Прочитайте следующие существительные, обратите внимание на суффиксы (-ian, -ist) и переведите на русский язык. — КиберПедия 

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Прочитайте следующие существительные, обратите внимание на суффиксы (-ian, -ist) и переведите на русский язык.

2017-07-01 404
Прочитайте следующие существительные, обратите внимание на суффиксы (-ian, -ist) и переведите на русский язык. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Specialist, electrician, technician, scientist, academician, mathematician, theoretician.


2. Напишите следующие предложения в вопросительной и отрицательной форме и переведите их на русский язык:


1. He does research work in the field of chemistry.

2. This worker achieved good results in his work.

3. Our scientific workers are at the laboratory now.

4. Your work will be important for us.


3. Составьте предложения из следующих слов, переведите на русский язык:

1. fields, Lomonosov, in, science, of, different, worked.

2. scientists, of, proud, we, our, are, the, country, of.

3. great, science, of, in, the, Russia, development, has, achievements.

4. he, years, two, in, will, from, institute, the, graduate.


4. Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык:


1. Мой друг – студент-второкурсник.

2. Каких специалистов готовит этот колледж?

3. Когда вы закончили школу?

4.Он будет хорошим специалистом в области электротехники.


5. Поставьте глагол в скобках в нужном времени и переведите на русский язык:

1. He (to take) his examinations next month.

2. Russian scientists (to make) a great contribution to the development of world science.

3. The professor’s assistant always (to show) us the experiments in the laboratory.

4. My friends (to go) to the international camp last summer.

5. Our lectures (to begin) at 10 o’clock every morning.






The problem of choosing the future profession has always been very important. This is a universal problem of our epoch. The future profession should be interesting and meet the demands.

There are neither good nor bad professions. All the professions are very useful. I am going to be an electrician. I am a day-time student. I am in the second year.

It is necessary to know your own inclinations and interests. I am going to work in the field of electrical engineering. I am always very busy and I work hard. I study some subjects from their special field of knowledge. Some subjects are very interesting, such as Physics, Electronics, Electrical Engineering, Engineering Mechanics, Engineering Graphics and others.

Besides, I am very interested in computers and get a lot of information about the latest achievements in electronics from Internet.

I am fond of technique and electricity too. There are some good laboratories and workshops with modern experimental equipment in our college. Here the students have their professional practice. They also get different consultations, listen to lectures and do the lab.

So the students can develop their abilities in a certain field of engineering or science. They can also apply the results of studies in practice.



important – важный

epoch – эпоха, период

meet the demands – удовлетворить требования

useful – полезный

a day-time student – студент дневного отделения

to be in the second year – учиться на 2 курсе

it is necessary – необходимо

inclinations – склонность

in the field of – в области (науки)

to work hard – работать упорно (усердно)

to be interested in smth. – интересоваться чем-либо

latest achievements – последние достижения

subjects from their special field of knowledge – специальные предметы

technique – техника

workshop - мастерская

experimental equipment – экспериментальное оборудование

to do the lab – выполнять лабораторные работы

to apply the results of studies in practice – применять результаты учебы на


to develop - развивать

ability - способность

Engineering Mechanics – инженерная механика

Engineering Graphics - инженерная графика




1. Переведите следующие слова и словосочетания на английский язык в соответствии с содержанием текста:


проблема выбора, важный, я собираюсь работать, область электротехники, работать упорно (усердно), некоторые предметы, последние достижения, увлекаться техникой, профессиональная практика, хорошие лаборатории и мастерские, разный (различный), развивать способности.


2. Закончите предложения в соответствии с текстом:


1. The problem of choosing profession…..

2. The students can develop their abilities in……

3. I am fond of…..

4. All the professions are …..

5. There are some good laboratories….

6. The students can also apply…..


3. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1. Are there a lot of different professions nowadays?

2. Is it a problem to choose a future profession?

3. Is it necessary to know your own inclinations and interests?

4. What are you going to be?

5. Where do you study?

6. What subjects do you study?

7. What are you interested in?

8. Are you fond of technique?

9. Where do you have your professional practice?

10. Can you apply the results of studies in practice?


Кратко перескажите текст.


5. Прочитайте диалог и выучите наизусть:


- Good morning, Alec. I haven’t seen you for ages. How are you?

- Hallo, Max. Glad to see you. I am well, thank you.

- Where do you study now?

- I study at Volgograd State College of Economics and Technics.

- Nice. Are you going to be an economist?

- No, I’m not. I’m going to be an electrician.

- Do you like your speciality?

- Of course I do.

- Good.




1. Напишите прошедшее время от следующих глаголов:


learn, get, love, carry, graduate, be, begin, make, have, want, take, study, develop, work, read, write, go, come, build.


2. Напишите в вопросительной и отрицательной форме следующие предложения и переведите на русский язык:


1. He does research work in the field of electrical engineering.

2. This worker achieved good results in his work.

3. Our scientific workers are at the laboratory now.

4. Your work will be important for us.


3. Напишите во множественном числе:


1. This scientist works in the field of physics.

2. I don’t know the structure of this substance.

3. An atom is a very, very small particle of matter.

4. That man has a good knowledge of mathematics.


4. Напишите в притяжательном падеже, где это возможно:


1. the invention of the scientist –

2. the course of the college –

3. the ability of the man –

4. the discovery of the inventor –

5. the abilities of the men –

6. the teachers of the college –

7. the training of the specialist –

8. the training of the specialists –

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