Exercise 9. Combine the sentences using the Complex Object — КиберПедия 

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Exercise 9. Combine the sentences using the Complex Object

2022-11-14 41
Exercise 9. Combine the sentences using the Complex Object 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Exercise 9. Combine the sentences using the Complex Object

Pattern:    He entered the room. I saw it.

I saw him enter the room.

1. He saw her crossed the street

2. I will let you use my car

3. I haven’t heard him called him

4. We didn’t notice them passed by

5. He saw him pulled the door open

6. I know him brightest student

7. I felt somebody touched me on the sholder

8. I heard him called me

9. I noticed her quiet left the room

10. I know her nice girl

11. I think our group is friendly

Exercise 10. Complete these sentences.

1. I want you to...

2. I know him to...

3. I made her...

4. Let him...

5. We saw them..

6. Nick felt somebody...

7. They heard her..

8. My parents would like me to...

9. We didn't expect them to...

10. My sister asked me to...

Exercise 11. Change the following sentences using ‘to be likely’; ‘to be unlikely’. Translate them into Russian.

Pattern:    He may (not) come soon.

He is likely (unlikely) to come soon.

We are likely at the party tonight.

He is unlikely to follow my recommendation.

You are likely to miss the beginning of the performance if you don’t hurry.

The company is likely to be doing a new play in autumn.

He is unlikely to be invited to the official opening of the Olympic Games.

He is likely to be doing history at University next year.

You are unlikely to remember his name.

Exercise 12. Say the person (or thing) proved to be (turned out to be) the following:

Pattern:    The new secretary (to be helpful).

The new secretary proved to be helpful.

1. The interview with the new people proved to be successful.

2. The briefing proved to be useful.

3. The charges at the hotel proved to be reasonable.

4. The conversation at the beginning to be rather unpleasant.

5. The student’s knowledge of history becomes to be above the average

6. After all she knows to be right.

7. He proved to be a good doctor.

Exercise 13. Read and translate the following sentences and analyze the use of (he Complex Object and the Complex Subject.

We expect everybody to do his duty.

Everybody is expected to do his duty.

Nobody expected him to resign.

We consider him to be an outstanding politician.

I consider him to be the best composer living.

How kind of you to let me come.

Nothing seems to have changed.

They noticed Sue leave the house.

He is expected to manage his business well.

I was made to do it.

I want the host to introduce me to Mr. Brown.

The weather is likely to change today.

I want you to take care of the tickets.

This monument is considered to have been erected as early as the 15th century.

This church appears to be made of wood.

He is sure to have been influenced by Tom.

Exercise 14. Transform these sentences using For-Phrase Infinitive according to the model: She can’t come → It is impossible for her to come.

The meeting needn’t start before eight. (There’s no need for the...)

The postman ought to come. (It’s time for...)

He’s not usually late. (It’s unusual for...)

I want the children to go to a good school. (I’m anxious for...)

John shouldn’t go to Australia. (It’s a bad idea...)

Sue shouldn’t change her job just now. (It would be a mistake...)

Can Paul come to the meeting? (Is it possible...)

The car really should have regular services. (It’s important...)

He normally stays up late on Saturdays. (It’s normal...)

I’d be happy if you took a holiday. (I’d be happy for…)

Exercise 15. Translate into English.

Жить – значит бороться.

Такой длинный текст трудно выучить.

Будет очень трудно доказать это кому-либо.

Мне нужно позвонить.

Ему есть, чем гордиться.

Нам нужно обсудить много вопросов.

У вас много дел?

Первое, что нужно сделать, это обсудить план.

Мы ожидали, что он выполнит свой долг.

Все считают его выдающимся политическим деятелем.

Я считаю, что это лучший композитор из ныне здравствующих.

Кто разрешил изменить заглавие статьи?

Его считают хорошим адвокатом.




Exercise 8. Change the subordinate clauses by the gerundial constructions.

I remember that I have seen him before.

I am thankful that I have been stopped in time.

I don’t remember that I have ever come across his name before.

Do you object if I smoke here?

There is no hope that you will receive a letter from him soon.

You can improve your knowledge of English if you read more.

Will you excuse me if I ask you again?



Exercise 3. Join a sentence from column A with one from column B to make one sentence.

Pattern:    John hurt his arm. He was playing tennis.

Exercise 8. Change the structure of the sentences according to the pattern.

Pattern:    The story which was told by the teacher was long.

Exercise 9. Combine the sentences using the Complex Object

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