Тема 1. «Вводно-коррективный курс. Личные данные. Моя профессия» — КиберПедия 

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Тема 1. «Вводно-коррективный курс. Личные данные. Моя профессия»

2017-06-19 420
Тема 1. «Вводно-коррективный курс. Личные данные. Моя профессия» 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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1. What is your name?

2. How old are your?

3. What nationality are you?

4. Where are you from?

5. Where is your family (parents, sisters, brothers) now?

6. Are you a cadet of the Krasnodar University?

7. What is your future profession?

8. What problems are you to handle in your future work?

9. Is your future profession difficult?

10. Are the trainees to wear a special uniform?

11. How many years do you study at the Krasnodar University?

12. What teachers and professors do you have here?

13. How many faculties are there at the Krasnodar University?

14. Are there many lecture-halls, classrooms and special laboratories at your Krasnodar University?

15. How are they equipped?

16. What helps our cadets to become skilled and well-trained militia officers?

17. What do your graduates get after graduating from the Krasnodar University?

18. Is your future profession difficult?

19. Are the trainees to wear a special uniform?

20. What is the CID man responsible for?

21. What professional skills and abilities are you to get at theKrasnodar University?

22. Who is to study many different subjects?

23. What are these subjects?

24. What foreign languages and special subjects do you study here?

25. What are duties and responsibilities of the cadet?

26. What is your platoon number?

27. What is your specialization?

28. What specializations do the cadets have at our University?

Тема 2 «Высшее образование в Великобритании»

1. Is education after 16 voluntary in United Kingdom?

2. What document do the students receive at the age of 16?

3. Are the British universities self -governing?

4. What universities are the oldest in Britain?

5. When was the significant increase in the number of universities in Great Britain?

6. How many students get state grants?

7. How many universities are there in Great Britain?

8. What are the oldest British universities?

9. What Redbrick universities can you name?

10. Why did “ the new universities” quickly become popular?

11. All British universities are private institutions, aren’t they?

«Высшее образование в США»

1. How many institutes of higher learning are there in America?

2. Are there private and state colleges in the USA?

3. Is education getting more expensive every year?

4. When does a student begin an intensive study of his special field?

5. The highest academic degree is PhD, isn’t it?

6. How many subjects are taught every year?

7. What the USA universities can you name?

8. All US universities are private institutions, aren’t they?

9. What university degree do you know?

10. Can you name the classification of the students in the USA?


Тема 3. «Высшее образование в России. Краснодарский университет МВД России»

1. When was our University founded?

2. What kind of educational establishment is our University?

3. Who does our University train?

4. How many departments are at our University? What are they?

5. Is there any selection system for the applicants to the Krasnodar University?

6. What are the requirements for cadets of the Krasnodar University?

7. Do the cadets have all conditions for getting a good education? What are they?

8. What subjects do cadets study at our University?

9. What is the term of training at the Krasnodar University?

10. What facilities are there at our University?

11. What are the cadets engaged in during their working day?

12. What kinds of higher education in Russia do you know?

13. What is the main difference between an university a college and an academy?

14. Are there private and state educational institutions?

15. When did Russia cosign the Bologn Declaration?

16. What levels of higher education do you know?

17. What are the requirements for entering the Krasnodar university?

Тема 4. «Великобритания – географическое положение, достоприемчательности»

1. Where are British Isles situated?

2. What parts is the United Kingdom composed of?

3. What seas are the British Isles washed by?

4. What are the biggest rivers in Great Britain?

5. The climate of the country is rather mild, isn't it?

6. Where are the centers of big industrial centres situated?

8. Do you know any textile industry in Great Britain?

9. Is London the biggest port in Great Britain?

10. What is the population of the country?

11. How many you know famous English writers, poets, scientists and painter do you know?

13. Why is London attractive for tourists?

14. How many parts has London?

15. What sights of London do you know?

16. Is the West End associated with the rich?

17. What are the most well-known streets in London?


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