Each team should invent at least 2 situations per picture using conditionals. — КиберПедия 

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Each team should invent at least 2 situations per picture using conditionals.

2022-11-14 108
Each team should invent at least 2 situations per picture using conditionals. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Ex. 13. Transform the sentences omitting if.

1. If I had time, I would study French.

2. If you find them, let me know.

3. If they had called at the office yesterday, they would have found me there.

4. I would speak to him, if he were here.

5. If he were in town, he would come to the party.

6. If I had enough money, I would travel.

7. If I were you, I would go there immediately.

8. I would refuse, if I were in his place.

9. If you had seen him, you wouldn’t have recognized him.

10. If they had been more careful, the accident might not have happened.


Ex.14 Rewrite the letter using wishes and if-clauses.

Dear Mandy,

I'm writing to you feeling absolutely frustrated. As you know, I have to give a reception every year to entertain my husband's business associates so I have to go to a lot of trouble. Well, disaster struck again! In my attempt to appear an original hostess, I ordered some Chinese and Thai food to be served with chopsticks. Needless to say, my guests disapproved. I also booked a Latin band to come and play live, but our middle-aged guests found it hard to dance so energetically. My husband has no sympathy for me and is mad at my choice of entertainment. I must confess I want to get out of organizing such social gatherings. It's a pity you weren't here; you missed out on a unique opportunity to see my husband dancing the salsa!



Ex.15. Use Ann's thoughts to write wishes and conditionals.

1. There are no people here.

          Nobody can save me.

2. I'm hungry but I can't find any food.

3. I didn't look for water. I might

         have found some to drink.

4. I'll try to make the machine work.

       I might get back home.

5. I hope I will get back. I will never

          touch this machine again.

6. I didn't know the professors time- machine worked, so I pressed that button.

7. I must find somewhere to hide,  or the dinosaurs will eat me

Ex. 16. Students take turns inventing wishes and conditionals using the

 following pictures.

Ex.17. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form.


A miner’s life is a hard one. I wish it ______ (not/ be) so dirty and unhealthy. I also wish we ________ (work) shorter hours and ______ (have) better working conditions. If only I ______(not/leave) school so early. I wish I _______ (do) something else, but the only thing I know is mining. I’d prefer _______ (have) a job in the open air. There is nothing I’d rather ______ (do) than work on a farm, for example –all that fresh air and open space! I wish the owners ______ (make) my job a little safer. If only someone _____ (invent) a machine to go underground, then I wouldn’t have to do it. And I wish people _______ (stop) complaining about how much money we earn because we deserve every penny we get. I wish I ______ (be) a young boy again and ______ (have) the chance to choose something else. My father was a miner, but I wish I ______ (not/decide) to follow in his footsteps. My son had better ______ (study) hard if he doesn’t want to follow in mine!

Ex. 18. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.


Dear Betty,

I’m so desperate. I wish I (not/move) to this place. It’s not a bad place but it’s so quiet. If only there (be) more people here my age, then I wouldn’t feel so lonely. Even better, I wish my friends (move) here from town. I thought I would enjoy the quiet life of the village but now I wish there (be) some roads nearby so I could hear the traffic. I wish I (afford) to move back to town but I don’t have the money. Maybe it’s the weather. I wish it (stop) raining so at least I could go for long walks in the fields. Sometimes, when I’m really sad, I wish the village (disappear) or my house (collapse) so that I’d have to move. Maybe it’ll get better. If only I (be) more patient! I wish I (write) a more cheerful letter. It’s made me even sadder. I look forward to hearing from you with some suggestions.

Best wishes,


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