Grammar: sequence of tenses; reported speech — КиберПедия 

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Grammar: sequence of tenses; reported speech

2023-02-03 36
Grammar: sequence of tenses; reported speech 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Direct speech    – Tom said “I am feeling ill.”

Reported speech – Tom said (that) he was feeling ill.

Sequence of Tenses

He lives in New York. I thought (that) he lived in New York (живет).   Одновременные действия
She is sleeping. I knew (that) she was sleeping (спит).   Одновременные действия
He bought a new car. I heard (that) he had bought a new car (купил).   Предшествующее действие
He will send us a letter. I supposed (that) he would send us a letter (отправит).   Последующее действие

3.8 Translate the sentences.

1. Lebedev, an outstanding Russian physicist, supposed that the Earth’s magnetism, and the magnetism of all other celestial bodies, were associated with their rotation. 2. Oersted discovered that the compass in the near vicinity of electric current would point crosswise to the current. 3. Maxwell predicted that ordinary visible light was electric and magnetic in character. 4. Kelvin showed in 1848 that with the aid of an ideal Carnot engine it was possible to define temperature in terms of energy. 5. It was known long ago that the ancient Greeks came to the conclusion that matter consisted of very small particles which were given the name of atoms.


Language practice

3.9 Translate the sentences paying attention to the phrases in bold.

1. Turbine engines were introduced as early as 1897. 2. Some laptops weigh as little as three pounds. 3. Write a letter to me as soon as you arrive home. 4. As many as forty top people reported him. 5. You can go out to play as long as you stay in the back yard. 6. An alpha-particle appeared to be as heavy as an electron. 7. The uranium ore emitted “Becquerel rays” four times as intensively as it was in the case of pure uranium. 8. The five continents of the Earth form only as much as 30 per cent of the Earth’s area. 9. Just as there are many specific crimes there are many specific laws. 10. The flood waters had come up as far as the house. 11. As far as I’m concerned, it sounds like a great idea. 12. As such, the discipline can be considered to be an exact science. 13. You look as if you’ve had a good time. 14. It sounds as though she’s been really ill. 15. As regards environmental issues, they are of great importance now. 16. The light that burns twice as bright burns half as long. 17. The overall of the project could be as high as 7M pounds.


3.10 Hyphen word combinations. Translate the sentences and the phrases to see how it works.

a) 1 The replacement of aged tonnage (fleet) can be facilitated by a scrap-and-build scheme. 2 These centers operate a pay-as-you-go system. 3 It is a non-for-profit ship classification society. 4 She is a twice-screw turbo-electrically propelled passenger and cargo liner. 5 Physical science then had few links with industry, apparatus was cheap and simple, it was still in the “sealing-wax-and-string” stage. 6 The firing pressure was set lower than for a state-of-the-art four-stroke engine. 7 WiFi has a smaller range, requires cable to pipe data to a central switch to the outside world, but off-the-shelf components reduce its cost. 8 The end-of-life owner cares little for his ships and even less for his crew. 9 DSME is to develop wing-to-ground effect craft (экраноплан) for offshore market. 10 The technology has reduced through-life costs.       

b) bow-to-stem, for-and-aft (beam), a phase-in/phase-out period, return-to-port requirements, a general-to-specific strategy, a goodness-of-fit test, a need-to-know bases, in-depth studies



Conversation functions

Language styles

Neutral Informal Formal
  ASKING IF SOMEONE AGREES Do you agree? You’d agree with …, wouldn’t you? Right? Yeah? OK/All right (by you)? Would you agree with …/that …? I wonder if you would agree …?
  AGREEING Yes, I do agree. I absolutely agree with you. Exactly. Yes. Yeah. You’re right. I’m with you here. Oh, I entirely agree with … . I’m of the same opinion.
    DIS-AGREEING I’m afraid I can’t agree. I disagree, I’m afraid. That’s not the way I see it.   Oh, surely not. Nonsense! You can’t be serious! You must be joking! I’m afraid I disagree with … . I can’t say that I share your view. I see things differently.  
  ASKING FOR PERMISSION Can I …, please? Excuse me; do you think I could … ? Do you mind if … ? Mind if …? OK if …? All right if … ? Do/May I have your permission …? Do you have any objections to/if … ?
    GIVING PERMISSION Yes, certainly. That’s all right. Please don’t hesitate to … . You are welcome to … . Sure. It’s OK/fine. OK/Fine (by me). That seems perfectly acceptable. I can see no objections.    
    REFUSING PERMISSION Sorry, I’m afraid you can’t. I’m sorry that’s not possible. I’m sorry that’s not allowed.   Sorry … . Sorry, out of question. No way, I’m afraid. I’m afraid we couldn’t permit that. I’m afraid we don’t have the authority to allow … .  


Speaking and writing: free time activities

Reading: More than 12 Decades of Marine Excellence;5 Important Energy Recovery Systems Used on Ships

Grammar: the Infinitive and its constructions, modal verbs

Language practice: articles titles



achieve v - достигать

address v - обращаться к;

appear v – появляться; казаться

approach n - подход, метод

case n - случай; аргумент

depend on - зависеть от

effect n - влияние, воздействие; результат, следствие

enjoy v - пользоваться; иметь

expect v - ожидать; предполагать

explain v - объяснять

extend v - расширять(ся); простирать(ся)

likely adj - вероятный, возможный

move n - движение; поступок, шаг

operate v - действовать, работать

opportunity n - возможность; перспектива

phenomenon n - явление

promote v - продвигать; способствовать

quantity n - количество

recognize v - узнавать; признавать

relate to - относиться к

solution n - решение

state v - утверждать, заявлять

sustainable adj - устойчивый; возобновляемый

survey n - осмотр; исследование

valid adj - действительный, действующий

via prep - через; посредством


Speaking and writing

4.1 Have you got spare time? How do you spend it? Talk and write the last paragraph of your exam story about your hobbies, interests, achievements.



4.2 Read the text and give the main facts about the organization


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