Topic 1.English Is a Language of Communication — КиберПедия 

Адаптации растений и животных к жизни в горах: Большое значение для жизни организмов в горах имеют степень расчленения, крутизна и экспозиционные различия склонов...

Двойное оплодотворение у цветковых растений: Оплодотворение - это процесс слияния мужской и женской половых клеток с образованием зиготы...

Topic 1.English Is a Language of Communication

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Topic 1.English Is a Language of Communication


Foreign languages are very important in our life. Knowing them makes it possible to get acquainted with different ways of thinking, to understand other people. Learning a foreign language stimulates mental abilities and gives you a chance to appreciate different cultures and to broaden your horizons. Besides knowing foreign languages has a practical value. It makes it easier to choose a profession and provides job promotion.

People all over the world speak almost 3000 languages. The most wide-spread language in the world is Chinese. Then comes English - 350 million people speak it as their first language, about the same number use it as a second language. English is losing its political and cultural associations and becoming the property of all cultures. It has become the world's most important language in politics, science, trade and cultural relations, aviation, international sport and music. It is the official or semi-official language in over 70 countries(the UK, the USA, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, the Irish Republic). It is also spoken as a second language by many people in India, Pakistan, numerous countries in Africa. It is the main foreign language taught within most school systems worldwide, many newspapers are published in English and it is the language of much radio and television broadcasting. In the recent years it has become a lingua franca. It is used a great deal by businessmen from different countries which don't have a common language in order to do business. It is already a lingua franca at international conferences. Besides every person who travels in Europe, Asia, or Africa, even in the South America gets around by using English.

Thus, the knowledge of a foreign language today is a life necessity.


foreign                                            иностранный

foreigner                                          иностранец

 language                                          язык

way                                                 путь, способ

 way of thinking                                менталитет

to get acquainted with smth             знакомиться

 to stimulate                                        стимулировать

mental abilities                               умственныеспособности

to appreciate                                      ценить

 tobroaden                                          расширять

value                                                   ценность

toprovidejobpromotion обеспечивать продвижение по службе

trade                                                   торговля

science наука

numerous                                           многочисленный

a great deal                                         много

 to get around                                      ездить, путешествовать

 a life necessity                                 жизненнаянеобходимость




1. Make up sentences using the following phrases, as in the model.

Model: to be glad


a) 1л. ед.ч.                   I am glad                     Ярад

b) 2л. ед.ч.                   He is glad                    Онрад

c) 2, 3л. мн.ч.             They are glad               Онирады


To be happy, to be sorry, to be ill, to be well, to be late, to be busy, to be here/there, to be ready for, to be at home, to be afraid of, to be fond of, to be hungry, to be tired.



2. Complete the sentences. Put am, is, are, or have, has into the gaps.


1. My sister _____ very clever. 2. Helen _____ a painter. She _____ some fine pictures. They _____ on the walls. 3. I _____ a student. I _____ a family. My family _____ not in Donetsk, it _____ in Odessa. 4. He _____ breakfast at 7 o’clock. 5. On Sundays we _____ at home. We _____ dinner together. 6. I _____ a nice dog and my friend _____ a smart Siberian cat. 7. It _____ a fine morning today. And you _____ very well dressed.   

Topic 2.AboutMyself

Hello, friends! My name is Ann or Anya for my friends. My surname is Marchenko. I was born on the 2nd of October in 1990 inDonetsk. Now I am a first-year student at the technical school. In three years I’ll be a hairdresser. I love to listen to modern music and dance. I dance a lot and I hope I am good at it. I also love swimming. I often go to the swimming pool with my friends. I am very interested in learning English because I always wanted to become a businesswoman. I also think that the knowledge of foreign languages helps in everyday life and career.

I would like to tell you about my family. It’s neither too big, nor too small; just a typical Ukrainian family. There are four people in our family. My father’s name is Vladimir Stepanovich. He is an engineer by education and a businessman by profession. My mother’s name is Tatyana Petrovna. She is a housewife. She has much work about the house because I have a younger brother. My brother Oleg is ten. He is a pupil. When he was a baby I looked after him. Now I help him with his homework. My grandparents are already retired, but they are very active. They like gardening and spend all their time growing tomatoes, potatoes, strawberries, looking after fruit-trees and raspberry bushes, feeding their ten hens. My Granny likes knitting, she can also embroider very skillfully. My grandparents’ lifestyle proves that elderly people can be independent and useful for society.

Everybody in our family is very friendly and helpful, we have many friends. In summer many relatives come to visit us. I feel very safe and comfortable with my family.



surname                                       фамилия

to be born                                     родиться

career                                            карьера

a first-year student                       студент 1 курса

housewife                                     домохозяйка

a lot of                                         много

society                                          общество

to be retired                                  бытьнапенсии

knitting                                         вязание

to embroider                                 вышивать

skillfully                                       умело, мастерски

to look after                                  заботиться

to prove                                        подтверждать


1. Circle the articles in the following sentences.

1. I see a book and an apple.                              4. The child is playing in the yard.

2. The boys read the books.                                5. This is a house.

3. A girl reads the book.                                     6. Ann’s mother is a teacher.


2. Read the text about the Forrester family. Put a, the or nothing into the gaps. Explain your choice.

Mr. and Mrs. Forrester have (a) _____ son and (b) _____ daughter (c) _____ son lives at (d) _____ home and (e) _____ daughter is (f) _____ student at (g) _____ university. Mr. Forrester is (h) _____ journalist. He works for (i) _____ Times. He writes (j) _____ articles about (k) _____ restaurants. “I love (l) _____ food!” he says.


3. Mr. Forrester talks about his holidays. Put a, the or nothing into the gaps. Explain your choice.

“Every spring (a) _____ children go skiing, so my wife and I go to Paris on (b) _____ holiday. We stay in (c) _____ hotel near (d) _____ River Seine. We have (e) _____ breakfast in (f) _____ hotel, but we have (g) _____ lunch in a restaurant. (h) _____ French food is delicious! We walk a lot, but sometimes we go by (i) _____ taxi. After four days we don’t want to go (j) _____ home and go back to (k) _____ work”.


Topic 3. My Working Day

The Man with 13 Jobs


Seumas McSporran is a very busy man. He comes from Scotland. He is years old and he has thirteen jobs. He is a postman, a policeman, a taxi driver, a school-bus driver, a boatman, a petrol attendant, a barman, and an undertaker. Also, he is and his wife Margaret have a shop and a small hotel.

Seumas lives and works on the island of Gigha in the west of Scotland. Only 120 people live on Gigha, but in summer 150 tourists come by boat every day. Every weekday Seumas gets up at 6 o’clock and makes breakfast for the hotel guests. At 8 o’clock he drives the island’s children to school. At 9 o’clock he collects the post from the boat. He delivers it to all the houses on the island at 10 o’clock. He also delivers the beer to the island’s only pub. Then he helps Margaret in the shop at 5 o’clock in the evening.

He says: “Margaret likes being busy, too. We never have holidays and we don’t like watching television. In the evening Margaret makes supper and I do accounts. At 10 o’clock we have a glass of wine and then we go to bed. Perhaps, our life isn’t very exciting, but we like it.”


petrol                        бензин, топливо

undertaker                                       собственник салона ритуальных услуг

island                                               остров

to deliver                                          доставлять

accounts счета

exciting                                            увлекательный



Topic 4. My Day Off

Relaxing Sundays


Actress Jenny Agutter talks about her Sundays on both sides of the Atlantic.

“Whether I’m at home in Los Angeles or staying in England Sunday is a day to relax, and so there are no alarms set. In California breakfast is fruit and yoghurt followed by pancakes and lots of coffee. Most of the morning is spent reading the newspaper, eating pancakes and pottering around the house doing things like gardening or tiding up. However, I don’t iron on Sunday. My pet hates are ironing and washing up.

In the afternoon I go out on my bike – maybe to the beach, where there are lots of people around, and it’s very lively. Otherwise I drive into the hills near Hollywood and walk in the forests. This is really wonderful, because there are some beautiful waterfalls and it’s usually very quiet there.

Later in the afternoon I have friends round and we either have a barbecue or go out to a Chinese restaurant. In the evening I stay in and watch a late night movie or a video. I particularly love old Cary Grant films.

When I’m staying in England I stay with my parents, who live in Brixton, or rent a place if I’m filming. Sunday is still a late morning. I may have a croissant and a cup of coffee for breakfast but I don’t eat much because I look forward to traditional English Sunday lunch. I don’t mind cooking, so I spend the morning doing that. I love roast lamb so I usually have that, followed by sherry trifle.

Lunch is a time for seeing family and friends, so it usually takes a long time – eating, drinking wine and relaxing. If I don’t cook it’s nice to go and have Sunday lunch at a country pub. I really miss pubs, and Guinness, when I’m in Los Angeles. I have always loved walking since I used to stroll along the canal in Regent’s Park in the afternoon. I always leave the newspapers until the evening when I’m over here, and I buy them all – from the gossipy ones to the serious ones. I probably have just a light meal in the evening and again spend the evening watching television rather than going out.

 I’m so busy during the week that Sunday has become my most precious day. It is one of the few days that I get eight hours sleep, which sets me up for the next week.”

(From “ Woman’s Realm ”)


1. Read the words in the plural.

Brushes, birds, houses, months, knives, women, roses, toys, loaves, halves, blouses, heroes, armies, faces, curtains, airports, comedies, cherries, advantages, leaves.



Topic 5. My House (Flat)

Read the text and fill in the gaps in it with a suitable word the first and the last letters of which are given.


I live in a new nine-storeyed block of f_____ s in Shevchenko Street. In front of the h_____e there is a children’s p_______d and a small garden. We like to spend our time there. Our f_____t is on the fourth floor. It is very comfortable. We have all modern conveniences, such as central h_____g, electricity, gas, clod and hot running w_____r and a telephone.

There are three r _____s in our flat: a living room and two bedrooms. Our living room is the largest in the flat. It is nicely furnished. Against the wall you can see a nice cupboard. There is a colour T___t in the corner. In the opposite corner there is a s_____a and two armchairs. The piano is on the r_____t. There are two pictures above the piano. And there is a bookcase near it. We are fond of books and have plenty of them at h_____e. On the floor we have a nice thick carpet. The curtains on the w_____w match the wallpaper. All these makes the r_____m cosy.

Our bedrooms are also very n_____e and cosy. The parent’s bedroom is larger than the children’s. There are two beds, a bedside table, some c_____s and a wardrobe in it. There is a lovely carpet on the floor between the beds. The children’s bedroom is just across the c_____r on the right. Here you can see two sofa-beds where my sister and I sleep at n_____t and have a rest in the day-time. There is also a writing-table, two chairs and some bookshelves here. We use our bedroom as a study where we do our homework. In the corner of the r_____m there is a small t______l with a computer on it. We all enjoy listening to music and playing games.

Our kitchen is rather large. There is a gas-stove, a refrigerator and a c_____b in which we keep cups, plates and all our dishes. The kitchen serves us as a dining-room/ But when we receive guests or have our family celebrations we have the meals in the l_____g-room.

We are h_____y to have such a nice flat and try to keep it clean.


1. Write questions with “how much…“ or “how many…“.

e.g. I took some photographs.                   How many photographs did you take?


1. I bought some stamps.

2. I lost some money.

3. I drank some water.

4. I made some mistakes.

5. I wrote some letters.

6. I bought some food.

7. I invited some people.


2. Insert much, many or a lot in the blank spaces.

1. The book is a best-seller. _____ thousands of copies have been sold. It appeals to _____ people. I personally don’t think _____ of it. 2. There is _____ truth in what you say. _____ of your arguments are very sound, but _____ could also be said for the other side. 3. You have risked much. Not _____ people would have done that. 4. When you were in London, did you see _____ plays? Did you meet _____ interesting people? 5. She spends _____ money on clothes. 6. What _____ time you take to dress! 7. I haven’t got _____ interest in cooking.


3. Connect these sentences with “although“. Make one sentence.

1. He didn’t eat. He was hungry.

2. Mary played piano well. She was sick.

3. I want to go to Spain. I don’t speak Spanish.

4. I bought a blouse and two dresses. I didn’t have much money.

5. They won’t take a taxi. They are in a hurry.

4. Match a line in A with a line in B and a line in C.


1. Does your tooth hurt? 2. Do you watch TV much? 3. Do you get many lessons? 4. Do you get a lot of 5.  homework? 6. Would you like some cream? 7. Were there many people at the party?     A few   A little a. The most of them were boys. b. It takes me about two hours. c. I’ll go to the dentist tomorrow. d. But they are very interesting. e. But I prefer reading. f. I’m trying to lose weight.  

Topic 6. Shops and Shopping

              Shops and Shopping in London

Most of London’s big department stores and rich shops are in the West End.

One of the most popular shopping centres in the West End as well as in London is Oxford Street. Its nice shops and department stores attract people from all over the country and foreigners too. It is always crowded with shoppers especially at sales times, in January and July.

Shops and department stores are open every day till 6 o’clock except on Sundays. If you can’t go shopping during the day you can make a purchase on Thursday after office hours, at the shops close at 8 o’clock in Oxford Street on that day.

One of the largest department stores in Oxford Street is Selfridge’s. It has about 235 different departments:

Men’s and Women’s Wear, Ready-Made Children’s Clothes, Bedding, Confectionary, Stationery, Hardware, Electrical Goods and many others.

Selfridge’s is a very expensive department store that is why most Londoners prefer to go to cheaper shops: Marks & Spencer’s for clothes and supermarkets for food.

Marks & Spencer’s is a self-service chain store. It sells quality goods at reasonable prices, therefore it is very popular.

Supermarkets, many of which are chain stores too, sell not only food but household goods too.

Hypermarkets have become especially popular recently. They are very big supermarkets (usually) outside London with parking lots for customers, who come shopping in their cars and buy food for a whole week.



1. State the number of the sentences in Present Simple Tense.

1. He went there yesterday. 2. We live in Ukraine. 3. She likes to go to the theatre. 4. Do you study at school? 5. Did my mother work last year? 6. My father works at a factory. 7. Pete’s sister does not work. 8. She studies at the institute. 9. He will go to the cinema tomorrow.


1. Write the Past Simple form for the following verbs.

a) to be                                                              b) to end

to do                                                                    to finish

to give                                                                 to laugh

to have                                                                 to like

to hear                                                                 to listen

 to leave                                                                to move

to make                                                                to love

to pay                                                                  to play

 to read                                                                  to smile

 to see                                                                 to trust

to sit                                                                 to wait

 to take                                                               to want

to tell                                                               to watch   

to write                                                              to add


2. How do you pronounce “ -ed“ in the verbs above? Next to the Past Simple form write [ t ], [ d ], [ ı d ].

Topic 8. At the Theatre

Theatre is one of the oldest and most popular forms of entertainment, in which actors perform alive for an audience on a stage or in another space chosen for the performance. The actors, the audience, and the space are three essentials of theatre. The fourth is the performance, or the actors’ creative work in production. The performance is very often a play – tragedy, comedy, or musical–but it need not be. Theatre performances include vaudeville, puppet shows, mime, and other forms of entertainment.

Theatre historians trace the origins of theatre to myth and ritual found in dances and mimed performances by masked dancers during rituals and other ceremonies that marked important passages in life. Early societies acted out patterns of life, death, and rebirth associated with the welfare of village tribes. At some unrecorded time, these ceremonies and rituals turned into dramatic festivals and spread west from Greece and east from India.

In addition to the actor and the audience in a space, other elements of theatre are a written or improvised text, costumes, scenery, lights, sound, and properties (props). Most theatrical performances require the collaborative efforts of many creative people working toward a common goal: the production.

Theatre can serve many purposes. It can be designed to entertain, instruct, motivate, persuade, and even shock. But whatever the intentions of the director, performers, and crew, the result depends on the interaction with an audience. The audience affects the performance by providing the performers with immediate feedback, such as laughter, tears, applause, or silence. Each night there is a continuous interaction between the auditorium and the stage.

Some audiences want only to be entertained. Others want the theatre to provide new insight and understanding of political, social, or personal issues. Throughout history theatre has reflected the society in which it takes place. In many repressive and authoritarian regimes theatre provides entertainment to distract audiences from the brutal conditions under which they live or to serve as lessons in the virtues of the ruling powers.

Theatre is a diverse and complex art. It requires collaboration among many artists, craftspeople, and managers in order to create a performance for audiences. Since the time of the ancient Greeks, theatrical events have included such production elements as costumes, scenery, properties, music, and choreography. Lighting and sound are more recent additions. Each element in today's theatre has its own designer, composer, or choreographer, who collaborates with the director to focus the audience's attention on the actor in the special environment or seeing place.


1. Put the verbs in brackets in the future form.

a) I … (to write) my lesson in my new book.

b) They … (to tell) us about their work.

c) John … (to see) his friend at the cinema.

d) Lizzie … (to cook) breakfast for us.

e) Mr. Priestley … (to be) in the dining-room at 8 o’clock.


Topic 10. At the Museum

- Good morning. One ticket for the Modern Art Exhibition, please. Thank you. Oh, hello Kate! How are you? What are you doing here?

- The same thing as you: I’m going to see this art exhibition. I’ve heard it’s very interesting.

- Let’s go there together then. I’m glad I’ve met you. I don’t like visiting such places alone.

- Nor do I, Peter.

- Which art movements do you like?

- I love impressionistic paintings and realistic, classical art as well. And you?

- I’m interested in abstract art like, for example, Pablo Picasso’s cubist paintings. Who is your favourite painter?

- I think van Gogh, or maybe Gauguin. But I also admire Rembrandt…I couldn’t say who I like most.

- That’s true. It’s very difficult to classify them if each of them was genius. Oh, look there’s my favourite Picasso painting!

- Which one?

- The one on the left.

- I see. What’s the title?

- “A Child with a Dove. Look at the colours and form. Picasso uses varying shades of blue and green.

- Oh I love it! In fact it is full of emotion. I wonder who this painting belongs to.

- It probably comes from a private collection. These days most famous pictures are in the hands of private collectors.

- Well, I love this exhibition. There are plenty of modern art works: impressionistic and abstract painting. You can find something for yourself and I can admire styles of art that I like. Let’s go to the next room.



1. Make the following sentences interrogative and negative.

1. John will be coming soon. 2. We shall be flying to Kherson at this time tomorrow. 3. You will be meeting him every day. 4. We shall be packing our things when you come. 5. He’ll be going to college soon. 6. Jack will be looking for you all afternoon. 7. Mother will be cooking all day tomorrow. 8. We’ll be walking among the New York sky scrapers this time tomorrow. 9. He’ll be waiting for you. 10. They will be sending you invitations to dinner al summer.


Choose the right variant.

1. I shall go / shall be going to the party when my brother arrives.

2. Will you pass / will you be passing me the books from him tomorrow?

3. I’m sure Tom will give up / is giving up the job.

4. Jack isn’t free on Monday. He will write / will be writing at home.

5. Jim is going to study from 7 till 10 this evening. So at 8.30 this evening he

will learn / will be learning new words.

6. While I shall read / shall be reading this poem she will play / will be playing the


7. When you call him he will sleep / will be sleeping.

8. I hope the next mail will bring / will be bringing news from home.

9. Her homework is not finished. She will work / will be working at it.

10. At what time will you be / will you being at home?

Topic 11. Sport in Our Life

A lot of people all over the world are fond of sports and games. These are the things in which people of every nationality and class are united. Physical exercises of any kind are useful and can make our bodies strong and our health better.

The most popular outdoor winter sports are ice-hockey, skiing, skating and tobogganing. Some people greatly enjoy figure-skating and ski-jumping. Isn’t it nice to go to a skating rink to skate or to the forest and mountains to ski on a frosty winter day?

Summer gives excellent opportunities for swimming, boating, sailing and many other sports. Among outdoor games football probably takes the first place in public interest – this game is played in most countries in the world. The other games that have firmly established themselves in favour in different countries are tennis, volleyball, basketball, badminton and table tennis, rugby and cycling and many others.

All the year round people indulge in athletics, gymnastics, track and field events, running, jumping and jogging. Quite a few men are keen on boxing and wrestling, while scores of young girls and women enjoy calisthenics. Over the last years aerobics and shaping have become popular with young women. The most famous promoter of this kind of sport was a well-known American actress Jane Fonda. She encouraged women of all ages all over the world to go in for this kind of sports because it helps them to keep fit and healthy.

Among the indoor games the most popular are billiards, bowling, draughts, table tennis, fencing, badminton and the great international game is chess, of course!  



h ealth                                       здоровье

tobogganing                                санныйспорт

opportunity                                   возможность

establish                                         установить

in favour                                        польза

cycling                                           велоспорт

indulge                                           привлекать

track and field events                    легкаяатлетика

calisthenics                                    художественная гимнастика


keepfit                                          поддерживать форму

fencing                                          фехтование

chess                                              шахматы

wrestling                                        борьба

jogging                                          бегтрусцой


1. State the type of the questions and answer them correctly.

a) It was a bad day, wasn’t it?

b) Are you married or single?

c) How many boys are there in your group?

d) Did Julia phone you earlier?

e) Do you like hot or cold tea?

f) Can I give you a lift?

g) When did you go to bed last night?

h) Will you go to Paris next summer?

i) Could she speak when she was two?

j) Will you tell them about our plans?

Add tags to the following.

1. It’s a lovely morning, __________.

2. It’s nicer than yesterday, __________.

3. It isn’t very warm, ___________.

4. We could go for a walk, __________.

5. It was a fantastic concert, __________.


Topic 1.English Is a Language of Communication


Foreign languages are very important in our life. Knowing them makes it possible to get acquainted with different ways of thinking, to understand other people. Learning a foreign language stimulates mental abilities and gives you a chance to appreciate different cultures and to broaden your horizons. Besides knowing foreign languages has a practical value. It makes it easier to choose a profession and provides job promotion.

People all over the world speak almost 3000 languages. The most wide-spread language in the world is Chinese. Then comes English - 350 million people speak it as their first language, about the same number use it as a second language. English is losing its political and cultural associations and becoming the property of all cultures. It has become the world's most important language in politics, science, trade and cultural relations, aviation, international sport and music. It is the official or semi-official language in over 70 countries(the UK, the USA, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, the Irish Republic). It is also spoken as a second language by many people in India, Pakistan, numerous countries in Africa. It is the main foreign language taught within most school systems worldwide, many newspapers are published in English and it is the language of much radio and television broadcasting. In the recent years it has become a lingua franca. It is used a great deal by businessmen from different countries which don't have a common language in order to do business. It is already a lingua franca at international conferences. Besides every person who travels in Europe, Asia, or Africa, even in the South America gets around by using English.

Thus, the knowledge of a foreign language today is a life necessity.


foreign                                            иностранный

foreigner                                          иностранец

 language                                          язык

way                                                 путь, способ

 way of thinking                                менталитет

to get acquainted with smth             знакомиться

 to stimulate                                        стимулировать

mental abilities                               умственныеспособности

to appreciate                                      ценить

 tobroaden                                          расширять

value                                                   ценность

toprovidejobpromotion обеспечивать продвижение по службе

trade                                                   торговля

science наука

numerous                                           многочисленный

a great deal                                         много

 to get around                                      ездить, путешествовать

 a life necessity                                 жизненнаянеобходимость




1. Make up sentences using the following phrases, as in the model.

Model: to be glad


a) 1л. ед.ч.                   I am glad                     Ярад

b) 2л. ед.ч.                   He is glad                    Онрад

c) 2, 3л. мн.ч.             They are glad               Онирады


To be happy, to be sorry, to be ill, to be well, to be late, to be busy, to be here/there, to be ready for, to be at home, to be afraid of, to be fond of, to be hungry, to be tired.



2. Complete the sentences. Put am, is, are, or have, has into the gaps.


1. My sister _____ very clever. 2. Helen _____ a painter. She _____ some fine pictures. They _____ on the walls. 3. I _____ a student. I _____ a family. My family _____ not in Donetsk, it _____ in Odessa. 4. He _____ breakfast at 7 o’clock. 5. On Sundays we _____ at home. We _____ dinner together. 6. I _____ a nice dog and my friend _____ a smart Siberian cat. 7. It _____ a fine morning today. And you _____ very well dressed.   

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