Мягкие модули и рисование мелом — КиберПедия 

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Мягкие модули и рисование мелом

2017-06-02 325
Мягкие модули и рисование мелом 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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1)Первая игра – строим домик для детей и их плюшевых друзей из мягких модулей. Если таковых нет, то можно использовать простые кубики, и даже книжки. А вообще, можно использовать для этого дела любые подручные средства, хоть старую коробку от стиралки принести.

Let’s build a house from those blocks – давай построим домик из этих блоков
They are of different shapes – они разных размеров
Square – квадрат
Circle - круг
Rectangular - прямоугольник
Semicircle - полукруг
Triangular - треугольник

Build a wall – построй стену
Which shape will you use? – Какую фигуру ты будешь использовать
Which shape goes here? – Какая фигура будет здесь
To have a nap – вздремнуть

Take those semicircles and put them together to make a circle – возьми эти полукруги и сложи их вместе, чтобы получился круг
We need to build a roof – нам нужно построить крушы
Round roof – круглая крыша
Flat roof – плоская крыша
Anything else? – что-нибудь ещё

I will lock you with that blocks – я закрою тебя этим блоком
Wake up sleepy head! – вставай, соня!
Peek-a-boo – ку-ку
It’s so funny to live in this nice house – это так здорово жить в этом замечательном доме
Feed your friends – покорми своих друзей
You broke the house! – Ты сломал домик!

Build a house

Let’s build a house from those blocks. They are of different shapes. Squares, rectangulars, circles and semicircles. First, we need to build walls. Which shape will you use? Which shape goes here?

Rectangular? And how about windows? Without them, it will be dark inside. Ok, if you want to build a house with no windows, just for having a nap, let’s build it.

Oh, you want to have windows, right? Then take those semicircles and put them together to make a circle. First left wall, then right wall. Great. Now, we need to build a roof. It will protect you from sun and rain. Do you want to build a round roof or a flat one?

It would look more beautiful if it was round. For flat roof you need rectangular block, for round roof you need semicircle block.

Now, the walls and roof are built. Anything else? Door! Right! Go inside your house and I will lock you with that blocks. They will make the door! Well done! We built the house.
What are you doing there? Having a nap?

It’s raining,
it’s pouring,
the little ones are snoring.

Wake up sleepy head! Open your eyes! Knock, knock, knock! Open the door! No?
I’m looking through the window and I can see you. Peek-a-boo, my dear! It’s so funny to live in this nice house.

Your friends, dog and cat, want to live there, too. Will you let them to come in? Thanks, take them. Oh, I think, they are hungry. Take some food and feed them. First cat, then dog! Great! They are happy now and are ready to sleep. Sleep along with them again. I’m closing the door.

Oh, dear! You broke the house! You threw all the blocks about.

2) Рисование цветными мелками на доске. Это вторая игра на сегодня. Кстати, если доски нет, то хорошей идеей будет порисовать на улице.

Blackboard – доска (для рисования мелом)
Let’s draw with chalk – давай порисуем мелом
What colored chalk do you want to use? – какой цветной мелок ты хочешь использовать?
Let’s draw shapes – давай рисовать геометрические фигуры

In a row – в ряд
Just like this – вот так
Let’s change the color – давай возьмём другой цвет
There is not enough space on the blackboard – на доске нет места
Dry cloth – сухая тряпка

Wet the cloth – намочи тряпку
Wipe all the tracks of chalk off of the blackboard – вытери все следы мела с доски
The blackboard is dry now – доска теперь сухая

Wheels – колёса
Roof – крыша
Bonnet (hood) – капот
Boot (trunk) – багажник

Tire – шина
Windscreen (windshield) – лобовое стекло
Door handle – ручка двери
Grille - решётка радиатора
Bumper - бампер

Wiper - дворник
What else shall we draw? – Что ещё мы можем нарисовать?
Headlights – фары
What a nice car! – какая замечательная машинка

Drawing with chalk

What’s that. That is a blackboard. Let’s draw on the blackboard with chalk. What
colored chalk do you want to use? The Red one? Ok, draw something.

Let’s draw shapes. Let’s start with a square. Draw all the shapes in a row. Just like this.
Now, let’s change the color. What colored chalk do you want to use next? Yellow!
Draw a rectangle.

Draw more and more. Maybe, it’s time to draw something funny, like a car?

But there is not enough space on the blackboard. Let’s wipe the blackboard with
that cloth. Oh, dear, it’s too dry. You can’t clean the blackboard with a dry cloth.

You have to wet it. Let’s go to the sink and wet the cloth. Now, the cloth is wet.
Start cleaning the blackboard. Clean it thoroughly, wipe all the tracks of chalk off
of it. All done!

The blackboard is clean now. Let’s wait for while until the blackboard dries.

See, the blackboard is dry now. Let’s draw a car. First, draw the wheels. The
wheels are round. Draw two circles. Nice wheels! Are they big or small?

Then, you need to draw the trunk, the roof and the hood. And don’t forget about the windows.
The first one will be here and the second one will be here.

What else shall we draw? Headlights! Draw them using yellow chalk. What a nice car! Vroom,

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