Speed. The potential for increasing speeds in the tunnel. — КиберПедия 

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Speed. The potential for increasing speeds in the tunnel.

2022-11-27 21
Speed. The potential for increasing speeds in the tunnel. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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What is the tunnel being created for? Just for the sake of moving speed! Let's repeat - car lanes speed - 110 km/h. Railway – 180 km/h.

First, let's digress a little. The speed of 110 today is not such a big speed. On the autobahns, the speed is already around 140 km/h. Already today. This is due to the fact that automakers have been saying for a long time that give us roads and we will easily increase the speed. Roads are built. Good roads. And cars, the speed increased slightly. It is not easy to increase the speed of movement. The speed of a modern car should already be up to 250 km/h today. (Or, approximately, 70 m/s, so it's clearer. Or the speed at which it is time for the aircraft to remove the landing gear. This does not mean "Concorde", (fr. Concorde - consent.)

And in the automotive industry, "everything" is currently, in most cases, decided by managers, managers - administrators, and there are no automotive engineers and serious managers who are committed to technical progress – making fundamental decisions (!) in the automotive industry. Everywhere, in all countries. For the "extreme" 50 years, automakers were mainly faced with non-technical problems and the automotive industry strenuously demonstrated technical "stomping on the spot" and the number of vehicles produced.

That is, the speed of 110 is acceptable for a tunnel today, but the tunnel being created should have the potential to increase speeds. Necessarily. And in the case of those elements of the tunnel that are in the project, there will be no potential for speed increase. Since the loads on the tunnel elements will increase sharply, not linearly.


The flood. Fire. Elimination of the consequences of the flood, fire.

There are some events in the surrounding life that I would like to avoid. But they are still there. A lot of places, in the created modern technical projects, a person finds himself in a situation where he is doomed to death. It's not about the tunnel. And this is already a kind of norm of the surrounding life. Especially in the space of architecture and construction. "It can't be", "it can never be",... but it happens! Is the future tunnel ready for flood, fire, elimination of flood and fire consequences? Definitely not. Hypothetically imagine that you are in a tunnel, and there is a hole in the tunnel (well, "lucky"!) and you must leave it urgently. And then (not now!) you start thinking and acting hard. In order to leave the tunnel, you need to get - run - swim from about 9,000 meters or more. Will you finish? The engine will not be flooded by incoming water? Do you have enough strength to run – swim – in a time-consuming situation?

So maybe we'll think about it now. There's still time, and we're not in the tunnel. 

Let's think - there are 15 meters of tunnel trench and 20... 30 meters of strait water above you. That's all. Are there any technical solutions that need to be implemented in the project at least partially? There are such solutions. In addition, the relevant services will need to plug a hole in the "submarine" called Lolland - FehmarenTUNNEL!, which lies at the bottom of the strait, and pump out all the water. Which could not "get" into the tunnel, but... "got".

And we will smoothly move on to fire protection. A fire is definitely more terrible than a flood and, most importantly, a fire is more difficult. In order to protect ourselves from fire, we immediately emphasize that we are talking only about partial protection, (since a fire is sometimes preceded by an explosion), step-by-step protection is needed. Consisting of two "steps". But since there is no protection in the tunnel even from the flood, it makes no sense to talk about fire protection yet.

"Firefighters arrived quickly, extinguished well... everything burned down" …


Briefly. The tunnel route is 18,000 meters. (See sheet 1). There are two peninsulas on the highway - KunstlicheHelbinsel, which protrude into the strait for 1000 meters, and two islands - KunstlicheInsel - size - Z. Installation - creation of islands - KunstlicheInsel should be coordinated with the relief of the bottom of the strait - should be carried out at a lower depth of the strait - 20...30 meters. Dimensions - 4000 (See sheet 1). they are conditional – not of a principled nature.

KunstlicheHelbinsel, Bundesrepublik Deutschland.

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