Pam Johnson: It's Never Too Late — КиберПедия 

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Pam Johnson: It's Never Too Late

2022-11-14 125
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Pam Mc Allister Johnson made history as the first black woman publisher of a leading white daily newspaper.

Johnson was taught to have a ‘very, very strong self-concept’ (самооценка). She believed that she could be anything and do anything she wanted to. She worked as a reporter and radio and television interviewer / announcer (ведущий новостных программ). She taught at the College. Knowing that journalism was the area she wanted to be involved in, she left her teaching position and began working as a general executive ([ig΄zekjutiv] генеральный директор) at the Bridgewater New Jorsey, Courier-News courier ([΄kuәriә] курьер). Johnson soon moved up the ladder to the position of assistant to the publisher of the Ithaca ([΄iθәkә] Итака, город штата Нью-Йорк) Journal and then became its publisher. Pam considers herself a real go–getter (предприимчивый делец).

People who know her say that Pam Johnson is a highly motivated, intelligent person with a gift for understanding and working with people. She is a well-organized, high energy person. Even at home, her philosophy is much the same. She and her husband try to encourage ([in΄kʌriʤ] – поощрять) their two children ‘to learn everything you can and think positively’.


2. Read the text again and answer the following questions:


a) What kind of person was Pam Mc Allister?

b) What was her motto ([΄mͻtәu] – девиз)?

c) Why was she a success to achieve her career objectives?


Task II


Read and translate the email.


Hi Jane


I just wanted to let you know that I have a new job - I'm now a designer for Futures Design. It feels good to be in work again, as I was getting fed up of being unemployed. The company produces furniture for hotels and bars around the world. I spend most of my time working on ideas for a chain of bars in London. At the

moment, I'm in charge of developing some interesting but comfortable chairs! I also deal with the clients, who can be very demanding!

I like the team but we work long hours - I get to work at 8.00 a.m. and don't finish until 7.00 p.m. The pay is quite good, but it's only a temporary job - a nine-month contract to cover maternity leave.

Anyway, I hope everything is OK with you. Send me your news soon.


All the best




2. Change the sentences from the email to express the same ideas in different ways using the Language references:

Example: I have a new job… ------ I am in work … (I am employed…) …

a) I'm now a designer…

b) It feels good to be in work again…

c) … I was getting fed up of being unemployed.

d) I'm in charge of developing some interesting but comfortable chairs!

e) I also deal with the clients…

f) I get to work at 8.00 a.m. and don't finish until 7.00 p.m.

g) The pay is quite good…


Read the email once again to answer the questions.

a) What is Jane now?

b) Why is Jane happy to be in work?

c) What does the company produce?

d) What are Jane’s duties?

e) What does Jane like and dislike about her job?


Tell the groupmates what Jane is writing in her email.


Task III


Read and translate the dialogue.

max: -------- Hi Paula. How's the job hunting going?

paula: ----- Oh, OK. I applied for a job in sales and I had an interview last week. There were about ten other interviewees sitting outside the interview room when I got there, so there's a lot of competition.

max: -------- I'm sure you'll do well. I was impressed with your CV when I read it. Do you need a character reference? I can write one for you if you like.

paula: ----- Oh, thanks, Max. I'll let you know if they ask for one. The next stage of the selection process is psychometric tests.

max: -------- Oh, I've never done those before, but I had a handwriting analysis once. They said I was a dreamer and couldn't take risks - a bit strange as I now have my own company!

paula: ----- Yes, that is odd. Anyway, I must go now. I want to look at the on-line job ads.

max: -------- OK, see you soon and good luck.


2. Change the sentences from the dialogue to express the same ideas in different ways using the Language references:

Example: I had an interview last week. ------ I went to the interview last week.

a) There were about ten other interviewees…

b) I was impressed with your CV…

c) I now have my own company!

d) I want to look at the on-line job ads.


Make up your own dialogue and act it out.


Task IV


Read and translate the text.


Sidney Chapma n

When Sidney Chapman left college, he wasn't sure what he wanted to do so he went to a careers centre and applied for several different jobs. He was interviewed by three companies and eventually got a job. He worked for Engineering Ltd for six months but then he was fired. Next, he worked in advertising. He was quite successful at it and he was promoted to General Manager. However, ten years later he resigned the job because he wanted to travel.


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