Right / wrong — sequence. Find the mistakes and correct them. — КиберПедия 

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Right / wrong — sequence. Find the mistakes and correct them.

2022-09-12 61
Right / wrong — sequence. Find the mistakes and correct them. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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A) right                                                          B) wrong

1. I wonder what does he do all day long.

2. She asked them what colour were they going to paint the living room.

3. The customs officer asked Dan if he has got anything to declare.

4. They said that the lecture was to begin in the afternoon.

5. I’d like to know where are they.

6. Could you tell me why you look so upset?

7. I was sorry that I couldn’t meet her after classes.

8. I don’t know why they had not kept their promise to take us with them.

9. Why didn’t you say that we must translate the whole article?

 10. We were told that our parents will be coming back on Saturday.

 11. He asked me how I felt about going to school.

 12. He said he thought it is rather silly idea and he wasn’t going to take part in it.

 13. Do you know if Jane has received a letter from her American pen-pal?

 14. Didn’t you know that they had been left for London?

 15. He asked me whether I would go back there next year.

 16. They asked him who he wants.

 17. He said penguins can swim.

 18. He asked her which hotel she was going to stay at.

 19. Can you tell me is there a cafe near here?

 20. I had no idea whose book that was.

Check your progress. Sequence of Tenses. Reported Speech.

Rewrite each of these sentences in reported speech. Start with the words given, and make any additions you need.

Model: ‘Why do you like oranges?’

         She wondered why I liked oranges.


I. ‘Don’t play here.’

She told__________________________________________________________

2. ‘I’m leaving now.’

She let friends know________________________________________________

3. ‘Is this book yours?’

She inquired_______________________________________________________

4. ‘What time is it?’

She wanted to know_________________________________________________

5. ‘Be quiet and sit down.’

The teacher ordered__________________________________________________

6. ‘Do you smoke?’

She asked_________________________________________________________

7. People smoke too many cigarettes.’

My mum says______________________________________________________

8. ‘Be careful,’ her mother said.

Her mother warned _________________________________________________

9. ‘Paul, I’ve bought a new pair of trainers,’ Kerry said.

Kerry told ________________________________________________________

10. ‘I’ll help you,’ my friend said

My friend offered ___________________________________________________

11. ‘I think it’s true,’ Graham said.

Graham agreed_____________________________________________________

12. ‘Let’s go to the park,’ she said.

She suggested______________________________________________________

13. ‘Why is the world round?’ asked the little girl.

The little girl wanted to know__________________________________________

14. ‘I’m not going,’ he said.

He refused ________________________________________________________

15.’Have you been to New York?’ the boy asked.

The boy inquired____________________________________________________

16. ‘Smoking is bad for you,’ the teacher told us.

The teacher explained________________________________________________

17. ‘I don’t want to go,’ she said.

She answered ______________________________________________________

Restore the direct speech.

1. I asked him if the doctor had given him any medicine. I asked him if he was feeling better then. 2. I asked the man how long he had been in St. Petersburg. 3. I asked him if he was going to a healthy resort. 4. We asked the girl if her father was still in Moscow. 5. I asked the girl what sort of work her father did. 6. I asked if they had taken the sick man to hospital. 7. I asked my friend if he had a headache. 8. I wanted to know when he had fallen ill. 9. I wondered if he had taken his temperature.


Report these conversations from the point of view of Jane.Try to avoid saying – say or tell.

Jane               – Can I get a Saturday job?

Jane’s Mum   – I don’t think it’s a good idea.

Jane               – But all my friends have Saturday jobs!

Jane’s Mum – We don’t care what they do, it’s you we’re worried about.

Jane          – It’s not fair!

Jane’s Dad     – Don’t argue. Just stay at home and study. (to cut into conversation)


Peter           – Can I go the cinema?

Peter’s Dad – Who are you going with?

Peter       – I’m going with John.

Peter’s Dad  – All right then.


4. Translate into English. Use the rules of the Sequence of Tenses.

1. Интересно, закончились ли занятия? 2. Я не знаю, будем ли мы читать эти книги в следующем году. 3. Я не помню, вернул ли я ему его журнал. 4. Вы не знаете, собирается ли он с нами за город? 5. Мы хотим знать, вернется ли твой брат через неделю. 6. Вы не знаете, получил ли он наше письмо? Мы послали его на прошлой неделе. 7. Я не знаю, понравится ли им мой обед. 8. Интересно, сможет ли он прийти вовремя?  9. Они спросили меня, знаю ли я Петрова. 10. Я не мог сказать им, умеет ли он играть в шахматы. 11. Мне бы хотелось знать, подготовились ли они к экзаменам. 12. Я не слышал, ушел ли он на пенсию или все еще работает. 13. Я не мог сказать, сможем ли мы осмотреть город. У нас было мало времени. 14. Она не знала, получили ли они новую квартиру. 15. Они спросили меня, есть ли магазин недалеко от моего дома. 16. Я спросил, который час и куда они ушли. 17. Интересно, узнает ли он свой старый дом? 18. Ему хотелось знать, видели ли мы новый фильм. 19. Интересно, купил ли он новые коньки? 20. Она не знает, вернется ли он к 10 часам.


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