Discuss the following questions. — КиберПедия 

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Discuss the following questions.

2017-06-25 686
Discuss the following questions. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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1) How would you define chemistry?

2) What do you know about chemistry?

3) What does chemistry study?

4) What sciences is chemistry closely connected with?

5) What is the task of chemistry?

6) What are chemists interested in?

7) What is the objective of chemistry?

5. Look through the text again and a) find all the definitions that are given in it; b) give your own definitions to the chemical terms in bold.

Match the words in column A with their definitions in column B.

A B  
1. matter a) a material, type of matter
2. structure b) a division of science
3. composition c) a way or manner of doing scientific work
4. property d) a quality or power, or effect that belongs naturally to smth.
5. chemistry e) smth. done wrongly, a mistake
6. scientific method f) all space and the matter around us
7. animate g) the material that makes up the world and everything in space and can be seen or touched
8. inanimate h) the arrangement of various parts of which smth. is made up
9. space i) the science studying the substances which make up the Earth, the universe and living things
10. ratio j) nonliving objects
11. substance k) a figure showing the number of times one quantity contains another
12. trial l) living animals and plants
13. error m) the way in which parts are formed into a whole
14. branch n) an act of testing smth.
15. universe o) smth. that surrounds all objects and continues an all directions

Find English equivalents to the following Russian words, word combinations and chemical terms in the text.

1. глаголы (verbs): включать, определять, организовывать, приписывать, управлять, создавать, улучшать, рассматривать, наблюдать, объяснять, изобретать

2. существительные (nouns): явления, знания, определение, развитие, цель, применение, масштаб, деятельность, многообразие, рост, ошибка, вселенная, пространство

3. прилагательные (adjectives): обоснованный, взаимосвязанный, огромный, быстрый, основной, требуемый, живой, неживой

4. наречия (adverbs) и словосочетания (word combinations): лишь, а не, в дополнение, то есть, короче, в основном, однако, по сути дела, посредством, иногда, даже, хотя, внести вклад

5. научные термины (scientific terms): материя, вещество, изменение, свойство, эксперимент, химия, закон, наука, научный метод, состав, структура, отрасль, соотношение

Using a dictionary give the plural form of the following Latin words and translate them into Russian.

Phenomenon, basis, thesis, index, focus, criterion, datum, equilibrium, medium, synthesis, analysis, curriculum, symposium, spectrum, maximum, vacuum, stratum, hypothesis, phases, nucleus.

Look through the text again and deduce which of the following ideas are not expressed in the passage.

1. Chemistry plays the central role in the life of modern world.

2. Chemistry studies the composition, the properties and the structure of matter.

3. Reactions of matter in atomic and molecular systems are also studied by chemists.

4. It is necessary to demonstrate the influence of chemistry on science in general and its position in society.

5. The history of chemistry can be traced back to ancient times.

6. Experimentation in chemistry began only in the 17th and 18th centuries.

7. In chemical reactions one or more substances change their chemical composition and form one or more new substances.

8. Scientific method is the most important factor in the development of chemistry.

9. Every chemical element is characterized by a definite atomic number.

10. Chemistry is related to other sciences, e.g. physics and biology.

What are the subjects of the following sciences?

Physics … deals with living objects (cells and organisms).
Chemistry …is concerned with… the Earth, its composition, its character, the structure of the crust.
Biochemistry …treats… the molecular transformations in chemical reactions.
Geology …studies… the interactions of subatomic particles.

Complete the sentences and give a short summary of the text.

1. The text tells us about ________________.

2. The author points out _______________.

3. He believes ____________________.

4. In the second part of the text he continues _______________.

5. The author also gives the information about __________.

6. In conclusion, ________________.

Lesson XIII



What is the difference between a thing and stuff?

How can you differentiate between a thing and stuff?

Choose from brass, bottle, atmosphere, chair, pan, boiled egg, ornament, wood, sea water, air, plastics, toy, soldier. Can you name things? Stuff?

Can you match a thing with the stuff it is made of?

Are stuff and matter synonyms? Explain why?


1) stuff - вещество, материал
2) solid - твердый
3) liquid - жидкий
4) gas, gaseous - газ, газообразный
5) to melt - таять, плавиться
6) to evaporate - испаряться
7) vapour - пар, испарения
8) to obtain - получать, приобретать, добывать
9) to exist - существовать
10) degree - градус
11) volume - объем
12) shape - форма
13) to compose - составлять, входить в состав
14) essential difference - существенное различие
15) molecule - молекула
16) to possess - обладать
17) to be known - быть известным
18) state of matter - агрегатное состояние
19) neither …. nor - ни …. ни
20) relative quantity - относительное количество

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