 получатель 17 отзываться о чем-либо 18 возмущаться 19 масса, куча




There will always be areas of friction and disagreement between public relations people and journalists, but that doesn't mean that there can't be a solid working relationship based on mutual respect for each other's work, including journalists.

A good working relationship with the media is vital for a public relations writer. Indeed, one definition of public relations is the building of relationship between the organization and its various public.

Dealing with the Media

Many guidelines for dealing effectively with the media have been compiled. Most of them are well tested and proven, but you must always remember that there are no ironclad rules. Media people are also individuals to whom a particular approach may not be applicable. Here's a list of general guidelines.

1. Know your media. Be familiar with the publications and broadcast outlets that are regular used. Know their deadlines, news format, audience, and needs. Do your homework on other publications and broadcast shows before sending a pitch letter or news material.

2. Limit your mailings. Multiple news releases are inefficient and costly, and they alienate media gatekeepers. Send releases only to publications and broadcast outlets that would have an interest in the information.

3. Localize. Countless surveys show that the most effective materials have a local angle. Take the time to develop that angle before sending materials to specific publications.

4. Send newsworthy information. Don't bother sending materials that are not newsworthy. Avoid excessive hype and promotion.

5. Practice good writing. News materials should be well written and concise. Avoid technical jargon in materials sent to nontechnical publications.

6. Avoid gimmicks. Don't send T-shirts, teddy bears, balloon bouquets, or other frivolous items to get the attention of media gatekeepers.

7. Be environmentally correct. Avoid giant press kits and reams of background materials. Save trees.

8. Be available. You are the spokesperson for an organization. It is your responsibility to be accessible at all times, even in the middle of the night. Key reporters should have your office and home telephone number.

9. Get back to reporters. Make it a priority to respect your promises and call reporters back in a timely manner. They have deadlines to meet.

10. Answer your own phone. Use voice mail system as a tool of service, not as a screening device. Reporters (like other people) hate getting bogged down in the electronic swamp of endless button pushing.

11. Be truthful. Give accurate and complete information even if it is not flattering to your organization. Your facts and figures must be clear and dependable.

12. Answer the questions. There are only three acceptable answer: "Here it is", "I don't know but I'll get back to you within an hour" and "I know but I can't tell you now because …" "No comment" is not one of the three alternatives.

13. Protect exclusives. If reporter has found a story, don't give it to anyone else.

14. Be fair. Competing media deserve equal opportunity to receive information in a timely manner.

15. Help the photographers. Facilitate their work by getting people together in a central location, providing necessary props, and supplying subjects' full names and titles.

16. Explain. Give reporters background briefings and materials so that they understand your organization. Tell them how decisions were reached.

17. Remember deadlines. The reporter must have enough time to write a story. One good rule is to provide information days or weeks in advance. In addition, don't call a media outlet to make a pitch at deadlines time.

18. Praise good work. If a reporter has written or produced a good story, send a complimentary note. A copy to the editor is also appreciated.

19. Correct errors politely. Ignore minor errors such as misspellings, inaccurate ages, and wrong titles. If there is a major factual error that skews the accuracy of the entire story, talk to the reporter who wrote the story. If that doesn't work, talk to the editor or news director.



1 alienate 2 angle 3 applicable 4 avoid 5 compile 6 concise 7 deadline 8 definition 9 device 10 exclusive 11 facilitate 12 flatter 13 guidelines 14 ironclad rules 15 meet the deadline 16 pitch letter 17 priority 18 props 19 ream 20 skew 21 take the time 22 vital 23 voice mail system 1 отдалять 2 точка зрения 3 применимый 4 избегать 5 составить 6 краткий 7 крайний срок 8 определение 9 приспособление 10 эксклюзивное сообщение 11 облегчать 12 льстить 13 правила 14 "железные" правила 15 выполнить что-либо в срок 16 рекламно-информационное письмо 17 первостепенная задача 18 реквизит 19 груда 20 исказить 21 не торопиться 22 жизненно важный 23 автоответчик




The invitation list should include all reporters who might be interested. It is better to invite too than to omit some who may feel slighted. Invitations, which may take the form of letter, should be mailed or faxed seven to ten days in advance. The telephone can be used if the conference is being scheduled on short notice. In any case, the invitation should state the time and place, the subject to be discussed, and the names of the principal spokespeople who will attend.

Invitations should be marked “RSVP” so that you can make appropriate decisions regarding the size of the meeting room, the number of press kits or other materials, and any special equipment that will be needed. Reporters are notorious for not responding to RSVPs, so it is usually necessary to phone them several days before the event as a reminder and to get a tentative answer.

Handling the Conference

It is important that a news conference be well organized, short, and punctual. It is not a symposium or a seminar. A news conference should run no more than an hour, and the statements by spokespeople should be relatively brief, allowing reporters time to ask questions.

You should brief your employers or clients on what they are going to say, how they are going to say it, and what visual aids will be used to illustrate the announcement. Reporters should receive copies of the text for each speech and other key materials such as slides, charts, and background materials. These are often given to reporters in the form of a press kit. Short bios with the accurate names and titles of the participants can be added to the press kit, as can general news releases.

After the Conference

At the conclusion of the news conference the spokespeople should remain in the room and be available for any reporters who need one-on-one interviews. This can be done in a quiet corner or in a room adjacent to the site.

As the public relations person, you should be readily accessible during the remainder of the day in case reporters need more information or think of other questions as they prepare their stories. You should know where the spokespeople are during the day and how they can be reached, just in case a reporter needs to check a quote or get another.

Another duty is to contact reporters who expressed interest but were ultimately unable to attend. You can offer to send them the printed materials from news conference and, if you have recorded the news conference, offer experts of videotape or sound bites. Another possibility is to arrange a one-on-one interview with one of the spokespeople.


1 bio 2 brief 3 chart 4 notorious 5 omit 6 one-on-one interview 7 prior to 8 reminder 9 RSVP 10 on short notice 11 socialize 12 tentative 13 ultimately 14 visual aids 1 биография 2 инструктировать 3 схема 4 печально известный 5 пропускать 6 личное интервью 7 предварительно 8 напоминание 9 будьте любезны ответить 10 быстро 11 общаться 12 предварительный 13 в конечном счете 14 визуальные средства


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