The procedure of the diagnostics — КиберПедия 

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The procedure of the diagnostics

2022-12-20 26
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The procedure of the diagnostics includes 5 stages:

1 stage. Make the diagnostics of background indexes of the examinee’s cerebral hemispheres activation according to the 3.1.2. paragraph 1, chapter III.

Put down the left hemisphere activation index in column 2, table 19 and the right one – in column 3.

2 stage. Make the diagnostics of measurement by eye according to the items of §2, chapter V. Put down the mistakes which you made during the investigation in column 6, table 19. If your examinee’s measurement by eye was diagnosed before there is no need to take this procedure again you can simply use its previous result.

3 stage. Make the 2nd variant of глазомер diagnostics in terms of modeling extreme situation. It corresponds to the 1st variant described in §2, chapter V, but it has the Following differences:

Table 19 — The report of the diagnostics of reliability in extreme situation


background indexes

extreme situation

  Ahleft AHright PSt FAH Mist. AHleft AHright PSt FAH Mist. PStreg.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Final results: PS =      CFAH =      RES =    CSPSt =     Cstab. =          

Firstly, in this case in comparison with the 1st variant the examinee woks at a tense (maximum rapid) pace (tempo).

Secondly, while carrying out some task by one rapid movement, the examinee shouldn’t correct the position of his romper-suit after the movement stops.

Thirdly, the experimenter constantly hurries the examinee, increases the speed of the investigation, shows his dissatisfaction of the examinee’s carrying out of the tasks, irritates him by giving useless advice such as: “Move your hand in a proper way”, “Better estimate the distance”, “Think more quickly”, etc.

All this complicates carrying out of the tasks, makes obstacles and puts the examinee into extreme situation.

 Put down the mistakes of the 2nd variant in column 11, table 19.

4 stage. Immediately after the tasks make the measure of the hemispheres’ activation (in extreme situation) and put down the results in columns 7 and 8, table 19.

5 stage. Suggest the examinee maximum reducing of his psycho-emotional tenseness with the help of self-regulation, i.e. calming down during 1,5 min. Then measure the psycho-emotional state (in regimen 2) and put down the results in column 12, table 19.


Working up of the results Calculate the background index of psycho-emotional state (PSt) by summing up the indexes of left (column 2) and right (column 3) hemispheres activation. Put down the result in column 4, table 19. Calculate and put down in column 9 the index of extreme psycho-emotional state (summing up the indexes of column 7 and 8) by analogy. Then, according to formula 3 (see 3.1.3. chapter III), calculate the corresponding indexes of FAH in % and put them down in columns 5 and 10. Calculate the index of psycho-emotional steadiness (PS) according to the items of previous paragraph and put down the result in the lower line (final results) of table 19. Use the indexes of column 4 as background PSt index and column 9 – as extreme index. calculate the index of changes of FAH (CFAH), having compared the indexes of column 5 and 10. If these indexes have identical signs, then calculate the absolute difference between them. If the indexes have contrary signs, calculate their sum.

Left hemisphere displacement is marked by arrow ← and right hemisphere displacement – by arrow →.

Put down the result in the lower line of the report. According to the figures of column 6 calculate the arithmetic mean mistake of the measurement by eye in a background situation, and according to the figures of column 11 – the average mistake of the measurement by eye in extreme situation regarding the “springing mistakes”.

After that calculate the integral index of reliability in extreme situation according to the formula:


          mist.backgr. – mist.extr.

RES = ---------------------------- x 100%              (21),

          mist.backgr. + mist.extr.  

where: RES – reliability in extreme situation (integral index),

mist.extr. – arithmetic mean mistake in extreme situation,

mist.backgr. – arithmetic mean mistake in background situation.


Put down the result in the lower line of the report. Calculate the coefficient of effectiveness of self-regulation of psycho-emotional states using the Following formula:


            PSte. – PStreg.

CSPSt = -------------------- x 100%                       (22),

            PSte. + PStreg.


where: CSPSt – coefficient of effectiveness of self-regulation of psycho-emotional


 PSte. – extreme psycho-emotional state

      PStreg. – psycho-emotional state caused by self-regulation


Put down the result in the lower line of the report.


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