Questions on the topic «Ecological problems» — КиберПедия 

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Questions on the topic «Ecological problems»

2022-09-11 44
Questions on the topic «Ecological problems» 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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1. What can common people do to protect nature (to stop pollution)? / What measures should be taken to protect nature?

2. What can you personally do to help nature?

3. Why is it dangerous to pollute land?

4. What can pollution of air and water lead to?

5. What can you say about global warming?

6. What do you know about Green Peace?

7. Why are the nuclear power stations so dangerous for people? What do you know about Chernobyl?

8. Why are forests important for life on the Earth?

9. What are the main ecological problems nowadays?

10. What must people do to protect wild animals?

11. Do you think that life was better in the past (the air was cleaner, the water was purer)?

12. What may happen to our planet if our interference in the Nature remains the same?

13. What are advantages and disadvantages of the industrial progress?

14. What is the dramatic result of cutting down forests and woods?

15. What would you suggest to attract people to the problems of pollution and ecology?

16. What can you say about the present ecological situation? Is the problem of environmental protection urgent today?

17. What does nature give to man?

18. How is the problem solved today?

19. Is acid rain damaging to nature?

20. What do you know about radioactive contamination of environment?

21. Why do some species of animals and plants disappear from the Earth?

22. What cause the “greenhouse effect”?

23. Has anything been done to solve ecological problems?

24. What does the ozone layer protect the Earth from?

25. Where does the carbon dioxide come from?


What can common people do to protect nature?

  • to stop pollution (use filters, recycle waste, develop new technologies)
  • to save natural resources
  • to take care of nature (not to cut down forests, etc.)

People must do something! For example, to protect water people make special filters and air purifiers. People must collect waste properly so it does not get into water or land and also recycle. There is a good formula of RRR. It is Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.

But I think the best solution is to develop technologies which produce no waste. There are also some alternatives to cleaners and pesticides, soda, for example. Also solar energy can be used instead of fossil fuels (ископаемое топливо).

People also should not cut down forests and other plants. To protect animals they must organize National parks and Wildlife reservations.

Nuclear bombs testing must be stopped to prevent radioactive contamination of the atmosphere.

What can you personally do to help nature?

To protect nature people should change their attitude to it. Man should stop taking everything he needs. It is good that at last people start to realize that they should keep air and water clean. Efforts are made to reduce pollution from automobile engines. What can we common people do? I think the first and the simplest thing is to keep our environment clean, clear away the rubbish after yourselves, be careful with the fire. The other thing that we should cultivate a sense of duty in our children, in our youth to take care of our nature, our planet.

We can reduce the usage of electricity and drinking water. For example, when you clean your teeth and let the water run, you lose two or three liters of water. Now multiply 3 liters by the number of people in our city and you will see that it is a lot. But we can stop it if we switch off the water. We can reduce the usage of packing and buying things in plastic packs. It is important because it is very difficult to recycle plastic. If we reuse plastic bags, the factories will produce less of them and will harm Nature less.

In short: I can reduce the usage of gas, electricity and water. I can reuse many things (clothes, for example), paper, bottles.

3. Why is it dangerous to pollute land?

We eat plants, but if the land is polluted, the plants become poisonous. If we eat them, we ruin our health. The same is with water.

What can pollution of air and water lead to?

What can you say about global warming?

Over the past two decades the temperature of the Earth’s atmosphere has gradually increased. Global warming is one of the climatic effects of polluted air. It worries a lot of people. If the temperature rises, the Arctic ice will melt and cover the land.

What do you know about Green Peace?

Green Peace organizes campaigns to protect Nature. See Text №4

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