I. Find gerunds in the following sentences and state their forms. — КиберПедия 

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I. Find gerunds in the following sentences and state their forms.

2022-10-27 58
I. Find gerunds in the following sentences and state their forms. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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1. Travelling abroad is exciting. 2. We both enjoy dancing very much. 3. She is afraid of being touched. 4. He finally admitted having made mistake. 5. I don’t mind reading the subway. 6. After having been rejected by many magazines, the story was published in a newspaper. 7. Would you mind opening the window? 8. He reproached me for being so unpractical. 9. She spoke with people directly without meaning to offend anybody. 10. He is going to stop studying English.

II. Open the brackets using the gerund in the proper form.

1. We’ll enjoy (to use) your cottage at the beach while you are away. 2. The water requires (to filter). 3. I don’t remember ever (to see) you. 4. He prefers (to watch) television. 5. She showed no sign of (to impress). 6. She reproached me for not (to keep) my promise. 7. He loves (to criticize) others. 8. The boys were afraid of (to punish) for (to break) the window. 9. He tried to avoid (to see). 10. The matter is not worth (to speak of).

III. Supply the correct preposition and the gerund form of the verb in the following sentences.

1. We are thinking (to move) to Miami. 2. She got tired (to wait) for her. 3. We are fond (to dance). 4. He insisted (to go) with us. 5. There is no chance (to see) him today. 6. We are excited (to go) to Europe. 7. He takes great pleasure (to help) others. 8. He has no intention (to leave) the class. 9. We are all interested (to learn) English. 10. We were finally successful (to locate) him. 11. They are thinking (to buy) a new car. 12. I had no difficulty (to find) where they lived. 13. She has a talent (to manage) children. 14. We are looking forward (to see) you again.

IV. Define the function of the gerund in the following sentences. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. Has it stopped raining? 2. Going into details is not necessary. 3. The idea of travelling abroad was very exciting. 4. Did you succeed in learning French? 5. They have already finished eating. 6. She left the room without looking at the guests. 7. On seeing him we decided to hid. 8. She had the intention of going home. 9. Do me a favour by accepting the gift. 10. Instead of crying the child started laughing. 11. Before publishing my book, I gave it to the friend to read. 12. We kept silence for fear of waking her. 13. Is it any good crying over the broken toy? 14. The proverb is worth learning by heart. 15. We were tired of climbing the mountain. 16. He displayed no interest in speaking with her. 17. His favorite pastime was listening music. 18. The teacher began delivering the lecture. 19. I don’t regret having met her. 20. Do you intend swimming in the river?

V. Paraphrase the following sentences so as to use gerundial constructions instead of subordinate clauses.

1. When I left the country I corresponded with him. 2. She suddenly remembered that she had already met him. 3. I don’t like when you go off without a smile on your face. 4. Do you mind if I open the window? 5. I object that the children will attend this club. 6. She was pleased that John was left alone with her. 7. He said that his house was rather far from the centre.8. I insist that all of you should come in time. 9. Mary was aware that something strange was happening with her friend. 10. That he was a foreigner was bad enough. 11. The maid spoke about my room and that it was ready for me.

VI. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English using the gerund and gerundial constructions.

1. Прогулки в лесу очень полезны. 2. Когда вы закончите ссориться? 3. Ты не возражаешь, если я ей все расскажу? 4. Его пение стоит послушать. 5. Ребенку бесполезно объяснять подобные вещи. 6. Новый метод обучения был очень продуктивным. 7. Я против, чтобы ты вмешивался в это дело. 8. Он вошел в кабинет, не дожидаясь разрешения. 9. Просматривая газету, он наткнулся на интересный заголовок. 10. Мы бы до сих пор не пришли к соглашению, если бы он не был таким уступчивым. 11. Услышав крик о помощи, все бросились на улицу. 12. Было мало надежды на то, что он поправиться. 13. Я не настаиваю на твоем возвращении. 14. Ему нравится коллекционировать марки. 15. Вы не можете отправить эти вещи без соответствующей упаковки.

VII. Make up your own sentences using the following phrases with the gerund: cannot help smiling, to miss an opportunity of attending, to give up the idea of visiting, not to like the idea of coming, to look forward to participating, to be guilty of having said, to be proud of being accepted, to be worth playing.

Add some phrases of the same kind and make up your own sentences or situations.

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