Scene 1. Photos of landscapes in the Vyatka region — КиберПедия 

Опора деревянной одностоечной и способы укрепление угловых опор: Опоры ВЛ - конструкции, предназначен­ные для поддерживания проводов на необходимой высоте над землей, водой...

Папиллярные узоры пальцев рук - маркер спортивных способностей: дерматоглифические признаки формируются на 3-5 месяце беременности, не изменяются в течение жизни...

Scene 1. Photos of landscapes in the Vyatka region

2022-12-30 42
Scene 1. Photos of landscapes in the Vyatka region 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Vyatka region has always been famous for its forest wealth. In addition, it is sometimes known for its storiesassociated with miracles. Do not believe? Solook up to here!

Scene 2. The village. The rill

There is a small village on the steep bank of the Vyatka river at the edge of the forest. People here live nice and happy. They say that it’s because of the wonderful rill which is located in the deep forest. Locals come here for miraculous water. So this story began...

Scene 3. The rill in the forest. Kikimorks appear dancing.

Near the village there is a place at the river where very mysterious things happen. Locals often hear unusual frogs` croak, similar to children's laughter.

Yes, sometimes they even meet little girls with frog legs in the village. These are kikimorks. They like playing jokes over town dwellers.Either they close the door from the outside or they swap people's cows or the water gushes so strongly in the rill that older women run away screaming and throw buckets. Kikimorks enjoy themselves.

After all, they are not angry, they just like to play around.

Scene 4. The plant in the forest. The director of the plant is walking importantly. He looks around pleased.

Soon, one rich fat man with large mustaches built a huge chemical factory near the village.He decided to save his money and ordered the waste of the plant to be disposed in the forest. At least nobody will see it.


And this is where the fun began!

Scene 5. The rill in the forest. The river. Colourful spots float along the river. Kikimorks are meeting and groaning, looking at their paws.

In the afternoon, the kikimorks slept and, of course, did not know what was happening around...One morning, the kikimorks woke up and noticed in horrorthat colorful spots were floating on the water. The paws of the first kikimorka turned red instead of green, and the paws of the other became purple.

Scene 6. The village. Local residents. Kikimorks are going to them, discussing the problem.

The Kikimorks decided to find out by all means what happened and who caused this complete chaos here. They went to the village and found that the locals were crying, they could no longer take water from the forest rill, since it was completely unsuitable for drinking.

Scene 7. The rill in the forest. A pile of garbage at the rill. Kikimorks are covering their noses with paws, shaking their heads.

And then the little sisters went straight to the forest to find out where these terrible spots were crawling from. So they went straight to the rill and... were horrified. They gasped, closed eyes with their hands, turned their noses away from the smell of a huge pile of garbage formed in the middle of the forest. What a laugh! They remembered the fat director with his plant!

Scene 8. The village. Kikimorks go to the locals. Everyone at the table is conferring.

Kikimork sisters could not solve the problem alone, and they turned to the locals for help, sat down at the negotiation table, and soon an action plan was ready.

Scene 9. The village. There are locals at the table. The director of the plant is walking towards them. H e is taking a bagel, biting off. Just now he`s spitting. Soon he is running to the river. After washing his face has covered with spots. He is going to run to the village for help.

The next day, the residents invited a fat director of the plant with large mustaches to their place to drink tea with bagels... A man with big mustaches had spat for a long time before he ran to the river bank and washed his face with water after which he was immediately covered with red spots... In addition, his mustaches fell away…

Scene 10. The village. Local residents are talking with the director of the plant.

The director sobbed all over the village, asked for help. So the locals explained to him that he could only help himself, he just needed to stop littering in the forest.

Scene 11. Photos of garbage removal from the forest. The clean rill.

Just the next day all the garbage was taken out of the forest, the rill was cleaned, and the water in it became suitable for drinking again.

Scene 12. The village. Local residents and the director are drinking tea at the table.

Well, in the evening the local residents and fat director gathered at a large table and everyone drank the most delicious tea with bagels.

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