positive statement     negative tag — КиберПедия 

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positive statement     negative tag

2022-09-11 27
positive statement     negative tag 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Snow is white,          isn't it?

Negative statement   positive tag

You don’t like me,   do you?


Intonation: The intonation of the tag depends on the answer expected. If the speaker is sure of his answer and expects it from the listener, both parts are pronounced with a falling tone.

If the speaker doesn’t know the answer to his question the first part is spoken with a falling intonation and the second with a rising intonation.


1. Ask a disjunctive question:

with the verb “to be”:

1) It is autumn.

2) It was cold.

3) It will be sunny.

4) We are students.

5) They were disappointed.

6) They will be glad to see you.

7) The church was built a century ago.

8) The house is being built now.


2. Ask a disjunctive question (affirmative sentences):

A tip: Сначала определяем время, потом вспомогательный глагол:

1) He goes to school.

2) He wrote a test.

3) He will translate the sentence.

4) She has done the shopping.

5) She had done her homework by 6 p.m.

6) She has been learning French for 5 years.

7) She will have passed her exams by February.

8) You would love to help her.


3. Ask a disjunctive question (negative sentences):

1) You don’t like this book.

2) The weather is not that bad.

3) She won’t help us.

4) He never fails me.

5) He never went there.

6) She has seen nothing.

7) She hadn’t discussed it with anyone.


Note 1: Translation into Russian:

You live in Moscow, don’t you?

Ты живешь в Москве, да?

Ты живешь в Москве, правда?

Ты ведь живешь в Москве?

Note 2: Responses to tag questions:

Тебе понравилась песня? Да, понравилась.   Did you like the song? Yes, I did.
Тебе понравилась песня? Нет, не понравилась. Did you like the song? No, I didn’t.
Разве тебе не понравилась песня? Нет, понравилась.   Didn’t you like the song? Yes, I did. =But yes, I did.
Разве тебе не понравилась песня? Нет, не понравилась. Didn’t you like the song? No, I didn’t.


NB! Learn by heart!

I am a student, aren’t I?

But: I am not a student, am I?

Let’s go there, shall we?

Sometimes an offer to do something sounds just “Shall we?”

Open the window, will you?

There is a book on the table, isn’t there?

There are no books on the table, are there?

Cf: These books are interesting, aren’t they?

Everybody likes it, don’t they?

Nobody likes it, do they?

He has a car, doesn’t he?

Cf: He has got a car, hasn’t he?

He has to get up early, doesn’t he?

We had to walk, didn’t we?


Note 3: Do not confuse disjunctive questions with echo questions:

e.g. Джим победил. – Правда? Здорово!

Jim has won. – Has he? That’s great!

e.g. I bought a new car. – Did you?

Я купил новую машину. – Да?

e.g. She is from Russia. – Oh, is she?

Она из России. – Правда?

e.g. I don’t like George. – Don’t you? Why? 

Мне не нравится Джордж. – Нет? Почему?



Ask disjunctive questions:

Part 1

1) I’m your friend.

2) Let’s invite him to our place.

3) Read the text.

4) There is a child in the room.

5) There are trees in the park.

6) There was a mistake in the test.

7) There were people in the street.

8) Everybody has their own tastes.

9) Nobody lives in the house.

10) Everyone is here.

11) Nobody is absent.

12) Everybody read the book.

13) No one wrote the test.

14) He has a big family.

15) He has got a lot of friends.

16) He has to do the shopping every weekend.

17) He had to stay at home.

Part 2

1) This beach is safe for bathing.

2) John was seasick.

3) They are going out tonight.

4) The Smiths have got two cars.

5) He has to go there.

6) Jack has written a novel.

7) The box will fit in your pocket.

8) His sister can speak Japanese.

9) The twins used to play rugby.

10) You’d like a drink.

11) You’d better wait for Mary.

12) Let’s have a party.

13) Fetch one more chair.

14) I am your girlfriend.

15) Bill doesn’t like oysters.

16) They don’t believe you.

17) You haven’t been here before.

18) They couldn’t pay the rent.

19) People shouldn’t text while driving.

20) You didn’t do it on purpose.

21) This won’t take long.

22) There won’t be much time.

23) The fire wasn’t started deliberately.

24) Sam couldn’t have prevented it.



general [ˈdʒenrəl] общий (вопрос)
alternative [ɔːlˈtɜːnətɪv] альтернативный (вопрос)
special [ˈspeʃl] специальный (вопрос)
disjunctive Syn. tail, tag [dɪsˈdʒʌŋktɪv] разделительный (вопрос)
subject question [ˈsʌbdʒekt] вопрос к подлежащему




It expresses a command, a warning, a request, a wish, a suggestion or an invitation.

Sentence structure: It does not have a subject and begins with an imperative verb.


e.g. Move aside! (a command)

e.g. Don’t try to cross the line. (a warning)

e.g. Come for the party tonight. (an invitation)

e.g. Always help your friends in need. (a suggestion)


a) commands are pronounced with a falling tone:

e.g. Stop talking!


b) requests and invitations are usually pronounced with a rising intonation:

e.g. Open the door, please.


Note 1: An imperative sentence can have a negative form:

e.g. Don’t go there!

e.g. Don't be so rude!


Note 2: An imperative sentence can have an emphatic form (it is not used very often):

e.g. Do come to see me tomorrow! – Обязательно заходи завтра ко мне в гости!


Note 3. A command addressed to the third person is expressed with the help of “let”:

e.g. Let her go.

With the first person plural the verb “to let” is used to for making suggestions:

e.g. Let's get started. (=Let us)

Note 4: Imperative sentences usually end with a period (.); though sometimes they may end with an exclamation mark (!).

e.g. Maintain silence!

Additional information: https://www.teachingbanyan.com/grammar/imperative-sentence/



It expresses some kind of emotion (anger, joy, sorrow, excitement, surprise etc.).

Sentence structure: It often begins with the words “ what ” and “ how”. It is always in the declarative form, i.e. no inversion takes place.

Intonation: It is generally spoken with a falling intonation.


e.g. What a lovely day it is! (excitement)

e.g. How fast he runs! (surprise)

e.g. How interesting the match was! (excitement)

e.g. Hurray, we won the match! (joy)

e.g. I lost my purse! (sorrow)

Note: “so” and “such” are often used:

e.g. He is so smart!

e.g. It is such a beautiful flower!


Additional information: https://www.teachingbanyan.com/grammar/exclamatory-sentence/

II. According to their structure simple sentences are divided into two-member and one-member sentences.

1) A two-member sentence has two principal parts, a subject and a predicate.

e.g. Hespeaks English.


A two-member sentence may be complete or incomplete (elliptical).


a) It is complete when it has a subject and a predicate:

e.g. Iam reading.


b) It is incomplete (elliptical) when one of the principal parts or both are missing, but can be easily understood from the context. Such sentences are mostly used in colloquial speech, especially in dialogues:


e.g. Who has done it? – Tom. (Как проверить, что это неполное двусоставное предложение? Мы можем достроить предложение: Tom has done it.)

e.g. Where are you going? – Home. (Можно достроить: I am going home.)


2) A one-member sentence has only one member which is neither the subject nor the predicate. Such sentences are usually used in descriptions and in emotional speech. If the main part of a one-member sentence is expressed by a noun, the sentence is called nominal:

e.g. Winter.

e.g. The sky, the flowers, the songs of birds!

Simple sentences, both two-member and one-member, can be extended (распространенные) and unextended.

An unextended sentence consists only of the principal parts:

e.g. Sheis reading. (subject + predicate)

An extended sentence consists of the principal parts and one or more secondary parts (objects, attributes or adverbial modifiers):

e.g. She studies languages at the university. (subject + predicate + object + adverbial modifier)



extended [ɪkˈstendɪd] распространенное (предложение)
unextended ['ʌnɪk'stendɪd] нераспространенное (предложение)
two-member   двусоставное (предложение)
complete [kəmˈpliːt] полное (предложение)
incomplete [ˌɪnkəmˈpliːt] неполное (предложение)
Syn. elliptical [ɪˈlɪptɪkl] эллиптическое (предложение)
one-member   односоставное (предложение)
nominal [ˈnɒmɪnl] назывное (номинативное)


1. Read and translate the following terms into Russian:

auxiliary, inversion, utterance, declarative, interrogative, imperative, exclamatory, affirmative, to precede, questions: general, alternative, disjunctive, special; a command, a request, complete, incomplete, elliptical, extended, unextended, nominal

2. Translate the following terms into English (use correct articles):

главное предложение, придаточное предложение, инверсия, распространенное предложение, повествовательное предложение, разделительный вопрос, вспомогательный глагол, главные члены предложения, второстепенные члены предложения, подлежащее, дополнение, полное предложение, неполное предложение, эллиптическое предложение, сложноподчиненное предложение.


3. Classify the sentences according to the purpose of the utterance:

Model: It is cold. (a declarative sentence)

        Do you like it? (an interrogative sentence, a general question)

It’s autumn. What a beautiful season! Let’s go to the park. You like autumn, don’t you? What is your favourite autumn month? Is it September?


4. Classify the sentences according to their structure:

Model: He lives in Ivanovo. (a two-member complete extended sentence)

       Dawn. (a one-member nominal unextended sentence)

Autumn. The leaves are turning yellow. It is cloudy. A cold wind is blowing. I don’t really like this time of year.


5. Characterize the following sentences (extended or unextended):

My friend lives in New York. He is a driver. He drives a taxi. He meets all kinds of people. 

6. Make all types of questions to the sentences (general, alternative, disjunctive, special, subject):

1) They always travel first class.

2) Angela is an architect.

3) He had to run to catch the bus.

4) The kids were playing with a ball in the street.

5) Zack will finish school next year.

6) The USA is made up of 50 states.

7) She has been learning Chinese for six months.

8) Jake was worried about his biology exam.

9) He took his driving test last week.

10) She always wears dark glasses.

11) His parents are experienced surgeons.

12) They bought a nice house in the suburbs.

13) Alice was born in the Netherlands.



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