English in the modern world. — КиберПедия 

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English in the modern world.

2017-07-25 175
English in the modern world. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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3 forms:

1. The language of the nation (with its literary norm).

2. The Variants.

3. The Dialects.

(4). Hybrid languages: the pigin languages &the creolized languages.

The Variant  the Dialect (on the surface they look alike).

A Variant is a language which is closely connected with the language from which it developed, which is spoken in another country and has its own literary norm.

A Dialect is a variation of a sentral language spoked on the same territory by certain groups of population => they are usually referred to as lokal dialects.


American E - a state language.

Canadian E - one of the two state languages.

Australian E, New Zealand E, Irish E, South African E and Indian E - the main language.

Where do the variants differ from the English language:

1. The phonetic system Am.:,r, voicing Austr.: labialised vowels.

2. more narrow range of speech.

3. differences in the wordstock: at the expense of native words; different words for the same phenomenon.


1. The General (The Midland).

2. The Northern.

3. The Southern.

4. The Western.

5. The Eastern.

Where do the dialects differ:

- The sound system.

The reasons: some phonetic processes did not take place in the dialect, whereas they took place in the E l. North: the house [u:].

+ dropping - final consonants, and sometimes even initial (for ex. ch.)

+ some consonants are voiced (like in American English)

- The wordstock: we find some local words; the more remote the dialect is the more local word we find.

- We don’t have (in the V. and in the D.)many grammatical differences.

American English: Past Indefinite  Present Perfect

Synthetic Subjunctive Mood

gotten  got

dropping of the art

team, family (‘is’ only)

- The general trend - simplification (in spelling also).


The Hybrid languages are tongues formed on the basis of a certain civilized languages: they originated in the colonies first for the purpose of trade and commerce.

2 types:

1. Pigin languages.

«pigin» is a pronunciation of the English word business (в китайском).

A pigin Language is a very primitive language based on the certain civilized language, and it is primitive both in the vocabulary and the grammatical system.

2. A creolized language - is a language which is more developed than a pigin, which has a system and which has become the written and the spoken language of the population.


New English vocabulary + обогащение словаря.

The end of the MEP and the beginning of the NEP and further on witnessed an intensive development of the wordstock. It was connected with the general development of the country, its political and social development, the development of culture and education.

The end of the MEP witnessed the development of 3 sciences: theology, medicine and philosophy (many special terms except from Latin and Greek entered the E language and many of the have become international terms).

But a real flourish is witnessed during the beginning of the new E period and all through the NEP => it’s a period of European Renaissance which began in Italy and flourished in many other countries. Together with the Renaissance came great interest in culture, art, classical languages => the revival of learning and of interest for Latin; later Italian and still later French. In the OEP there were about 30000 words, whereas now we find about 50000 words. Together with the development of the language there developed new ways of the formation of the new words (OE: affixation, sound gradation, word composition):

1. due to the fact that E has become analytical - conversion developed (many words are root words which may have diff. functions) now it’s the main way.

2. change of stress: present - to present.

3. shortening - Fridge

there appeared many synonyms: sometimes they borrowed words for the nations for which they had already words: native - colloquial

to begin - to start - to commence, borrowed - bookish

(native) (early borrowed) (bookish)

there have appeared many etymological doublets: they are words which have one and the same origin, but they were borrowed at the different chronological periods:

capital - chapter (a later borrowing)

[t∫] - new affricate

there appeared etymological hybrids - many words were formed in which diff. parts have diff. origin: beautiful - beautiful

French German


a native word


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