I. Put each of the following words and phrases into its correct place in the passage below. — КиберПедия 

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I. Put each of the following words and phrases into its correct place in the passage below.

2017-06-13 1095
I. Put each of the following words and phrases into its correct place in the passage below. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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bigamy civil classes community

countries crimes criminal law felony

fine forgery laws life imprisonment

misdemeanour offences penalty person

prison tate term treason



Crime violates the laws of a community,..... or nation. It is punishable in accordance with these...... The definition of crime varies according to time and place, but the laws of most..... consider as crimes such..... as arson,....., burglary,....., murder, and......

Not all offences against the law are...... The laws that set down the punishments for crimes form the...... This law defines as crimes those offences considered most harmful to the...... On the other hand, a..... may wrong someone else in some other way that offends the..... law.

The common law recognizes three..... of crime: treason,....., and misdemeanour. Death or..... is the usual..... for treason. Laws in the United States, for example, define a felony as a crime that is punishable by a..... of one year or more in a state or federal...... A person who commits a..... may be punished by a..... or a jail term of less than one year.


II. Choose the correct answer.

1. This was one of the few crimes he did not......

a) achieve b) commit c) make d) perform

2. The..... are still holding twelve people hostage on the plane.
a) bandits b) guerrillas c) hijackers d) kidnappers

3. He was charged with a(n)..... of currency regulations.
a) break b) breach c) disrespect d) observance

4. Our insurance policy offers immediate..... against the risk of burglary, accident or damage by fire.

a) care b) cover c) relief d) security

5. The man jumped out of the window and committed......
a) death b) homicide c) murder d) suicide

6. "Thieves will be......"
a) liable b) lifted c) persecuted d) prosecuted

7. Police blamed a small hooligan..... in the crowd for the violence which occurred.

a) constituent b) division c) element d) portion

8. The police said there was no sign of a..... entry even though the house had been burgled.

a) broken b) burst c) forced d) smashed

9. The police car raced down the street with the..... blaring.
a) alarm b) bell c) gong d) siren

10. The tourist's camera was..... because he had brought it into the country illegally.

a) bereaved b) confiscated c) deprived d) extorted

11. Look, Officer. I'm not drunk. I'm as..... as a judge.
a) calm b) clear c) sober d) steady

12. He said he would sue us, but I don't think he'll..... his threat.
a) achieve b) bring about c) carry out d) perform

13. The conspirators were plotting the..... of the government.
a) catastrophe b) disaster c) demolition d) overthrow

14. The thieves..... the papers all over the room while they were searching for the money.

a) broadcast b) scattered c) sowed d) strayed

15. Ms Goodheart was completely..... by the thieves disguise.
a) taken away b) taken down c) taken in d) taken up


To Unit 2

Match the criminal with the definition.

1. an arsonist a) tries to enforce his political demands
by carrying out or threatening acts of violence

2. an assassin b) pretends or claims to be what he is not

3. a deserter c) makes money by dishonest business
methods, e.g. by selling worthless goods

4. an embezzler d) steals from his own company

5. a forger e) attacks and robs people especially in

public places

6. a fraud or con man f) sets fire to property

7. a hooligan g) kills for political reasons or reward

8. a mugger h) brings goods into one country from
another illegally

9. a poacher i) hunts illegally on somebody else's land

10. a racketeer j) makes false money or documents

11. a smuggler k) a soldier who leaves the armed forces
without permission

12. a terrorist l) causes damage or disturbance in public



To Unit 3


Choose the right answer.

1. The spy..... the desk in an attempt to find the secret documents.
a) invaded b) kidnapped c) looted d) ransacked

2. The safe deposit box..... a high-pitched sound when it was moved.
a) ejected b) emitted c) expelled d) excluded

3. He..... his fist and threatened to hit me.
a) clenched b) clutched c) grabbed d) gripped

4. Thieves got away with a..... of jewellery worth thousands of pounds.
a) catch b) haul c) loot d) snatch

5. The burglar's presence was betrayed by a..... floorboard.
a) cracking b) creaking c) crunching d) groaning

6. Smugglers consistently..... import regulations.
a) break b) flaunt c) float d) flout

7. Luckily my wallet was handed in to the police with its contents......
a) contained b) intact c) missing d) preserved

8. The intruder was badly..... by the guard dog in the palace garden.
a) damaged b) eaten c) mauled d) violated

9. When the police examined the house they found that the lock had been..... with.

a) broken b) hindered c) tampered d) touched

10. The hooligan..... the money out of my hand and ran away.
a) clutched b) gripped c) snatched d) withdrew


To Unit 4

Choose the right answer.

1. The policeman asked the suspect to make a(n)......

a) account b) declaration c) deposition d) statement

2. The unruly.... was broken up by the police.

a) collection b) congregation c) group d) mob

3. Prince Andrew was found dead in his palace this morning. The police have..... any suggestion of foul play.

a) discounted b) neglected c) omitted d) overlooked

4. The chief of police said that he saw no..... between the four murders.

a) communication b) connection c) join d) joint

5. The detective stood..... behind the door waiting for the assailant.

a) immovable b) lifeless c) motionless d) static

6. The police arrested the wrong man mainly because they..... the names they had been given by the witness.

a) bewildered b) confused c) merged d) puzzled

7. The police..... off the street where the bomb had gone off.

a) battened b) cordoned c) fastened d) shuttered

8. The police set a..... to catch the thieves.

a) device b) plan c) snare d) trap

9. The police asked if I thought I could..... the man who stole my car if I looked at some photos.

a) certify b) identify c) justify d) verify

10. The policeman was..... when he saw a light in the office.

a) deductive b) disturbing c) suggestive d) suspicious

11. The inspector was a very..... man and he rechecked the evidence several times.

a) attentive b) complete c) thorough d) thoughtful

12. The police who were..... the crime could find no clues at all.

a) enquiring b) investigating c) researching d) seeking

13. We promise not to reveal your ….. if you tell us who the murderer is.

a) anonymity b) identification c) identity d) personality

14. The police are..... the town for the stolen car.

a) combing b) investigating c) looking d) seeking

15. The police have not yet found a possible …… for the murder.

a) example b) motive c) principle d) understanding


To Unit 5

Choose the right answer.

1. The..... sentenced the accused to 15 years in prison.

a) barrister b) counsel c) judge d) solicitor

2. If you can't resolve the dispute, it will have to be settled by......

a) arbitration b) court c) election d) referee

3. His comments..... little or no relation to the facts of the case.

a) bear b) give c) possess d) reflect

4. They all thought he was guilty, but no one could..... anything against him.

a) accuse b) ensure c) point d) prove

5. It has been decided to hold a Public..... into the cause of the accident.

a) autopsy b) examination c) inquiry d) interrogation

6. To protect victims of blackmail their names are often ….. in court.

a) covered b) erased c) hidden d) not given

7. The youth involved in the disturbance at the demonstration made a(n) …... to the police.

a) account b) notice c) statement d) summary

8. I..... to say anything unless I am allowed to speak to my solicitor.

a) deny b) neglect c) refuse d) resist

9. I should like to call two..... who can testify on my client's behalf.

a) witnesses b) onlookers c) passers-by d) spectators

10. You are surely not suggesting that these..... young children could have planned such an evil deed.

a) innocent b) lovely c) natural d) pure

11. The case against Mary Wrongdoer was..... for lack of evidence.

a) discarded b) dismissed c) refused d) resigned

12. The new law comes into ….. on May 15

a) condition b) date c) force d) power

13. The..... question in this case is whether the accused had a motive for this crime or not.

a) crucial b) forcible c) supreme d) valuable

14. The driver admitted that the accident was partly his own......

a) blame b) cause c) evil d) fault

15. In fact, the murderer was..... from the country before extradition proceedings could be started.

a) barred b) deported c) exported d) interned


To Unit 6

Choose the right answer.

1. The high court judge will pass..... next week.

a) justice b) punishment c) sentence d) verdict

2. If you break the law, you will be..... trouble.

a) for b) in c) out d) out of

3. The judge was very ……. on pickpockets.

a) bad b) hard c) strict d) strong

4. It was impossible for her to tell the truth so she had to …... a story.

a) combine b) invent c) lie d) manage

5. Peter gives one account of the accident, and John another; it is difficult to..... the two versions.

a) adjust b) coincide c) identify d) reconcile

6. The witness testified that he could bear..... what the defendant had claimed.

a) on b) out c) up d) with

7. The suspect is not under arrest, nor have the police placed any …... on his movements.

a) obstacle b) regulation c) restriction d) veto

8. You should only make serious accusations like that if they have a sound ….. in fact.

a) basis b) foothold c) framework d) principle

9. The judge..... the pedestrian for the accident.

a) accused b) blamed c) charged d) sued

10. His legal training enables him to put his case..... very convincingly.

a) down b) out c) over d) up


To Unit 7


Choose the most suitable word or phrase underlined in each sentence.

1. Sally didn’t realize that she had broken/countered/denied the law.

2. The police have banned/cancelled/refused parking in this street.

3. I must remember to get a/an agreement/license/permission for my television.

4. The president admitted that there had been a breakdown of law and crime/ government/order.

5. Jim's parents wouldn't agree/allow/let him go to the demonstration.

6. Carlos was arrested because he had entered the country falsely/illegally/ wrongly.

7. Talking to other students is against the law/orders/rules of the examination.

8. The two men were arrested before they could commit/make/perform any more crimes.

9. I had to take the company to court/justice/law to get the money they owed me.

10. Smoking is compulsory/prohibited/refused near the petrol tanks.

To Unit 8

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