Заполните пропуски, вставив одно из местоимений, данных в скобках, и переведите предложения. — КиберПедия 

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Заполните пропуски, вставив одно из местоимений, данных в скобках, и переведите предложения.

2017-06-29 506
Заполните пропуски, вставив одно из местоимений, данных в скобках, и переведите предложения. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
Заказать работу

1. We haven't... black stockings. (no, any)

2. “They have … red boots, Kate”. (any, no)

3. I don't want... today, thanks. (nothing, anything)

Задание 3.

Раскроете скобки, употребляя глаголы в одном из времен, укажите время и переведите предложения:

1. When I (to leave) home, the snow already (to stop), but a strong wind (to blow). 2. You (to read) this book? - Yes, I (to read) it. I (to think) it (to be) very interesting. 3. What the children (to do) now? - Oh, they (to play) a new table game which I (to buy) for them the day before yesterday. 4. If you (to help) me tomorrow, I (to do) this work well. 5. When I (to leave) home, the snow already (to stop), but a strong wind (to blow). 6. You (to read) this book? - Yes, I (to read) it tomorrow. I (to think) it (to be) very interesting. 7. What the children (to do) now? - Oh, they (to play) a new table game which I (to buy) for them the day before yesterday.

Задание 4.

Выпишите модальные глаголы или их эквиваленты, причастия настоящего времени, указывая от каких глаголов они образованы, и переведите предложения.

1. I got up at 7 o'clock. 2. We were talking all our meeting. 3. He speaks English well. 4. When I was a young person I liked sport. 5. They are allowed to take these books. 6. I can’t help you. 7. She's looking at the man next to her. 8. I shall be reading when you come. 9. Has Lucille а new motorcar. 10. Has he to listen to her? 11. I don't go out because it’s cold outside. 12. I might take your things.

Задание 5.

Переведите на английский язык, употребляя глаголы в Passive Voice.

1. Где сейчас ваш брат? - Его послали во Францию. 2. Наш дом сейчас ремонтируют. 3. Тебя вчера просили прийти пораньше? 4. Книги надо положить в шкаф. 5. За доктором пошлют завтра. 6. Колю как раз сейчас спрашивают. 7. За Леной послали ли до того как ты пришел? 7. Нас допросили в полиции. 8. Знал ли ты номер его телефона до того как он позвонил?

Задание 6.

Письменно переведите текст и задайте 5 вопросов в виде плана для пересказа текста.

For the Young Teacher

Are you the kind of teacher whose children groan or sigh when the bell rings, because they don't want their lesson to stop? "What fun" they say as they leave the room. "We had a marvelous lesson today" they tell their mothers and fathers. "Our teacher's terrific" they tell their friends. Or are you the sort of teacher who says to the class "Now I'm going to read you a funny poem" – and does so in a voice of gloom – like a man announcing the death of a close friend. Or the kind of teacher who kills a child's enthusiasm and interest by saying in reply to a pupil's honest comment ("I don't like that story, miss, I think it' stupid"): "If you talk like that, Alice, I'll put you outside the classroom door." Ah, well! It takes all sorts of teachers to make a world, I suppose. But I like my children to have fun – perhaps because I remember so well my Great-Aunt Edith who believed that "children should be seen and not heard" and was never tired of telling me so.

What then is fun in a lesson – fun for children in a classroom? Perhaps I'd better start by saying pretty what it's not! It is not chaos. It is not the teacher clapping hands for silence with no result. It is not children jumping out of their places without purpose 'or reason. It is not children talking to each other at the tops of their voices in competition with the teacher. All this would show a teacher who has no control and no discipline. Above all, this kind of thing would reflect a lack of personal discipline in the mind of the teacher.

Fun, then, starts in the mind of the teacher, long before he gets anywhere near his school, let alone his particular classroom. It starts with a feeling and belief that teaching children is one of the jolliest things anybody can do. Hard work, heartbreaking, exhausting, exasperating – yes. But worthwhile and exciting. The good teacher is the one who keeps his mind open to new ideas and new impressions. He is one who seizes on the realities of the world around him today and incorporates them in the lesson of tomorrow.


Задание 1.

Вставьте артикль, где необходимо и переведите предложения.

1. Is this my … pencil? No, it isn’t. It is not my … pencil. It’s … his … pencil.

2. My... brother is not at... home, he is at... school.

3. My... brother is... teacher. He works at... school.

4. What does your mother do after... breakfast? - She goes to... work.

5. Until near... end of... 19th century it was the law in England that if... man was unable to pay... debt, even small one, he could be imprisoned.

Задание 2.

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