IT IS INTERESTING TO KNOW2) Sagittarius — КиберПедия 

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2022-11-24 43
IT IS INTERESTING TO KNOW2) Sagittarius 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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QuestionNov. 23 to Dec. 22

Fire sign


I am eager to know the main difference among theseSagittarius people don't like sitting and doing nothing. words: pretty, beautiful, nice, handsome, graceful and fine.

They like playing sports very much. They listen well to other Can we use handsome to describe a woman?

people and they are good teachers. They like travelling. They

Answer                                                                                     aren't careful with their money.

The words pretty, beautiful and handsome may be used to3) Scorpio describe physical attractiveness. While handsome is more fre-Oct. 24 to Nov. 22 used to describe men, it is not uncommon to be used Water sign with women especialfy, when physical beauty is associatedScorpio people are often very intelligent and very ambiwith dignity and maturitv. Contemporary film stars who maytious, but they aren't very honest. They don't like working be described as handsome women are Catherine Deneuve andwith other people. They aren't very interested in their famiSopia Loren. Graceful pertains to poise and may be quitelies, But they don't often change their friends.

4) Libra Sept. 24 to Oct. 23

Air sign

Libra people are very romantic and charming. They are very interested in art and they like dancing. They are very interested in other people. They don't like big change in their lives.

5) Virgo

Aug. 24 to Sept. 23

Earth sign

Virgo people are very logical and they work very carefully. They are interested in science. They don't like big or small changes in their lives and they aren't romantic, but they're

6) Leo

July 24 to Aug. 23

Fire sign

Leo people are very honest but they think they are wonderful. They like going to expensive restaurants very much. They are ambitions and they like controlling other people, but they don't listen very carefully to other people.

7) Cancer

June 22 to July 23 Water sign

Cancer people are very good businessmen. They are very interested in their families and they don't fike being alone. They are interested in the sea. They have got a lot of imagination and they are often afraid.

                                               Pa3ge,1 3. Kypc YCTHOR petÐf                 183

8) Gemini

May 22 to June 21

Air sign

Gemini people do lots of things well and they word(quickly, but they don't like working hard. They like travelling and writing vev much. They are often very funny.

9) Taurus

Apr. 21 to May 21

Earth sign

Taurus, people work slowly. They are very interested in fool, they are careful with their money. They like working in the garden very much. They are usually happy but they are often jealous.

10) Aries

March 22 to April 20

Fire sign

Aries people like dangerous sports and modern life. They thing and talk quicklv. They are often angry. They don't like big changes in their lives.

I l) Pisces

Feb. 20 to March 21

Water sign

Pisces people are always very happy or very unhappy. They are very interested in other people and they like helping other people very much, but they are often lazy. They aren't interested in their families. They don't work very well.

12) Aquarius

Jan. 21 to Feb. 19 Air sign.

Aquarius people like modern like very much. They crowds and new ideas and they often change their ideas. are romantic, but they are very independent.


l) Capricorn ['kæpnkon] K03epor 2) Sagittarius [sæd31 r tcarrasl CTpeneu

3) Scorpio [s/ko:p10u] CKOPFIHOH

4) Libra Becbl

5) Virgo ['vo:gou] AeBa

6) Leo ['h:ou] JleB

7) Cancer [kænsa] PaK

8) Gemini ['dsemlm] bJTM3He1.1b1




                                    Pa3ge-å 3. Kypc YCTBOÜ petiH       185

The doctor comes and says, "Dear me! Whatever can the matter be?"

He feels my pulse and sees my tongue;

He tests my heart and then each lung;

He asks how old I am and then

He takes his paper and his pen.

*And makes a note of things that taste

So horried that I'm sure it's waste

To take them. But he says, "Each noon Take this, and you'll be better soon"


l) to feel the pulse — H3yqaTb rTYJ1bc

2) to test one's heard and lungs — np0BepfiTb cepaue

3) that taste so horrid -raK1de yxacHbre Ha BRYC

4) it's waste to take them — 6ec110Äe3H0 TIPHHHMaTb ux

Ilpoqumaùme aH¿quÙCKue nocnogu«bl u Haùðume ux pyccrue 3Kaugane1fflîb1.


l) Don't bite the hand that feeds you.

2) Walls have ears.

3) Spare the rod and spoil the child.

4) Don't throw out the baby with the bath water.

5) Don't judge a book by its cover.

6) Let sleeping dogs lie.

7) Actions speak louder than words.

9) Taurus ['to:ros] Teneu

10) Aries [earv.3] OBeH

I l) Pisces ['prsr.z] Pb1Õb1 12) Aquarius [o'kweanes] Bonojueñ

Omeembtne '-ta eonpocbl.•

l) Do you think your panner's sign is a good description?

Why/why not.

2) Do you thing your sign describes you well? Explain why.


flpoqumaàme u nepegeôume cmuxomgopeHue. Bblyqume



When I am ill, I go to bed. And on the pillow lay my head.

8) Don't look a gift horse in the mouth.

   186    AHrAMicKÐñ fl3b1KAng MeAHIÇfHCKHX KonneA)Keú R

9) May hay while the sun shines.

10) Curiosity killed the cat.

I l) Don't count your chickens before they hatch.

12) The early bird catches the worm.

13) Don't put all your eggs in one basket.

14) Look before you leap.

15) Don't put the cart before the horse, 16) An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

17) Practice what you preach.

18) All that glitters is not gold.

19) Two wrongs don't make a right.

20) People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.


l) to spare [spea] xaneTb 2) rod — purli

3) to spoil [spoil] 6MOBaTb, ThOPTHîb

4) hay [her] cetH0

5) curiosity [kjuorlositl] JU060Hb1TCTBO

6) to hatch -— BblCVF*KÞiBaTb (ubi1V1flT), BblB01UtTb JIHT)

Ilpoqumaùme u nepeaeðume aHeKðomb1e Pa3btepaùme ux e nugax,



Teacher: How old are you?

Little Jane: Eleven.

Teacher: But you were only five last year, so you're six this year.

ycTHoñ pellVž 187 Pa3gen 3. Kypc

little Jane: Well, five last year and six this year make eleven.


Teacher: Bobby, do you know that every boy in the United States has a chance to be president?

Bobby: Oh, no, not me. I've just sold my chance to Bill for ten cents.


Little Albeit came home from school with a new book under his arm.

"It's a prize, Mother", he said

"A prize? What for, dear?"

" For natural history. Teacher asked me how many legs an ostrich had and I said three"

"But an ostrich has two legs"

"1 know it now, Mother. But all the pupils said four, so 1 was the nearest

Johnny laughed when the teacher read a story of a man who swan a river three times before breakfast.

"Do you doubt that a good swimmer could do that?" asked the teacher.

"No, sir", answered Johnny", but 1 wonder, why he did not make it four times and get back to the side where his clothes were

Bert: How did you like the football game?

188                     AnrM1ücKHñ A3b1K         MeAHIVHCKHX KOA.neA)KeÜ H

Bertie: Oh, they didn't play. Just as they started, one man got the ball and started to run away with it, and they all began to jump at one another.

VI. Nothing to Nothing

He and she came to the stadium when the second time had already begun.

He: What's the score?

A man: Nothing to nothing.

She: Wonderful? We haven't missed anything.

Vll Tom: How is your little brother, Johnny?

Johnny: He is ill in bed. He hurt himself.

Tom: That is too bad. How did he do it?

Johnny: We played who could lean furthest out of the window, and he won.


l) he hurt himRlf— OH pa36vtncS1 2) to lean — BblCYHYTbCq

3) to win -— T106eAHTb

Mother: Johnny, how do you want to take this castor oil? Johnny: With a fork.


l) castor oil ['ka:stor'ôll] KacropKa 2) a fork — BHJTKa.

                                               Pagge.h       YCTHOVI peqH          189

"You never saw my hands as dirty as that", said Mother

to her little girl.

never saw you when you were a little $1", was answer.

X. He has eaten it

Tommy likes to talk very much and his father did not allow him to speak at mealtimes. Once at dinner Tommy wanted to speak very much. At last his father saw it and asked kindly, "Well, my boy, what is it9 " "Are caterpillars good to eat?" asked Tommy. "No", said the father, "What makes you ask that?" "You had one in your plate, but you have eaten it now", answered Tommy,


l) at mealtimes — BO BpeMfl eÃb1 2) caterpillar ryceHuna


I) "Why did vou strike this dentist?" "Because he got on my nerves to get on some'body's nerves — urpaTb Ha HepBax

l) 110naCTb Ha Hepb 2) neiiCTBOBaTb Ha HePBb1

3) pa3apaxaTb

190                     AHISÅV1ücKHñ A3b1K         MeAffllHHCKHX KonneaxeÜ H

2. My friend has wonderful memow: he always remembers what he must forget.

3. Tommy: My mother has the worst memory I've ever known.

Charlie: You mean she forgets everything? Tommy: No, she remembers everything.

4. "A voyage is not for me. I'm always seasick", a passenger on a big ship sighed.

"I've heard" another man said, "that a good cure for sea sickness is a small piece of dry bread"

"May be, but I think that a better cure is a large piece of dry land", — the first fellow replied.

l) to be seasick — CTpagaTb MOPCK01ä 60J1e3Hb}O 2) cure [kjual — neKapcTB0, cpeACTB0

5. "Pardon me for a moment, please", said the dentist to his patient, "but before beginning this work I must have my drill"

"Good heavens!" exclaimed the patient irritably, "can't you pull out a tooth without a rehearsal?" l) drill — ÕOPMa1-LIHHa TpeHHpoBKa — 3Aecb urpa

2) irritably [ 'Iritêbll] — pa3ApaxeHH0

3) rehearsal [rl'ha:sl] — peneTHLIH51, rrpeHH1)0BKa

6. Steve: Do you go to school with your mother?

Bill: No, I don't. I am in the second grade. I go to school myself. It was in the first grade that I went to school with my mother,

                                              Pa3ge.A                       peqn             191

Steve: Why? My brother is in the fifth grade and the teacher told him not to come to school without mother.

7. Little Tommy: Daddy, are you growing taller all the time?

Father: No, dear.»/hy do you ask?

Little Tommy: Because the top of your head is poking through up your hair.

1) top of the head MaKY1.11Ka rOflOBb1

2) is poking through up — BHA1•TxeeTCñ Han

8. — don't speak English well. I think it was rather difficult for you when you were in England.

— Oh, no! It was not difficult for me, but for the English people it was!

9, A doctor: Are you feeling very ill? Show me your tongue!

A patient: It's no use, doctor, No tongue can tell how ill I feel.

10. "Why are you late for you work, Mr. Green?"

I overslept, sir

"Why, do you sleep at home too?"

ll. Mike: Hi, Bob! Why the broad grin?
Bob: I've just come from mv dentist's.
Mike: Is that anything to laugh about?
Bob: Yes, he wasn't in and won't be for two days.




196                   AHMf1ücKHï1 g3b1K        MeAHE4HHCKHX KOAneA)KeÏ1

Read a word that represents one of'the gynecological terms.

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C t s     n

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                                                                                          peyH       " 197

17poqumaüme cmamb}0 113 ea3emb1 "USA TODAY" u nepeeeðume c caogapH.

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