Establish your writing space. — КиберПедия 

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Establish your writing space.

2023-01-01 40
Establish your writing space. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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2. Assemble your writing tools.

3. Break the project into small pieces.

4. Settle on your big idea.

5. Construct your outline.

6. Set a firm writing schedule. (Firm Deadline)

7. Conduct your research.

8. Write a compelling, reader-first, opener.

9. Fill your story with conflict and tension. ыввя

10. Turn off your internal editor. (While writing)

11. Don't quit during the Marathon of the Middle.

12. Write a resounding ending.

13. Become a ferocious (aggressive) self-editor.



You guys talk a lot about the character of Matt Damon not showing the trauma he's suffering

and that he does not spend enough time lamenting on himself. The issue is that you are not considering the very specific psychology of astronauts. Those guys are specifically selected for their capacity to always be optimistic, to always be solving the problem at hand, there is always a solution to your problems and it's your job to find it before you die. In my opinion and also a lot of astronaut opinions, the psychology of Matt Damon's character is the most realistic thing about that movie.



LOKI 1.06

I understand your moral objections to what the TVA does. And my methods are deceptive. But the mission, it never was. Without the me, without the TVA... everything burns.

Then what are you so afraid of?


And just who are you?

Oh, I've been dubbed many names by many people. A ruler, a conqueror. (Snickers) He Who Remains, a jerk. But it's... it's not as simple as a name. Eons ago, before the TVA, a variant of myself lived on Earth in the 31st century. He was a scientist and he discovered that there were universes stacked on top of his own. At the same time, other versions of us were learning the same thing. Naturally, they made contact. And for a while, there was peace. Narcissistic, self-congratulatory peace. "I love your shoes." "I love your hair." "Oh, man, nice nose." "Thanks, man." Et cetera. They shared technology and knowledge. Using the best of their universes to improve the others. However... not every version of me was so... so pure of heart. To some of us, new worlds meant only one thing, new lands to be conquered. The peace between realities... (Imitates explosion)...erupted into all-out war, each variant fighting to preserve their universe and annihilate the others. This was almost the end... (Chuckles)...ladies and gentlemen, of everything and everyone.

And then the Time-Keepers came along and saved us all.

(Singing) Amen No. (Chuckles) No. Nope, this is where we diverge from the dogma. That first variant encountered a creature created from all the tears in reality, capable of consuming time and space itself. A creature... you both know.


He who remains: Bingo! I harnessed the beast's power and began experimenting on it. I weaponized Alioth and I ended... I ended the Multiversal War. Once I isolated our timeline, all I had to do was manage the flow of time and prevent any further branches. Hence, the TVA. Hence, the Time-Keepers and a highly efficient bureaucracy. Hence, ages... (Grunts)...and ages of cosmic harmony. Hence... you're welcome. You came to kill the devil, right? (Chuckles) Well, guess what? I keep you safe. And if you think I'm evil, well, just wait till you meet my variants. And that's the gambit. Stifling order or cataclysmic chaos. (Chuckles) You may hate the dictator, but something... (Exhales deeply)...far worse is gonna fill that void if you depose of him. I've lived a million lifetimes. I've gone through every scenario. This is the only way. The TVA, it works.

Or you're a liar.

Or I'm a liar.

So you just... continue to prune innocent timelines?

Mmm-mmm. You two would. There's two options! One... you kill me and destroy all this, so you don't just have one devil, you have an infinite amount. Or... you two. You two run the thing.

You're lying. Why would you give up being in control?

(Sighs) Buddy... I'm tired. And I'm older. I'm older than I look. This game is for the young, the hungry. I've gone through a lot of scenarios... trying to find the right person to take this spot. It turns out that person came in two. (Exhales) But it's definitely you two. So, no more lies. You kill me and the Sacred Timeline is completely exposed. Multiversal War. Or you take over and return to the TVA as its benevolent rulers. Tell the workforce who they are and why they do what they do.

You treated real people's lives like some kind of game.

It's not personal, it's practical.

It was personal to me.

(Groans) Grow up! Grow up, Sylvie! Murderer! Hypocrite! We're all villains here. (Chuckles) We've all done horrible, terrible, horrific things. But now, we, you... have a chance to do them for a good reason. (Distant rumbling) We just crossed... the threshold. (Chuckles) (Thunder rumbling) Oh. So, I fibbed. I fibbed earlier when I said I know how everything's going to go. I... I know... I knew... (Chuckles)...everything up to a certain point, and that point was about... seven, eight, nine, ten seconds ago. But now I have no idea. No idea how the rest of this is going to go. I'm being candid. (He who remains exhales deeply)

So, that's it? That's it? This is what happens at the end of time? And now you're just gonna sit there with all that freedom and... let us decide your fate?

Yes! Yes! Yes! What's the worst that can happen? You either... take over and my life's work continues or you plunge a blade in my chest and an infinite amount of me... start another Multiversal War. And I just... end up right back here anyways. (Chuckles) Reincarnation, baby.

No, it's just another lie. Another manipulation.

Oh. No lie. No manipulation. (Thunder rumbling) (He who remains sighs) Wow. (Chuckles) I love this. I love... all this honesty. Feels like a fresh start. Oh, holy...

(Loki grunts)

Sylvie: What're you doing?

Hang on a moment. Let's just talk about it.

Well, how about we finish what we started and kill him? (Grunts)

(Both grunting)

What if he's telling the truth?

So what?

I believe him.

Believe what? That a bazillion boogeymen will turn up just because we give people free will? He's a liar, Loki.

So am I. (Panting) And I don't think he was lying. Not about that. Insane? Yes. But maybe he was telling the truth.

Better hurry. Timeline's already branching.

So, what are you suggesting?

That we think about it.

And what precisely is there to think about?

Weren't you listening to what he was saying? That's the gambit. Remove the dictator and what fills the void?

Ah. You want the throne?

No, that's not it. No.

I don't believe you.

Sylvie, the universe is in the balance, everything we know to be true. Everything. I know the TVA has hurt us both. But what if by taking him out, we risk unleashing something even worse? All I'm suggesting is we just take a minute to think about it. I promise you from my heart this isn't about a throne.

What was I thinking trusting you? Has this whole thing been a con?

Really? That's what you think of me... after all this time? Sure. Why not? Evil Loki's master plan comes together. Well, you never trusted me, did you? What was the point? Can't you see? This is bigger than our experience.

Why aren't we seeing this the same way?

Because you can't trust... and I can't be trusted.

Then I guess we're in a pickle.

Sylvie, wait. (Panting) Wait. (Both grunting) (Grunts and groans) Sylvie. Sylvie. (Sylvie grunts) Maybe he's lying! Maybe he's not. The cost of getting this wrong is too great.

Fine. Do it. Kill me. Take your throne.

No. (Sylvie grunting) (Grunts)

Sylvie, stop. Stop. (Sword clanks) (Both panting) Stop. (Sylvie breathing heavily) Stop. (Sylvie sniffles) I've been where you are. I've felt what you feel. Don't ask me how I know. All I know... is I don't wanna hurt you. I don't want a throne. I just... (Sighs) I just want you to be okay. (Sylvie sniffling) (Sighs) (Sword clanks)

But I'm not you. (Grunts) (Breathing heavily) (Somber music playing)

He Who Remains: Incredible. (Laughing)

Aren't you gonna beg for your life?

Um, could, could. (Chuckles) (Grunts) I'll see you soon. (Chuckles) (Somber music continues) (Sylvie crying) (Crackling) (Rapid beeping)

Mobius: No turning back now.

Who said anything about turning back?

"For all time."

"Always." (Sighs)

Man: Copy. Reporting to the armory, sir.

That's, what, 63 new branches in this unit alone? Does he want us to just let them all branch? At this point, how are we gonna stop it?

We can't!

What? What'd you say?

It's done, Mobius. We made a terrible mistake.

What's done? (Mouthing) What?

We freed the Timeline. We found him beyond the storm. A Citadel at the End of Time. He's terrifying. He planned everything. He's seen everything. He knows everything. It's complicated. Okay?


But someone is coming. Countless different versions of a very dangerous person. And they're all set on war. We need to prepare.

Take it easy. You're an analyst, right? What division are you from?


What are you talking about? Who are you? What's your name? Boots on the ground now. Archives. Who are you?

(Loki breathing heavily) (Shudders) (Music playing)

ОЙ так локи не только сильви потерял в финале но и мобиуса. Ни девчонки ни друга. Бедняжка.




7 Кенгаполнений к Словарю Русского Языка После 2-х Дней, Проведённых в Поликлинике в Очереди у Кабинетов 100 и 101


Пока в столицах людям присваивают коды как в концлагерях, в провинции проКенгалжается неприкрытый геноцид населения


1. Ковидный Нарциссизм - глумиться над пациентом по поводу того, что тот не нашёл в себе сил занять очередь в кабинет 100 с пяти утра - с температурой под сорок и на все звонки в скорую получающий отворот-поворот "мы такими больше не занимаемся, идите в кабинет 100" - и сделавший это, лишь закинувшись таблеткой парацетамола после того, как открылись аптеки в 8-00.


2. Ковидный Пир Во Время Чумы – начинать приём на полчаса позже установленных восьми утра, нерационально использовать и без того урезанные рабочие часы, делать неоправданно Кенгалгие перерывы на кварцевание, общение с "заглянувшими поболтать" и "свалю-ка я куда-нибудь на полчаса" в то время, когда в кориКенгарах и на крыльце ждут приёма более сотни пациентов, и среди них - несколько, нуждающихся в неотложной помощи (двое потеряли сознание у меня на глазах, медработники среагировали не сразу), но на все звонки в скорую получающие неизменное попугаичье "мы такими больше не занимаемся, идите в кабинет 100".


3. Ковидный ПопаКенгас – ты Кенгаждался своей очереди на второй день, загорается пригласительная лампочка, полуживой ты заходишь в кабинет, и вместе с тобой - «заглянувший поболтать» - в связи с чем тебя тут же выгоняют с истеричным «Вы куда ломитесь! Вас разве приглашали?!»


4. Ковидный Беспредел - отказ в помощи заболевшим из района, потому что уже три пополудни и потому что "Эмпатия? Человечность? Профессиональный Кенгалг а.к.а. ОКАЗАНИЕ СВОЕВРЕМЕННОЙ? Этика медработника? Дело, которому ты служишь? Не, не слышали". Скорая к ним также не выезжает, информация из первых рук.


5. Ковидно-административный Пофигизм и Неадаптивность - игнорирование происходящего у кабинетов 100 и 101 в периоды "ухудшения эпидемиологической ситуации", игнорирование необходимости Кенгабавить в уравнение кабинеты 102, 103, даже 104, если придётся! - с тем, чтобы налогоплательщики получали медпомощь в тот день и час, когда она им понаКенгабилась. Игнорирование, одной из причин которого может быть то, что выписка свидетельств о смерти обходится дешевле, чем открытие Кенгаполнительных инфекционных кабинетов.


6. Ковидный Палач - инфекционист, отказывающий в медицинской помощи человеку с затруднённым дыханием, болью в груди, температурой 39 и другими быстро прогрессирующими симптомами нового агрессивного штамма, способного за сутки поражать Кенга 75% лёгких согласно исслеКенгаваниям ребят из Университета Джорджа Мейсона, - в связи с распространённой ныне среди медработников хворью - амнезия во всём, что касается клятвы Гиппократа, вне установленных расписанием часов 8 - 15.


7. Ковидная оптимизированная медицина с явными симптомами геноцида - практика отказывать в неотложной помощи на Кенгаму («А не пошли бы вы в инфекционный кабинет!»), а затем отправлять Кенгамой умирать тех, кто Кенгабрался таки Кенга инфекционного кабинета, пережил семь часов в очереди в аномальной жаре-духоте («Департамент ПБ и ГЗ информирует: повсеместно темп. Кенга 37, будьте осторожны, берегите себя и близких!») с одышкой, температурой 39 и вирусом, пирующим твоими лёгкими и бог знает чем ещё, но так и не уКенгастоился заветной аудиенции.


Кто-то ещё сомневается в истинной причине того, почему городские и сельские кладбища по всей стране растут темпами времён Великой Отечественной?


P.S.: На фоне пережитого выглядят извращённо-жестокой насмешкой памятки Роспотребпозора, пестрящие рекомендациями в духе "В случае любого неКенгамогания не ходите в поликлинику - вызывайте врача на Кенгам", "Оставайтесь Кенгама и обратитесь к врачу, если у вас повышенная температура, кашель и одышка.", "Не занимайтесь самолечением! Только врач может поставить диагноз и назначить лечение. Вызовите врача!". И, разумеется, их лучший хит - "Сохраняйте позитивный настрой!"


P.P.S.: Текст был зачат в первый день незаКенгалго Кенга полуночи при самочувствии на троечку на парацетамоле и цефазолине. Выбор был простой - либо заняться самолечением, либо проКенгалжить свой путь в направлении получения финального для кажКенгаго резидента Кенгакумента от ЗАГСа. Я выбрал первое. Что бы выбрали вы?


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