Look at the pictures and match them to the words in the box — КиберПедия 

Индивидуальные и групповые автопоилки: для животных. Схемы и конструкции...

Адаптации растений и животных к жизни в горах: Большое значение для жизни организмов в горах имеют степень расчленения, крутизна и экспозиционные различия склонов...

Look at the pictures and match them to the words in the box

2017-06-25 818
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Модуль 6

Advances in Space Research

Topic: Advances in Space Research

Grammar: Modal Verbs

Essential Vocabulary: gravity, weightlessness, raw materials, advent, improve, sustain, dedicate, process, although, vital, impurity, eliminate, allow, precisely


Look at the pictures and match them to the words in the box

1________________ 2___________________ 3________________ 4____________

5_________________ 6__________________ 7_________________ 8______________

Earth, astronaut, Universe, gravity, planets, space, weightlessness, ISS


  1. Answer the questions and discuss your answers in pairs:
  • Have you ever dreamed to be an astronaut or a space researcher?
  • Is space research important for mankind? Why?
  • Can space technologies be beneficial for our life on Earth?
  • What is the difference between Earth and space conditions?

3. Listening comprehension

Could you be an astronaut? [1]

Listen to a small talk. Before you start listening look at the following words and expressions to better understand the talk:

claustrophobia - клаустрофобия

to get on each other's nerves/annoy - раздражать

to put up with - мириться, терпеть

zero gravity - отсутствие силы тяжести

somersaults - кувырки

to float - всплывать, плавать

to exert no force - не оказывать влияния

wasting of the bones and muscles – атрофия костей и мышц

to prevent - предотвращать

weightlessness - невесомость

buoyancy |ˈbɔɪənsi| - плавучесть; подъёмная сила; жизнерадостность; бодрость

padded - оббитый, мягий

altitude |ˈaltɪtjuːd| - высота

nosedive - пикирование

to conduct - проводить

to get stranded - попасть в бедственное положение

forage - добывать продовольствие

keen to know - стремиться узнать

to apply - подавать заявление

to give up - отказаться

to run out of time- испытывать дефицит времени



Are the statements true (T) or false (F)? Correct the wrong statements.

1. A few dozens of people have been into space so far.

2. Astronauts have to put up with extremely high gravity in space.

3. Wasting of bones and muscles is the result of zero gravity.

4. Astronauts can use a virtual reality headset and special gloves to prepare them for

weightlessness and spacewalking.

5. Astronauts practise their spacewalk in pools with sand.

6. The European Space Agency sends astronauts to Russia for the survival training.

7. When the space capsule lands somewhere unexpected, astronauts have to find food for them.

8. According to Nasa's website, 18 000 people applied to join their 2017 astronaut class.



Which of the meanings of modal verbs (ability, obligation, necessity, permission, prohibition, giving advice) do these sentences refer to?

e.g. The astronauts need tools and parts on board the spaceship. (necessity)

1.The astronauts mustn`t stay in space for too long.

2.Any type of space exploration should be postponed.

3.Trainee astronauts have to do a whole range of activities.

4.We can literally hear the Universe speaking to us.

5.You ought to help your friend. He is in trouble.

6.The doctor said, “You can take long walks every morning.”

Lesson 2

15 Look at the adjective form of nouns.

A. Noun (существительное) + ful = Adjective (прилагательное)

e.g. use (польза) – useful (полезный), skill (умение, навык) – skillful (умелый, профессиональный)


advent n появление mold n / v шаблон, литейная форма/формовать
alloy n сплав movement n движение
although adv хотя; несмотря на то, что precisely adv именно, точно
application n применение    
certain adj определенный process n/v процесс/обрабатывать
create v создавать property n свойство, характеристика
data n данные research n/v исследование/исследовать
dedicate to smth v посвящать чему-либо (кому-либо) raw materials сырье
diminish v уменьшать, убавлять, сокращать separate v отделять, разделять
eliminate v устранять, ликвидировать sustain v поддерживать
improve v улучшать thus adv так, таким образом
impurity (мн.ч. –ies) n примесь (примеси) valuable adj ценный
introduce v вводить, представлять, знакомить, применять, привносить vital adj очень важный (жизненно важный)  
melt n/v расплав, плавка/таять, плавить weight n вес


Lesson 3

Grammar (See Grammar Reference to the Module)

Part 2. Modal verbs expressing possibility and certainty.

28 [5] (file 3) Listen to the explanation of how to use modals of possibility and certainty. Complete the sentences. (1:37 min)


Modal verbs (called modals for short) are _________(1) verbs that express a speaker’s attitude and the strength of that attitude. There are about __________(2) modals in English.

A person who is 100% sure uses the verb beas in "I ______(3) sick." If they are mostly sure, say 95%, they will use the modal _______( 4 ), as in "I ______(5) be sick." When speakers are about 50% sure, they will use the modals may, might, or could; as in " I __________(6) be sick. I _____________(7) be sick. I _______________(8)be sick. "

What modal verbs will you use to express your certainty of 95%, 50%?

Useful notes


Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) - мышечная дистрофия Дюшенна

incurable genetic disorder – неизлечимая генетическая болезнь

adolescence | adəˈlɛs(ə)ns| – юность, молодость

1 What is this video about?

Earth/application/ISS research

2 What are the growing conditions of high quality crystals?

they/grow/ microgravity

3 What is the investigation of protein crystals in space helping treat?

treat/ DMD/affect/muscles/young boys

4 Why couldn’t scientists grow a crystal on Earth?

gravity/impact (влиять)/quality/crystal

5How many experiments have been conducted since 2003?


6What is the result of the experiments?

are able/to slow/by half/

7 What are scientists going to do in the future?

determine/ thousands of proteins/structures/

8 Who are they doing this research for?

not only/ourselves/generation/to come



Phrases due to, thanks to, because of and no longer

33. Translate into Russian the following sentences with the phrase prepositions due to, thanks to, because of

1. Ships can communicate over long distances due to the radio. 2. Because of the earth's rotation there are days and nights on the earth. 3. Thanks to the radio it is possible to transmit human voice across the globe. 4. Due to the latest achievements in electronics it has become possible to develop supercomputers. 5. Because of their long life solar and atomic batteries are used to supply power to transmitters in spacecrafts. 6. Thanks to the development of radio telescopes radio astronomy has made great achievements. 7. Our century can be called “Space Age” because of the development of a new branch of science and technology - cosmonautics. 8. Many well-known processes go on differently due to the absence of weight.


34. Complete the sentences using due to, thanks to, because of


1. Even in quiet weather conversation is difficult _________________ the wind.

2. The bubbles move very slowly ____________ the weightlessness.

3. _______________ growing perfect crystals in space some terminal diseases can be cured.

3. There are a lot of power cuts in this area ________________ the weather.

4. _______________ the high number of calls today, you will have to wait.

5. Everyone knows when I'm lying _________________ the expression on my face.

6. Frank wants to find another job but doesn't have a lot of confidence ______________ his boss.

7. These days, _______________ the miracle of television, we can watch events happening on the other side of the world.

8. ________________ to the advent of space stations, it became possible to sustain a weightless environment long enough to carry out experiments.


Remember! Because (conjunction) and because of (preposition) are different. We stayed in because it was raining - We stayed in because of the rain.  

B. Change the sentences following the rule in Remember section.

1. He was able to go to university because his uncle helped him.

2. Because I was unhappy, I didn't want to see anybody.

3. Ann arrived late because there was a problem at the airport.

4. We couldn`t play match because the weather was bad.

5. I couldn't understand them because they had an accent.

6. We had to drink a lot because it was hot.

7. I couldn't go away last weekend because I worked.

8. I couldn't understand her because I was tired.


35. Change the following negative sentences using negation no longer in accordance with the model

e.g. It isn`t possible to put off the solution of ecological problems any longer. - It is no longer possible to put off the solution of ecological problems.


1. People don`t think of radio and television as something fantastic any longer.

2. In space the Archimedes principal is not valid any more.

3. This program is not only about conducting scientific investigations in the absence of gravity.

4. Now, with these food delivered by the space shuttle a few times a year, you don`t have to take special tablets any longer.

5. When we are not able to change a situation any longer, we are challenged to change ourselves.

6. We have a small two-door wardrobe we do not need any more.

7. He was told he didn`t have a job any more.

8. Having a better understanding of the protein’s shape this genetic disorder isn`t hopeless any longer.


Space research is a waste of money. vs. Space research is money well spent.

Lesson 4

STUDENT A’s QUESTIONS (Do not show these to student B)

1. What springs to mind when you hear the word 'space'?

2. How interested are you in space?

3. What do you think about what you read about gravitational waves?

4. What do you know about Einstein?

5. What do you know about Einstein's General Theory of Relativity?

6. What do you want to know about space?

7. Do you think there is life on other planets?



STUDENT B’s QUESTIONS (Do not show these to student A)

10. What is the most important discovery ever?
11. What is the most important invention ever?
12. What questions are there about our universe?
13. Will everything in science fiction movies come true?
14. Would you be a good scientist?
15. Do you think we will find something in space we won't like?
16. Would you like to research in space?

42 Read the title of the article and answer the questions:

A. 1. What is the topic of the article?

2. What kind of person would be interested in this article?

Andrew Nikonov (a BMSTU graduate) has decided to write a letter of application to the Cosmonauts Training Center. He is required to write letters both in Russian and in English to demonstrate a good command of English.


45. Debate these fun arguments for just two minutes each. Student A agrees with the first argument, Student B, with the second. Use the following expressions:

In my opinion,….. From my point of view….. I believe…… In the future, I think ….

I don`t agree with you… I don`t really think… I`m afraid I can`t agree with that idea…

Living in space would be crazy. vs. Living in space would be awesome (потрясающе).

b. Weightlessness would be wonderful. vs. Weightlessness would be boring.

c. Being on Earth is more beautiful. vs. Looking at the earth is more beautiful.

d. An astronaut is the best job in the world. vs. There are better jobs.

e. Living in space is bad for your health. vs. Living on Earth is bad for your health.

f. A holiday in space would be exciting. vs. A holiday in space would be stressful.

g. We will have to live in space one day. vs. We will always be able to live on Earth.

h. China will be the leader in space exploration. vs. Russia will always be first.

i. Space research is a waste of money. vs. Space research is money well spent.

46 Make presentations in Power Point on the topic “Advances in Space Research”. (Use the texts “Creating Materials in a Weightless Environment” and “Gravitational Waves Detected, Einstein Is Right”, and your own findings). The following websites might be helpful:

http://www.nasa.gov National Aeronautics and Space Administration

http://www.esa.int - European Space Agency

http://www.federalspace.ru/ Russian Space Agency








Home work after Lesson 4

1. ex. 45

2. ex. 46




Module 6 Test V.0


1. In the nearest future China ___________ become the leader in space exploration. (возможно)

2. In accordance with the space programme cosmonauts ________ study the properties of materials in space. (должны в силу запланированности)

3. The astronaut profession _____________called one of the riskiest in the world. (может быть названа)

4. Engineers _________ carry out complex tasks to apply new technologies. (могли)


IV. Unjumble the words and write two or three more sentences on the given topic. 4 (2+2) points

Scientists are trying to get humans to Mars. Researchers are currently trying to find out what kind of plants (1) in could on the red grow soil Mars. They hope that astronauts (2) to willgrowing able be start their own food on the Red Planet. The journey to Mars (3) take could to two-and-a-half up years. The astronauts (4) with will of take a need to lot food them just to last for the journey.


Grammar Reference


Глагол can имеет значение мочь, обладать физической или умственной способностью: саn (настоящее время) могу, мо­жет, можем и т.д.; could (прошедшее время) мог, могла, могло, мог бы, могли бы и т.д. Например:

We canpick you up from hotel – say at 7:30. Мы можем забрать вас из отеля (заехать за вами в отель), скажем, в 7.30.
Can you join us for lunch?   Вы можете пообедать вместе с нами?  

Сочетание to be able быть в состоянии с последующим ин­финитивом с частицей to является эквивалентом глагола сап и восполняет его недостающие формы, например в высказываниях в будущем времени:

I hope he will be able to give you an answer soon. Надеюсь, что он сможет скоро дать вам ответ.    
Выбор эквивалента глагола can зависит от того, какое значение он выражает. Помимо выражения значения физической и умственной способности (где эквивалентом выступает глагол be able) глагол can может иметь и такие значения как разрешение, просьба, запрет, вероятность,невозможность. Суммарно употребление глагола can и его эквивалентов в различных значениях представлено в следующей таблице:   Модальный глагол Can/Could и его эквиваленты


Формы глагола Значение Перевод на русский язык Эквиваленты Примеры
can (can`t);   ability,     может be able to   Can she swim well? She is able to speak German.
could (couldn`t) capability (способность) мог, могли was (were) able to He couldn`t feel or hear anything.
can; could a) permission (разрешение)     b) request (просьба)   c) prohibition (запрет)   можешь, можете   не могу ли я, не могли бы вы   нельзя be allowed to be permitted to may might     may might not be allowed to may not must not (mustn`t)   You can park here after 6.30 p.m. My brother is allowed to borrow my brother`s car. Can I open the window? You are not allowed take photos during the performance.
can     general possibility вероятность     могу, может,     It`s hot in summer, but it can be freezing in winter.  
could present/future possibility вероятность в настоящем или будущем возможно   Of course, I could be wrong.
can`t couldn`t improbability невозможность не может быть, чтобы невероятно, чтобы It`s impossible that…     He can`t be in hospital now. Only yesterday he was quite sound. He couldn`t be her husband.


Глагол may имеет значения разрешения и возможности: may (настоящее время) могу, может, можем и т.д.; might (про­шедшее время) мог, могли и т.д. Например:

This is a tourist visa: you may not take a paid job. Это туристическая виза: вы не можете устраиваться на оплачиваемую работу.
It might be because we have new machinery. Это могло быть из-за того, что у нас новое оборудование.

Сочетания to be allowed и to be permitted с последующим инфинитивом с частицей to являются эквивалентом глагола may и восполняют его недостающие формы в значении мочь, иметь разрешение:

Не was allowed to come in. Ему разрешили войти.


Глагол must выражает необходимость, моральную обязан­ность и соответствует в русском языке словам должен, нуж­но, надо. Глагол must имеет только одну форму настоящего времени:

You mustn`ttalk about it outside this room. Вы не должны говорить об этом за пределами этой комнаты.
We mustkeep it confidential. Мы должны хранить это в тайне.

Наряду с глаголом must и взамен его недостающих форм употребляются его эквиваленты to have (должен в силу об­стоятельств) и to be (должен в силу запланированности, намеченности действия), а следующий за ними инфинитив имеет частицу to:

But we think they'llhave totake a similar step very soon. Мы думаем, что им придется (должны будут) предпринять такие же меры очень скоро.
We are to go to take exams in June. Мы должны сдавать экзамены в июне.

Must может также выражать уверенное умозаключение и передавать значение должно быть, по всей вероятности.

He must be too old to wander about the city so long. Он, должно быть, слишком стар для того, что так долго бродить по городу.


Глагол ought выражает моральный долг, желательность действия, относящиеся к настоящему и будущему времени. На русский язык ought переводится словами следовало бы, сле­дует, должен. После ought инфинитив всегда употребляется с частицей to:

You ought to be getting ready for the seminar. Вам следовало быподготовиться к семинару.


Глагол should в качестве модального глагола выражает обя­занность, желательность действия, совет, рекомендацию. На русский язык should переводится как следует, должен, обязан:

Вам shouldknow about it. Вам следует знать об этом.

Модальные глаголы Should/ Ought to

Формы глагола Значение Перевод на русский язык Эквиваленты Примеры
Should Ought to     giving advice, making suggestions (совет, предложение)   нужно следует I advise you to… I recommend you to… You should/ought to be more careful.


Глагол would в качестве модального глагола может выра­жать:

а) обычные и повторяющиеся действия в прошлом (в этом значении он является синонимом выражению used to):

Не wouldspend hours in the Tretyakov Gallery. Он обычно проводил много времени в Третьяковской галерее.
He used to spend hours in the Tretyakov Gallery. Он любил проводить много времени в Третьяковской галерее.

б) упорное нежелание выполнить какое-то действие:

I asked him to do it but he wouldn't. Я попросил его сделать это, но он ни за что не хотел.

в) присущее свойство, характеристику (часто встречается в технической литературе):

Paper wouldburn. Бумага хорошо горит.



Need может употребляться как модальный глагол и как правильный глагол. Как модальный глагол need имеет только одну форму. Он в основном употребляется в отрицательных предложениях:

You needn`t come here today. Тебе не нужно приходить сегодня.


Модальный глагол Need ( как модальный глагол обычно используется в отрицательном предложении)

Формы глагола Значение Перевод на русский язык Эквиваленты Примеры
Need (как правильный глагол)   Needn`t (как модальный глагол) necessity   absence of necessity необходимо, нужно     нет необходимости, не нужно   Do we need to create a prolonged weightlessness?   The teacher needn`t explain such simple things.

Модуль 6

Advances in Space Research

Topic: Advances in Space Research

Grammar: Modal Verbs

Essential Vocabulary: gravity, weightlessness, raw materials, advent, improve, sustain, dedicate, process, although, vital, impurity, eliminate, allow, precisely


Look at the pictures and match them to the words in the box

1________________ 2___________________ 3________________ 4____________

5_________________ 6__________________ 7_________________ 8______________

Earth, astronaut, Universe, gravity, planets, space, weightlessness, ISS


  1. Answer the questions and discuss your answers in pairs:
  • Have you ever dreamed to be an astronaut or a space researcher?
  • Is space research important for mankind? Why?
  • Can space technologies be beneficial for our life on Earth?
  • What is the difference between Earth and space conditions?

3. Listening comprehension

Could you be an astronaut? [1]

Listen to a small talk. Before you start listening look at the following words and expressions to better understand the talk:

claustrophobia - клаустрофобия

to get on each other's nerves/annoy - раздражать

to put up with - мириться, терпеть

zero gravity - отсутствие силы тяжести

somersaults - кувырки

to float - всплывать, плавать

to exert no force - не оказывать влияния

wasting of the bones and muscles – атрофия костей и мышц

to prevent - предотвращать

weightlessness - невесомость

buoyancy |ˈbɔɪənsi| - плавучесть; подъёмная сила; жизнерадостность; бодрость

padded - оббитый, мягий

altitude |ˈaltɪtjuːd| - высота

nosedive - пикирование

to conduct - проводить

to get stranded - попасть в бедственное положение

forage - добывать продовольствие

keen to know - стремиться узнать

to apply - подавать заявление

to give up - отказаться

to run out of time- испытывать дефицит времени



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