The sentence above is an example of the so called Complex Object. Remember that pronouns after the finite verb and the infinitive are in object case. — КиберПедия 

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The sentence above is an example of the so called Complex Object. Remember that pronouns after the finite verb and the infinitive are in object case.

2022-12-20 43
The sentence above is an example of the so called Complex Object. Remember that pronouns after the finite verb and the infinitive are in object case. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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If you use a passive structure (Complex Subject), then infinitive is marked:

They were noticed to cross the road…

However, if the verb is non-objective (seem, appear etc.), then in Complex Subject an active verb is followed by a marked infinitive:

The results seemed to repeat those of the other team.

After verbs of inducement (make, have, let; get, force, want) the infinitive expresses an action intended by the subject.

The teacher let the students copy the task and leave the room.

I wanted him to finish the work instead of me.

Remember to use bare infinitive after the verbs make, have, let and marked infinitive after want, get, force.

Participle I (present participle)

Present participle is another non-finite verb, usually functioning in the sentence either as attribute or adverbial modifier. It has active and passive forms (selling, being sold).

Examples of present participles used as attributes:

The shouting child attracted everyone’s attention. (The child, who was shouting, attracted…)

The printing press was introduced in England in 1477. (The press, which was printing,...)

Passive present participles are seldom if ever used before nouns. Also, unlike the cases with active present participles, when we transform them into full subordinate clauses, we need to use finite verb in passive voice, what takes passive present participles closer to past participles in their meaning (see below).

The question, being asked, required an immediate answer. à The question, when it was asked, required…

Examples of present participles used as adverbial modifiers:

· I suddenly stopped, realizing what time it was already.

· Philip, not knowing how to get into the room, turned to me for help.

Present participles may also be used after the verbs of perception + noun/pronoun (to see, to notice, to hear, to smell, to watch etc.) to denote a continuous action perceived by the subject.

I saw him climbing the roof.

The sentence above is an example of the so called Complex Object. Remember that pronouns after the finite verb and the participle are in object case.

Ø To practice present participles in different contexts, add more examples (5-7) for participles used as attributes and adverbial modifiers.

Past participle (Participle II)

Participle II is a non-finite verb with the single grammar form (sometimes also known to language learners as “the third form of the verb”). Its properties are close to those of adjective (but not of adverb) and it may be used either as an attribute, or predicative:

The locked door wouldn’t yield to my pulling.

The door was locked and there was no chance to open it.

Past participle coveys the meaning of the passive and the perfect.

Past participle may form a combination with present participle having: having done, having entered etc. This structure plays an adverbial role in the sentence and has a meaning of completeness of an action:

Having finished his preparations, the scientist called the assistants.


Gerund is a non-finite verb with some properties of a noun. However, unlike a true noun, it never takes an article and is never used in plural form.

Gerund may be active (doing) or passive (being done). Both active and passive gerunds may be either simple (see above) or perfect: having done (active), having been done (passive). Remember that passive gerunds are only possible when they derive from objective (able to be passivized) verbs.

In sentences, gerunds are used as subjects, objects, complements and parts of adverbial modifiers.

Gerunds as subjects Gerunds as objects Gerunds as complements Gerunds as parts of adverbial modifiers
Going that far seemed terrifying. I suggested abandoning the idea. I kept working in spite of the noise. The children were drawing without even turning their heads to the voice from the corridor.
Having gone to the skating rink in such frost was a stupid thing. We both remembered being introduced toeach other a year ago. He immediately stopped lecturing and dismissed his class. I managed to finish the task by installing a special programme.
  My cat is always afraid of dogs.   It is advisable to wash the hands before eating.

Ø To practice using gerunds, continue the table by yourself, adding more examples (5-7) into each column.


Unit 1

Lesson 3

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