Specify classification of environmental monitoring. — КиберПедия 

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Specify classification of environmental monitoring.

2017-06-19 443
Specify classification of environmental monitoring. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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In 1975, the Global Environment Monitoring System (GEMS) was established under the auspices of the United Nations, but it began to operate effectively only recently. This system consists of five interconnected subsystems:

• study of climate change;

• long-term transport of pollutants;

• hygienic aspects of the environment;

• studies of the oceans;

• Survey of land resources.

There are 22 networks of existing stations in the global monitoring system, as well as international and national monitoring systems. One of the main ideas of monitoring is reaching a fundamentally new level of competence during the decision-making of local, regional and global scales.

The technologies of the unified environmental monitoring (EEM) cover the development and use of tools, systems and methods of observation, assessment and development of recommendations and management impact in the natural and man-made sphere, forecasts of its evolution, energy and environmental and technological characteristics of the production sector, medical and biological and sanitary- Hygienic conditions of human existence and biota.

Monitoring is divided into the following types.

1. On methods of reference: biological, chemical, geophysical, automatic (more often they say "automatic control"), remote (space, aviation, etc.).

2. For monitoring objects, environmental monitoring is divided into biosphere, climate, ocean monitoring, genetic, pollution sources, etc.

3. The global (biospheric) monitoring (carried out on the basis of international cooperation, assessing the current state of the entire natural system of the Earth), national monitoring (carried out within the state by specially established bodies), regional monitoring (carried out at the expense of stations of the system,

Classification of systems (subsystems) monitor:

Principle of classification Existing or developed monitoring systems (subsystems)
Universal Systems Global (baseline, regional, impact levels), including background and paleomonitoring
National (a national service for monitoring and monitoring the level of environmental pollution)
Interethnic (monitoring of transboundary transport of pollutants)
Reaction of the main components of the biosphere Geophysical
Biological (including genetic)
Different environments Anthropogenic changes (including pollution and reaction to it) in the atmosphere, hydrosphere, soil, cryosphere and biota
Factors and sources of impact Sources of pollution
Ingredient (for example, individual pollutants, radioactive contaminants, noises)
Acute and global problem Ocean
Methods of observation On physical, chemical and biological indicators
Satellite (remote methods)
Systems approach Medico-biological (state of health)


30. The decision to establish and operate the USME OS and PR is enshrined in the Environmental Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Article 138). A unified state system for monitoring the environment and natural resources is a multi-purpose and information system that includes monitoring of the state of the environment and natural resources, as well as analysis of data on their actual state for making managerial and economic decisions in order to ensure environmental safety, protection, reproduction and rational Use of natural resources, as well as sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population. The principles of a unified state system for monitoring the environment and natural resources are: 1. functioning on the basis of a single organizational, methodological, metrological and information approach; 2. maximum use of the capabilities of existing state and other monitoring systems.

The tasks of the unified state system for monitoring the environment and natural resources are: 1. obtaining reliable and comparable information on the state of the environment, biodiversity and ecosystems, sources of anthropogenic impact, environmental factors affecting the health of the population; 2. Assessment and forecast of the state of the environment, levels of anthropogenic impact, indicators of the state of the biosphere, the functional integrity of ecosystems; 3. providing data for the analysis of the effectiveness of management decisions taken and the measures taken to ensure environmental safety.

Article 140. Content of the Unified State System for Monitoring the Environment and Natural Resources

The contents of the Unified State System for Monitoring the Environment and Natural Resources comprise the following monitoring subsystems: 1) monitoring the state of the environment;

2) monitoring of natural resources;3) special types of monitoring.

Article 141. Monitoring of the state of the environment

1. Environmental monitoring includes the following types:

1) monitoring of the state of atmospheric air; 2) monitoring of the state of atmospheric precipitation; 3) monitoring the quality of water resources; 4) monitoring of the state of soils; 5) meteorological monitoring; 6) radiation monitoring; 7) monitoring of transboundary pollution; 8) background monitoring.

2. Monitoring of the state of the environment is organized by the authorized body in the field of environmental protection. 3. Monitoring of the state of atmospheric air - a system for monitoring the state of atmospheric air pollution in the settlements of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 4. Monitoring of the state of atmospheric precipitation - a system for monitoring the chemical composition of atmospheric precipitation, which serves as an indicator of atmospheric pollution, as well as monitoring the content of substances in the snow cover to assess regional air pollution in the winter and identify the distribution of pollutants from populated areas and industrial sites. 5. Monitoring of the qualitative state of water resources - a system for monitoring the state of the quality of surface and groundwater. 6. Monitoring of soil condition - a system for monitoring the state of technogenic pollution of soils on the lands of settlements, irrigated areas and agricultural lands. 7. Meteorological monitoring - a system of complex meteorological observations, including actinometric, thermal balance, ozonometric, aerological, physical parameters of the atmosphere and underlying surface in order to provide state authorities, individuals and legal entities with weather information, compilation of short-term, long-term meteorological, agrometeorological forecasts.

31. In studies of factors and sources of environmental impact, a number of top priorities have been identified in considering such monitoring objects as territory, environment, pollution ingredients and sources of pollution. Prioritization is based on the properties of pollutants and the ability to organize observations and is conducted according to the following criteria:

Ø the amount of actual or potential impact on human health and well-being, on the climate or ecosystem;

Ø propensity to degradation in the natural environment and accumulation in humans and food chains:

Ø Possibility of chemical transformation in physical and biological systems, as a result of which secondary (daughter) substances can be more toxic or harmful;

Ø mobility, mobility;

Ø actual or possible trends of concentration in the environment and (or) in man;

Ø frequency and (or) magnitude of the impact;

Ø the possibility of measurements;

Ø value for assessing the state of the environment.

In order to monitor, it is necessary to clearly understand what is pollution of the environment and what are the pollutants.

On the sources of environmental pollution is a separate course.

Let me remind you that pollution of the OS is understood as any introduction of non-living or inanimate components that are not characteristic of it, physical or structural changes, interrupting or disturbing the processes of circulation and metabolism, energy flows with a decrease in productivity or the destruction of this ecosystem.

There are natural pollution caused by natural, often catastrophic causes, for example, a volcanic eruption, and anthropogenic, arising from human activities.

There are several schemes for the division of anthropogenic pollutants (pollution), for example, according to N.F. To Reimers (1990), anthropogenic pollutants are divided into material (dust, gases, ash, slag, etc.) and physical or energy (thermal energy, electric and electromagnetic fields, noise, vibration, etc.).

Material, in turn, is divided into mechanical, chemical and biological. To mechanical dust and aerosols of atmospheric air, solid particles in water and soil concern. Chemical (ingredients) are various gaseous, liquid and solid chemical compounds and elements that enter the atmosphere, hydrosphere and interacting with the environment: acids, alkalis, sulfur dioxide, emulsions and others.

Biological pollutants are all kinds of organisms that appear with the participation of a person and harm it - fungi, bacteria, blue-green algae, etc.

33. There is an endless variety of design features of technical systems of environmental safety (TSES). However, the basic principles for the creation of environmental technologies, applied to specific production conditions, taking into account the current state of local ecosystems and the natural features of the territories, allow us to carry out the environmental justification of the projects and assess the scale of their use. In this section, examples are given of the practical use of TSES in the system of industrial production, transport, energy, communal services, construction and agriculture.

Systems of protection of atmospheric air

When designing measures for the protection of the atmosphere, all industrial enterprises establish or determine:

Sources of atmospheric pollution, composition and quantity of industrial emissions;

Levels of pollution of the surface air layer in the emission dispersion zones;

MPE of harmful substances into the atmosphere by each source and the enterprise as a whole;

The main technical solutions to reduce industrial emissions by individual sources and a full list of measures to protect the atmosphere, the implementation of which will provide MPE for each source and sanitary standards for contamination of the surface layer in the location of the enterprise;

The required amount of dust-collecting and gas-cleaning equipment, capital investments and current costs for implementing measures to protect the atmosphere for each source and enterprise as a whole.

General activities that promote

Improve the state of the air basin in the area of ​​the enterprise and special, directly aimed at preventing air pollution. The first group includes the following activities:

Territorial-planning, providing for the location of production facilities - sources of dust and gas emissions, taking into account the natural and climatic conditions of the terrain, primarily

Wind roses, as well as the planned restoration of land;

To reduce the areas of eroded anthropogenic surfaces by optimizing the parameters of technogenic formations;

Preventing wind erosion of recycling of disturbed lands for use in the national economy for the capture, removal and purification of dust and gas emissions and emissions.

34. The existing system of industrial environmental control (PEC) needs to be improved. First, it must be reformed its outdated legal, institutional and technical data, improve data quality, and expand their use in decision-making.

It is recommended that the reform aim to achieve the following key results:

- an unambiguous definition of terms and improvement of the legal framework;

- differentiation scope of the Industrial environmental control (IEC) in the case of large enterprises and small and medium-sized enterprises and its link with the terms of permits and mandatory rules of the common action;

- the establishment of clear requirements for the content IEC programs;

- increase the term of the IEC programs with the ability to change them if necessary, and the introduction of the post of operational requirements;

- a combination of different types of monitoring, the rejection of a comprehensive impact monitoring practices and adoption of different organizational forms of IEC for its better fit the resources available to businesses;

- the introduction of methodologically reliable methods to determine the type and frequency of monitoring;

- optimization of the cost of production environmental control;

- establishing common requirements for quality (accurate results) measurements and the development of data quality strategy;

- effective data management, reporting and constructive use of information in decision-making, including internal remedial measures;

- regular review and use of data IEC authorities and their public evaluation;

- more efficient use of data IEC in checks and enforcement in parallel with the creation of a system of incentives to comply with the requirements of enterprises of IEC.

Explanation of the basic concepts

In addition to the definition of industrial environmental control, presented in the introduction, in the legislation should be determined by the following basic concepts:

- “Installation” - a stationary technical unit on which the one or more activities at one and the same object, and that can have a negative impact on the environment.

- “Dimension” - a set of operations to determine the value of the parameter, implying an individual quantitative result.

- “Monitoring” is the systematic monitoring of changes in certain chemical or physical characteristics of the emission, discharge, flow or other parameters and technical indicators. In the context of industrial environmental control monitoring includes:

• monitoring of technological processes

• parameters for observation (e.g., pressure, temperature, flow rate) of the process to confirm that these parameters are within the permissible range;

• emission monitoring - monitoring of industrial emissions at source, i.e. monitoring of substances (emissions, effluents, waste) and factors affecting the installation on the environment;

• monitoring of the environment in the affected area controlled production - monitoring pollution levels in the vicinity of the enterprise and its zone of influence on ecosystems and human health.

- “Operator” (a business entity, the polluter) is a natural or legal person who is the owner or the head of a controlled installation and authorized to ensure compliance with environmental permit conditions.

35. Industrial environmental control (PEC) is the activities of enterprises, organizations, institutions for managing the environmental impact based on the description, observation, assessment and forecast of sources of impact and waste. Environmental control is carried out by the natural resource company at its facilities in order to ensure compliance with the requirements of environmental legislation in the process of economic and other activities and compliance with established standards in the field of environmental protection, as well as self-checking the rationality of nature use at its facilities and implementation of action plans to limit and reduce the impact On the environment. The content of environmental control, first of all, depends on the specifics of the enterprise's activities.

The system of environmental control at the enterprise is created and operates in accordance with GOST R ISO 14001-98 "Environmental management systems. Requirements and guidance for use. " The Gosstandart in the sphere of environmental control establishes requirements for environmental safety systems and is designed in such a way that it can be applied to organizations of all types and sizes, taking into account various local conditions. Norms and requirements are intended to provide general assistance to the organization in the implementation or improvement of the environmental management system, taking into account the requirements of laws and data on man-made impacts. Environmental management at the enterprise as a form of intracorporate management is aimed at improving environmental goals and objectives determined by the environmental policy of these enterprises. The system of environmental management at the enterprise is a part of general production management. In its general part, environmental management consists of such elements as organizational structure, environmental planning, practical work in this direction, as well as evaluating the results achieved and improving the company's environmental policy. Such a system must go through the stages of development, approval and public declaration of the company's environmental policy before implementation. In the future, environmental management at the enterprise is usually reduced to planning, organization, implementation, internal monitoring and external audit (evaluation of the achieved results), periodic analysis and adjustment of the system. The most important and common goals of such activities are enshrined in the ISO 14000 series of international standards and a number of other documents.

The key element in the system of environmental management is the environmental service of the enterprise, or in the case of small production, a separate qualified specialist (manager), authorized to solve the corresponding tasks. In practice, there are four main types of structures of environmental management and management systems that differ in terms of the environmental services of the enterprise or an authorized specialist:

Structure with missing environmental service or specialist in environmental management;

The structure in which the environmental service (managerial duties) is combined with any other subdivision (other official duties) of the enterprise;

The structure in which the environmental service (manager) is allocated to a separate subdivision (post);

The structure in which the environmental service is allocated to a separate unit with a manager equal in rank to the deputy director of the enterprise. For each unit, annual action plans should be developed, which are aimed at improving the environmental situation, and continuously monitor the implementation of the planned work. It is necessary to establish internal communication between different levels and divisions of the enterprise. Each department should submit to the environmental service monthly reports on the formation and placement of waste, confirmed by the certificates of delivery, invoices or other documents, reports on the operation of stationary sources of emissions, CCGT, water consumption, etc.

36. Борьба с загрязнением окружающей среды будет эффективной лишь в том случае, если она будет базироваться на четко продуманных экономических санкциях, стимулирующих мероприятия по охране природы. Одной из таких санкций может стать плата за загрязнение, включаемая в текущие издержки предприятия-загрязнителя.

Борьба с загрязнением окружающей среды поглощает огромные средства и это часто порождает мнение о чрезмерно завышенных суммах на сохранение чистоты окружающей среды. Однако отечественные и зарубежные исследования показывают, что затраты на борьбу с загрязнением во много раз меньше, чем экономический ущерб от загрязнения. Американские специалисты подсчитали, что затраты на предотвращение загрязнения воздушной среды за 5 лет второй половины 70-х годов примерно в 4 раза меньше экономического ущерба за этот период.[...]

Наряду с бюджетными ассигнованиями большую роль в финансировании экологических мероприятий играют кредиты и льготные субсидии, которые выдаются частным предприятиям, например «Корпорацией по борьбе с загрязнением окружающей среды», «Японским банком развития», «Кассой финансирования мелких и средних предприятий» и др.[...]

Охране окружающей среды в нашей стране и во всем мире с каждым годом придается все большее значение, что обусловлено в первую очередь резким возрастанием количества вредных выбросов промышленности и транспорта, наносящих биосфере огромный, часто непоправимый ущерб. Становится очевидной необходимость более активной, чем до сих пор, борьбы с загрязнением окружающей среды отходами производства с использованием как традиционно применяющихся методов — очистки выбросов в воздушный бассейн и водоемы, так и новых, более прогрессивных методов, связанных с совершенствованием технологических процессов и оборудования в направлении минимизации производственных отходов, а также принятия более действенных мер против шума, вибраций и других излучений.

Засорение окружающей среды мусором и отходами, продуктами жизнедеятельности общества становится серьезной проблемой городов, в особенности в развивающихся странах, где этот процесс по разным причинам идет быстрее, чем развитие их экономики. Здесь меры, направленные на борьбу с загрязнением окружающей среды, часто не приводят к ожидаемым результатам, так как их реализация недостаточно последовательна и целенаправлена. Развивающиеся страны в своем стремлении как можно быстрее достичь необходимого уровня экономического развития и получать отдачу от капиталовложений отодвигают на задний план осуществление мероприятий по улучшению и сохранению качества окружающей среды. Источники питьевой воды поэтому часто загрязняются сточными водами, а иногда и отравляются сбросами стоков промышленных предприятий, имеющих несовершенную технологию. Загрязнение воздушного бассейна увеличивается по мере роста экономического благосостояния и обусловлено работой фабрик, электростанций, котельных и ростом числа автомобилей.[...]

В США в связи с увеличившимся применением пестицидов введен контроль за качеством пищевых продуктов (определение в них остатков пестицидов), которым с конца 1970 г. занимается Агентство по охране окружающей среды. В 1972 г. в стране принят специальный закон о борьбе с загрязнением окружающей среды пестицидами. Наличие остатков пестицидов в сельскохозяйственных культурах контролируется Управлением по пищевым продуктам и лекарственным препаратам7

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