Explain the use of the Present Perfect forms. Translate into Russian. — КиберПедия 

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Explain the use of the Present Perfect forms. Translate into Russian.

2017-06-29 426
Explain the use of the Present Perfect forms. Translate into Russian. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Explain the use of the Present Perfect forms. Translate into Russian.

1) I have just had lunch.

2) I have visited China twice.

3) I have never been to India.

4) He hasn't driven a car since December.

5) John hasn't written to me recently.

6) Has it stopped raining yet?

7) The door was white, now it is blue. Mary has painted the door.

8) We have known each other since we were at school.

9) It's 12 o'clock, so I have been here for 2 hours.

10) You can read this poem with the correct intonation after you have listened to it 3 times.


Transform into negative and interrogative forms.

1) She has already done her homework.

2) He has always lived here.

3) She has been here several times before.

4) We have just listened to the story.

5) They have already received a new flat.

6) I have already passed my driving test.

7) I have already found a good job.

8) He has tried to give up smoking 5 times this year.

9) We have met a lot of interesting people for one year.

10) He has studied very hard this term.


Transform into an interrogative form according to the model.

Model: I have known him for 5 years (since 1980).

How long have you known him?

Since when (what time) have you known him?

1) Tom and I have known each other for 20 years already.

2) Since Christmas the weather has been bad.

3) Ann has been on holiday for 3 days.

4) He has had his car since February.

5) Bob and Mary have been married for 5 years.

6) He hasn't been at home for 2 weeks.

7) Three days have passed since the beginning of the 1st term.

8) He hasn't been to the theatre for a long time.

9) They haven't seen each other since they graduated from the Institute.

10) He has studied very hard for 2 years.


1.4. Put in: yet or already .

Mike: Haven't you cleaned the bathroom (1) yet?
Chris: Stop complaining! You've (2) ….. asked me that 3 times today. Why is it so important?
Mike: I've (3) ….. told you. My parents are coming to stay this weekend.
Chris: Well, don't worry! They haven't come (4) ….., have they? Anyway, it's not my turn to clean the bathroom. I've (5) ….. done it this month.
Mike: That's not true. You've been living here for nearly a year and I haven't seen you do any cleaning (6) …...

1.5. Put in: since or for.

John and Norma have been married (1) for 20 years. They have been in New York (2) ….. 1989. John has known Wall Street (3) ….. 4 years and he has made a lot of money (4) ….. he started working there. Norma hasn't worked (5) ….. she moved to New York, but she hasn't written a book (6) ….. the past 2 years. She has had a lot of spare time (7) ….. their son left home 4 years ago to work in France.


Open the brackets. Use the Present Perfect.

1) The clock is slow. – It isn't slow, it (to stop).

2) He (not to smoke) for 2 weeks. He is trying to give it up.

3) It (to be) cold this year. I wonder, when it is going to get warmer.

4) We (to miss) the bus. Now we'll have to walk.

5) I (to lose) my black gloves. You (to see) them anywhere?

6) Why you (not to bring) me the letters for signature? You (not to type) them yet?

7) You (to finish) checking the accounts? – No, not quite. I (to do) about half so far.

8) You (to see) today's paper? – No, anything interesting (to happen)? – Yes, two convicted murderers (to escape) from the prison down the road.

9) How long that horrible monument (to be) there? – It (to be) there for 6 months. Lots of people (to write) to the Town Council asking them to take it away but so far nothing (to be) done.

10) How long you (to be) out of work? – I'm not out of work now. I just (to start) a new job.

11) I (to learn) the abstract of this poem. Could you listen to me?

12) He is the most handsome man I (ever/to know).

13) I (not to hear) from him since he left Paris.

14) You (to have) a holiday this year?

15) We (not to see) each other since that evening at Mr. Grey.


Combine the given phrases. Translate what is given in the right-hand column.

1) I have lived in this city A) с детства B) на протяжении 10 лет C) с 8 лет D) с тех пор, как мы купили здесь дом в 1990 году
2) I have waited for the boss A) с 9 часов B) 2,5 часа C) с тех пор, как он позвонил мне D) с тех пор, как мы закончили разговор с Джоном
3) They have been our business partners A) уже 2 года B) с прошлой осени C) с тех пор, как познакомились D) на протяжении многих лет
4) Steve has lived in Germany A) с тех пор, как закончил школу B) с детства C) всю свою жизнь D) 10 лет
5) I haven't seen Tom A) последнее время B) еще C) с апреля D) с тех пор, как мы переехали
6) The weather has been quite mild A) с Рождества B) уже несколько дней C) целую вечность D) с тех пор, как прошел дождь
7) They have known each other A) долгое время B) уже 10 лет C) с тех пор, как пошли в школу D) с 1990 года
8) He has been ill A) уже 3 недели B) с тех пор, как влюбился C) с тех пор, как поел мороженое D) с тех пор, как промок под дождем

Oral Activity

Written Activity

The table below summarizes the results of matches played this season by 3 football clubs in the English First Division.

  Matches played Goals Points
  P W D L F A  
Manchester United              

P – Played, W – Won, D – Drawn, L – Lost, F – For, A – Against.


Now write 4 sentences of your own about these clubs.



Explain the use of the Present Perfect forms. Translate into Russian.

1) I have just had lunch.

2) I have visited China twice.

3) I have never been to India.

4) He hasn't driven a car since December.

5) John hasn't written to me recently.

6) Has it stopped raining yet?

7) The door was white, now it is blue. Mary has painted the door.

8) We have known each other since we were at school.

9) It's 12 o'clock, so I have been here for 2 hours.

10) You can read this poem with the correct intonation after you have listened to it 3 times.


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