Warnings of cancellation, etc. — КиберПедия 

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Warnings of cancellation, etc.

2022-09-29 51
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1. We regret that unless we hear from you by return we shall be obliged to cancel our order.

2. We shall be forced to hand the matter to our solicitors.

3. We must insist on more careful execution of our orders in future.

4. We must ask you to carry out our orders more carefully in future.

5. If we do not hear from you in a week, we have no alternative but to terminate the agreement.

6. We are very reluctant to take such action and we hope it will not be necessary.

7. We believe you will not make it necessary to take legal action against you.


Exercise 2. Read and translate the following letters from English into Russian.

(1) Dear Sir,

We are sorry to inform you that we are not satisfied with the quality of the last consignment shipped by S.S. Leda.

We have examined the consignment delivered under the above Contract, and in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Contract we hereby make a claim against you for inferior quality of the goods.

We find 250 bags of beans sold to us contain an excessive quantity of unripe, shelly, broken and defective beans. The bulk of the goods from this consignment do not correspond to the sample submitted and on the basis of which the contract was concluded. Therefore, we claim an allowance of 34.99 cents per kg on the ground of inferior quality.

Failing your acceptance of our claim, it will be submitted for arbitration.

Yours faithfully,


(2) Dear Sirs,


Our order no. J675

We have received the documents and taken consignment of the goods which arrived at port Sidmouth on the S.S. Elisabeth.

We are much obliged to you for the prompt execution of our order. Everything seems to be correct and in good condition except in case no.12.

Unfortunately, when we opened this case we found it contained completely different articles from those ordered. We can only presume that a mistake has been made and that this case is part of another order.

As we badly need the articles we ordered to complete deliveries to our customers, we must ask you to make a replacement as soon as possible. The list of the contents of case 12 is enclosed. We would like you to check this against our order and your copy of invoice. Meanwhile we are holding the case at your disposal.

     Yours faithfully,




 (3)Dear Sirs,

We have just received the consignment of 30 air-conditioners which we ordered from you together with your invoice for $ 26,258.00.

Before sending you a check for this amount, we, however, regret to inform you that examination of the goods has shown that they are not in accordance with the contract specification. Therefore we feel obliged to complain in the strongest terms about the careless way the goods were packed. Only thin cardboard packing was provided to protect the air-conditioners from the rough handling which is bound to occur when goods are sent by rail.

As a consequence, three of the air-conditioners were badly dented and the fourth was seriously scratched which make them useless for the purpose intended.

We think that you will agree that it is unfair to expect us to pay the full price for the goods marred as a result of inadequate packing on your part.

As we have suffered the losses we are compelled to give you formal notice of claim for damages, as, no doubt, the damage was caused through your fault.

We could return the damaged items expecting the return costs to be deducted from your invoice. As the period of guarantee is not expired, we ask you to replace the defective air-conditioners by the new ones.

Yours faithfully



 (4) Dear Sirs,

We are writing with reference to the above contract and shall be glad to know when we may expect delivery of the goods as they are most urgently needed.

When placing this order with you we particularly stipulated for the delivery within 12 weeks and the contract was concluded on the strength of your undertaking to effect delivery in due time. The delivery of the goods was to have taken place last month and we have been caused serious inconvenience through the delay.

Therefore, as the delay in delivery lasted over and above four weeks we expect you to pay us agreed and liquidated damages under clause 5 of the Contract.

We refuse to accept the goods on the ground of late delivery as we intend to obtain the goods elsewhere.

We are looking forward to your early reply.

Yours faithfully



(5)Dear Sirs,

As we have repeatedly pointed out to you, prompt deliveries on your part are essential as we are to maintain satisfactory stock levels and fulfill our production schedules.

Each of the three orders listed above has arrived later than the date stipulated, and order no. 3542 was delayed by almost a month with the result that we have had to reduce our production by 4%.

We cannot possibly allow this situation to continue, and are very sorry to have to tell you that unless you can guarantee to deliver the goods by the dates specified in future orders, we will be forced to look for another supplier.

We are looking forward to hearing from you as soon as possible.

Yours faithfully



Exercise 3. Fill in the gaps with prepositionsand translate the sentences.

1. As the goods are badly damaged and useless … the purpose intended, we hold them here …your disposal.

2. We have to ask you to replace the defective goods … new ones as soon as possible.

3. …shipment the goods were …excellent condition and there is no doubt that they were damaged … transit.

4. … our opinion the damage …the goods was due …insufficient package.

5. As you have not complied … our Maintenance Instructions we are enable to replace the equipment free … charge.

6. As a consequence, two … heaters were badly dented and the third was seriously scratched which make them useless … the purpose intended.

7. We feel obliged to complain … the strongest terms …the careless way in which the goods were packed.

8. As the delay … delivery lasted three weeks we have to refuse to accept the goods … the ground … late delivery.

9. As we have suffered the losses and damages we are compelled to give you formal notice … claim … damages, as, no doubt, the damage was caused …your fault.

10. As we assume the entire responsibility …the damage incurred we are ready to satisfy your claim …full, i.e. we agree to consider a settlement …claim for the lines proposed …you.

11. We have serious trouble …machines so we put the consignment …one side.

12. We suggest you to contact your Insurance Company …regard …compensation.



Exercise 4. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English.


1. Настоящим уведомляем, что товар прибыл в поврежденном состоянии и не может быть использован в предназначенных целях.

2. Наши эксперты произвели осмотр нанесенного ущерба и пришли к выводу, что необходимо поднимать вопрос о справедливой компенсации в связи с понесенными убытками.

3. Настоящим прилагаем список испорченных и поврежденных вещей, вся партия прибывшего товара отложена.

4. Товар имеет серьезные дефекты, что делает его непригодным для использования. Просим срочно заменить бракованный товар на новый.

5. Мы с сожалением сообщаем Вам, что испытываем значительные неудобства в связи с просрочкой оборудования.

6. Данный заказ был размещен в Вашей компании в силу Вашего обязательства осуществлять поставку необходимых изделий точно в установленные сроки.

7. Просим Вас принять все меры по ускорению отгрузки оборудования.

8. Мы вынуждены отказаться от приемки товара на основании просрочки в поставке.

9. Если задержка в поставке продлится более трех недель, мы будем вынуждены аннулировать наш заказ и приобрести необходимые нам товары в другой компании.

10. Просим срочно допоставить остаток товаров по контракту. В случае если к крайнему сроку – 15 декабря 2008 – товар не будет поставлен, мы будем вынуждены аннулировать наш заказ и предпринять шаги по передаче дела в арбитраж.

11. Просрочка поставки приносит нам существенные неудобства и грозит полным прекращением производственной деятельности.

12. Просим Вас незамедлительно рассмотреть претензию и принять необходимые меры по разрешению ситуации.



Exercise 5. Translate the following letters from Russian into English.

(1)Уважаемые господа!

Настоящим сообщаем, что до сих пор не имеем никакой информации об отгрузке товаров по контракту 08-675. Наши заказчики испытывают срочную необходимость в данных товарах. Просрочка в поставке причиняет им серьезные неудобства и приводит к значительным убыткам. При размещении данного заказа Вашей компании было отдано предпочтение в силу Вашего обязательства, осуществлять поставки в точно установленные сроки.

В связи с вышесказанным, мы вынуждены уведомить Вас, что, если товар не будет поставлен до 31 декабря, мы будем вынуждены обратиться в Арбитражный Суд в связи с нарушением Вами условий контракта.

С уважением


(2)Уважаемые господа!

Сообщаем Вам, что товары, отгруженные 22 ноября по контракту 97-876, прибыли в поврежденном состоянии. При осмотре товара и документов было выяснено, что наружная упаковка была повреждена в пути, часть товара похищена, оставшаяся часть товара значительно повреждена. В данном виде товар совершенно непригоден для использования в предназначенных целях.

В соответствии с вышеизложенным вся партия товара отложена в ожидании Ваших инструкций, как нам следует распорядиться данным товаром.

Просим незамедлительно разобраться в претензии и удовлетворить наши потребности в товаре путем замены поврежденного и похищенного товара на новый.

Надеемся, что данная проблема не осложнит наших взаимовыгодных деловых отношений.

С уважением


(3)Уважаемые господа!

Наш заказ №169, направленный Вам 1 июля, должен был быть доставлен к сегодняшнему дню, однако до сих пор нами не получен. Это кажется несколько странным, поскольку наш банк получил документы, и мы располагаем Вашим уведомлением об отправке груза.

Мы обещали нашим заказчикам поставить товар до 1 сентября и сейчас поставлены в очень неловкое положение, когда вынуждены сообщить им, что пока не имеем товара в своем распоряжении.

Убедительно просим Вас сообщить нам о причинах задержки поставки.

С уважением




Exercise 1. Read and translate the sentences paying attention to the words and phrases in italics.


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