Ways to solve the problem of financial security of the budget of the pension fund — КиберПедия 

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Ways to solve the problem of financial security of the budget of the pension fund

2024-02-15 27
Ways to solve the problem of financial security of the budget of the pension fund 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Relevance. In most developed countries of the world, “aging” of the population is observed: the total fertility rate decreases while increasing the average life expectancy after retirement. A direct consequence of this is the formation of a budget deficit in the pension fund.

The purpose of the study is to determine the features of the application of the main ways to solve the problem of financial support of the budget of the pension fund.

Tasks: summarize the practice of solving the problem of financial support of the budget of the pension fund; identify the main ways to solve the problem of financial support of the budget of the pension fund; describe the essence of each solution to the problem of financial support of the budget of the pension fund; identify the advantages and disadvantages of each way to solve the problem of financial support of the budget of the pension fund.

Methodology. When writing this work, such universal scientific methods as analysis, generalization and deduction were used.

Results. The article discusses the main ways to reduce and sources of financing the budget deficit of the pension fund. The features, as well as both positive and negative consequences of the practical implementation of each of the considered method, are revealed. Examples from the practice of managing national pension systems are given. Recommendations are made to government bodies of the Russian Federation on making decisions that are capable of ensuring the sustainable development of the national pension system.

Summary. The choice of a specific way to solve the problem of financial support depends on the prevailing socio-economic and demographic conditions in the country, forecasts of their development and historical traditions.

Keywords: deficit, budget, pension fund, pension system, financing, financial security



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